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Name: ____________________________ Date:______________


I.- Completa la tabla usando los personal pronouns dependiendo si son plurales o singulares.

Singular pronouns

Plural pronouns

II.- Completa con el personal pronoun que corresponda: 1. My name is Sue. (Sue) _________ am English. And this is my family. 2. My mums name is Angie. (Angie) _________ is from Germany. 3. Bob is my dad. (My dad) _________ is a waiter. 4. On the left you can see Simon. (Simon) _________ is my brother. 5. (Sue and Simon) _________ are twins. 6. Our dog is a girl, Judy. (Judy) _________ is two years old. 7. (Sue, Simon, Angie and Bob) _________ live in Canterbury. 8. (Canterbury) _________ is not far from London. 9. My grandparents live in London. (My grandparents) _________ often come and see us. 10. What can _________ tell me about your family?

Mother: madre. Father: padre Parents: padres Husband: esposo Wife: esposa Son: hijo Daughter: hija Brother :hermano siste: hermana grandfather/grandpa: abuelo grandmother/ Grandma: abuela grandparents: abuelos grandson: nieto granddaughter: nieta grandchildren: nietos uncle: to aunt: ta cousin: primo/prima nephew: sobrino niece: sobrina

III.- Cambia la palabra subrayada por el apropiado personal pronoun. 1. - Homer () is Lisa's father. 2. - Marge (...) is Bart's mother. 3. - Selma (.) is Lisa's aunt. 4. Herb and Homer (..) are brothers. 5. - Marge (.) is Homer's wife. 6. - Selma (.) is Lisa's aunt 7. - Abraham and Mona (.) are Bart's grandparents. 8. - Maggie, Bart and I (.) are Jacquelines grandchildren. 9. - Bart () is Marge's son 10. - Lisa and Maggie (..) are sisters.

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