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ABSTRACT Title: Advanced Timesheet Management As the outsourcing industry is growing the Billing and Resource management is becoming

critical and the companies are paying the utmost importance to overcome these problems. An attempt is made to improve their resource allocation and making them easy in accessing the timesheets in order to make smooth billing cycles. Normally the consulting companies outsource their employees to different companies and the billing is raised against them with the clients. The product which we are intended to develop will help the consulting firms to effectively track their employees and helps for making business decisions. The project is broadly classified into the following modules: Resource Allocation: Various screens are provided to allocate the resources to different companies and also help to manage the billing with out any hassles. Employees Module: Employees log into a webpage with their Employee ID and password, once they have logged in they will be taken to a webpage that has options on it, one of the options required is timesheets in the timesheets menu employees should be able to Add, Edit Open Timesheets, and print. Administration Module: Also, an administration area needs to be created for the editing of closed timesheets, and the printing of employee timesheets, this admin area should allow access to all employees timesheets.

Admin setup will be having the following features: Enabling and Disabling of the users. Managing of the users.e.g. adding a new user. Search option is provided for the admin to perform search operations on various criteria. Backup and recovery tasks.etc.

Reporting Module: Various MIS reports are provided for the management in PDF and other formats to view and help to take correct business decisions. System Specifications: Operating System Processor Memory Technologies Used: : Any : Any processor above 1 GHz speed : 512 MB

J2EE Technologies Database Connectivity Frameworks Back End Web Server

: Servers, JSP : JDBC : Struts : DaffodilDB : Apache Tomcat 5.0

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