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Team Surman

Communications Plan
Stephen Evensen Candidate for Secretary of the Minnesota College Republicans

2012 saw several Minnesota College Republican chapters deteriorate without clear communication between members of our state board and chapter leadership. To prevent a similar situation from occurring again, our state board must clearly delegate and delineate responsibility to contact chapters among itself. Chair: The Chair will contact the chapter chair of each chapter at least once a month. All communications within this document prioritize personal contact. All attempts will be made for a physical, face-to-face meeting where possible; otherwise, a phone conversation is the next best alternative. The Chair will also manage the organizations social media updates, working regularly with volunteers to develop the graphics necessary to help spread our message and name recognition online. Vice Chairs: The Vice Chairs will contact the chapter chair of each chapter at least once a month, on a schedule opposite that of the MNCR Chair, and contact chapter officers within their region on an ad hoc basis. Each Vice Chair is expected to maintain and update contact information for all officers and active members of chapters within their region, providing updates on this activity at each state board meeting. Vice Chairs are also responsible for building contact between party BPOU organizations and local chapters. Secretary: The Secretary must continue to maintain its role taking the minutes at each state board meeting. In addition, Team Surman envisions an expanded communications role for this position. The monthly MNCR newsletter will return, under the direction of the Secretary. This newsletter will include the minutes of the last state board meeting, social media statistics, and upcoming events of interest to College Republicans across the state. The Secretary will also work closely with the Chair to build press for the Minnesota College Republicans, maintaining a press list for both campus newspapers across the state and with local press outlets. The Secretary will coordinate with local chapters on an ad hoc basis to promote their events in the media. Internal documents, including the newsletter and flyers for promoted volunteer events, will be similarly directed and distributed by the Secretary.

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