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Broken Dreams

By: Caleb Kestner

Pounding pain, enduring sorrow

Hatred gained in lost tomorrows
Burning hearts and frozen souls
Despair is found but uncontrolled
Prophesy that rings to true
Budding life that ends to soon
Endless night draws slowly near
Voices scream but no one hears
Fading laughter, blatant lies
Self deceiving empty lives
What has been will always be
No escaping never free
Hope is lost and all it seems that’s left is sought in broken dreams

The purpose of this poem was to show the state of mind of someone or
anyone who’s abandoned their dreams and lost hold of hope. It can be applied
equally to men, women, religions, nations, leaders, followers, poor, rich, the well
and the sick.
It’s not meant to depress but warn, not to show the power of hopelessness
but to show the pain produced by a lack of hope.

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