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By: Caleb Kestner

Is it madness to question the truth of a lie?

To look past the answer but never the why?
Is it beauty to revel in things that don't last?
To pass by the catch in pursuit of the cast?
Is it hate to object to beliefs not your own?
To turn from a theory and favor a known?
Is it love when its only for those who love you?
And if loves based on lust can it ever be true?
Can a world that’s so broken at last be redeemed?
Is a wish in the end ever just what you dreamed?
Are there reasons for sorrow? Is there purpose for pain?
Can a heart once its lost be completely regained?
Can contentment reside in a heart that wants more?
Does peace ever balance the anguish of war?
Is it better to give then to get or to gain?
Is the shame of a sin just as bad as its stain?
Is the only reality that which we sense?
For a sheep does the universe end at a fence?
Is it madness to question what the world says is true?
Perhaps, but I will and I have and I do!

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