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The reason I wrote this is blatantly apparent in the tile of this recently complied "Ode."..

thought it would be funny to write an Ode to an Ode, if you don't know what an ode is,
don't worry your not alone in that failing... After all what better to praise then praise
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Ode to an Ode
By: Caleb Kestner

O ode thou wondrous words amaze

And lyrical lines astound
From Grecian days long lost in time
Resounds your pulsing sound
Poetic verse from days of yore
A voice that echoes still
Crash like waves on histories shore
A synthesis of will
Melodic beauty sweet and pure
The music of the spheres
Tragic pain that dares endure
The basis of our fears
The power of the mind made free
Laid out upon a page
Vision even blind men see
The workings of a sage
O ode thy legacy still stands
Though years have gone and come
The majesty of all that is
Existence's very sum

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