ICT Presentation

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Paralympic Games

What Are Paralympic Games?


Paralympic games is an international multi-sport event, where disabled people can compete against each other. full form of Paralympic is ( Parallel Olympics ).


How Did It Start?


Paralympic games started in a hospital in England, because a doctor thought that competitive sports are part of the process of getting better.


technology gives those disabled athletes the opportunity to do what theyve wished for, lets check out what ICT gave these people!

First #1

Prosthetic Limbs

limbs are devices that replace a missing body part such as ( arms, legs etc. ) what they do is that they receive signals from your brain to move the device.

Second #2


wheelchairs used in the Paralympics are much more different than those we use in the regular bases. They are designed to deal with harsh smashing, and are very slanted in order to maintain stability. It also has a simple wing at the front so athletes dont stick with each other while contact.

The End!

Ive mentioned some technologies that athletes use in the Paralympic games, Im sure there are more to come and I hope our technology wont stop till this era and keeps on going and improving!
Thanks :D!

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