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Introduction in Marketing
Structure: -Marketing concept -Topic=Marketing Function Marketing means:-a science -an activity -bendle of expectations Marketing is part of the economis science system. ECONOMICS: Historical Economical Sciences (ex:PIB) Fundamental Economical Sciences (ex:Macro-economic,Management) International Economical Sciences (ex:International Economics, International Economical Relations) Sectorial Economical Sciences (ex:Industry,Agricultural,Trade Economics for Turism) Organizational Economic Sciences (ex:Multinational-Microeconomic Level, Management-Marketing,Industrial Marketing,Political Marketing) Resources are limited and needs are unlimited. -marketing is considered a set of political activities where specific economic concepts are implemented,from theory to practice.Main economic concepts are: Consumer Trade Need Demand Utility CONSUMER -from the economic point of view,consumer is the individual or the group who expressesone or several needs which is going to be satisfied through the process of consumption. -marketing considers the costumer/consumer to be not only a buyer,but also a patient,a student,a listener,a professor,a client. TRADE -in the economic approach,trade is a relationship between a seller and a buyer when each of them has something that the other part wants. -from the marketing approach,trade is like a relationship,when each of the two parts has the freedom of saying YES or NO and also has the possibility to communicate, interact.

NEEDS -in economic,is defined as a rational necessity which is generated from the human personality (a drunk man is a client) -from the marketing approach,needs includes secret needs,that are not expressed DEMAND -in economic,means the quantity required by individuals at several prices -from marketing approach,demand includes less rational actions of people. UTILITY -from economic approach,utility is the is the characteristic of each product of all goods and services,which has 2 components: Tehnical utility Economic utility,we have to connect them -from a marketing perception,utility has 3 directions,categories,which are: Place utility Time utility Possession utility Marketing=bandle of expectations,means researchers,market studies,specific tools,scales, specific variables,indicaters,feedback,satisfaction,profit. Conclusions: -marketing means more than an activity and a science and a set of tools,it means a new way of life. -marketing means market research+adopting the supply to consumer needs. Marketing function: 1. Understanding the market needsthe premise function 2. Connecting the organization with a market in a dynamic waydomain function 3. Increasing the client satisfaction 4. To maximize the profitan objective function


The marketing environment

1. MICROECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 2. MACROECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 1. MICROECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT -businesses are developed in different sectors,can be identified in 2 categories: B to Bbusiness to business B to Cbusiness to consumer -marketing environment relates to different variables and economic agents that influence the business itself. -marketing environment is divided in 2 categories: Micro environment Macro environment -marketing microenvironment consists on a variety of organisations with each our organization interact directly or undirectly,like: PROVIDERS-consists of marketing kinds of sellers of what is called production factors,so they can provide or input factors -promaterials (sugar,chocolate),human resources,information (business consultant company),financial resources. INTERMEDIATE-intermediary organization -includes the business that connect our company to another factor. -these kind of companies develop business related to distribution,publicity and insurance. COMPETITORS-consists of companies developed the same field with the company we discussed about -have a special importance for the capacity of growing the business for at least 3 reasons: 1. The competitors innovative force (SYNERGY) 2. The market/the company addressed is just one,competitors know how to share the market MARKET SHARE=the percentage of the volume of shares of one company 3. The dynamics of a national market increases continually because of the international changes/approaches. CLIENT -the most important subject to a company,clients are studied by companies directly or through research institutions. -the most important factors that are studied by company are the following: Their age Gender

Religion Different social groups Income Profession backround Cultural issues PUBLIC ORGANISATIONS -consists of all non-guvernamental institutions,all institutions with whom the company interacts from the social responsability point of view. 2. MACROECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT -macroeconomic environment consists of all variables that contribute to the features of the context. -the components of this environment are: Economic environment: -it reveals the health of a nation like:inflation unemployment production GDP (GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT) the process of economic growth. Demographic environment: -all the features of the population:number social ethnic groups Technological environment: -has to do with the capacity of a society,to develop innovatives based on innovation. Informational environment: -consists of the flexibility of the organizational system to adapt to new situations based on informatics,on digital developments and creation on networks. The legislative environment: -consists of all normative rules that promote for the entire economy:laws principals normative issues -the most important part of legislation is that is related with competition;what a fair competition mean:How we define etics? Cultural environment: -helps the business to identify their own values and their features of the organizational culture related to 3 other cultures:national culture sectorial culture regional culture -on a long term, it is said that fundamental ,cultural values do not change, changes on a short term is realted to individual way of thinking and this has to do with other individuals. N.B.:Ecological components are becoming more and more important!


Consumer behavior
CONCEPT+FEATURES Models for the consumer behavior CONSUMER BEHAVIOR=a marketing concept,is defined as a set of attitudes and reactions generated by consumers in the process of buying/selling and using goods and services. -depends on different types of consumption, specialists in marketing identified the following categories: From the subject point of view:individual consumption group consumption From the merchandise type, consumption can be:of material goods of information From the source of financial perspective:supported from individual budget family resources from an external source From a marketing strategy point of view: consumption of convenient goods is considered that merchandise category, where the effort of searching and buying is minimal/very low: 1. First convenient merchandise is the basic needs of goods (ex: bread) 2. Merchandise based on impulse (emergency), pills (drugs) 3. Merchandise based on direct impulse (buying of something that you havent used to) specialty goods,where the effort of finding and buying is higher (products used on long term-iron machine+cooking machine) professional goods,the effort of finding and buying is very high unsought:merchandise are not bought because of several reasons (financial reasons,dont need them,no information about the product) -in building up the consumer behavior,there are 3 phases: Cognitive phase Affective phase:the moment when a potential buyer becames attracted to the merchandise Reaction phase:the moment when the consumer react, buying one or several times the product. -2 models for the consumer behavior: NICOSIA MODEL:Howard Chief-considered that there are 4 specific phases for a normal behavior: 1. Phase based on looking for information 2. Phase of evaluation 3. Phase of decision

4. Phase of feedback Howard Chief considered that are only 2 phases: 1. Perception phase 2. The learning process phase

CURS IV -Filip Cotler identifies 6 market positions for organizations according to criteria such as: Number of employers Value of market sales Market share (the value of company) Variable like: net contribution, level of profit -there are 6 positions: 1. dominant position-has to do with the organization 2. favorable position-has to do with an organization which become better and better compared to competitors 3. in development position-has to do with relatively establish organization which invest into specific areas and not in new areas into activity 4. the establish position-belongs to an organization which has at least one competitive advantage as the main feature of the activity (competitors have access to and that others hadnt idea about it) 5. unstable position-has to do with organization which need a completely new strategy or sooner or later they fail 6. valuable position-belongs on a statistic base to companies that are small or media enterprises and develop goods addressed to specific segments of consumers (educative,age-criteria) -according to the sixth position,Cotler identified only 4 types of companies: THE LEADER-organization company;the market shared for the lider 40% of the market share CHALLENGER-the most important competitor for the leader.The leader is afraid of the challenger-30% just statistic (favorable and in development) FOLLOWER-is normally a set of several organization and they have strategies which copy different strategies from the big companies.They adapt or can improve.For this company,the percentage is 20% (established,in development) SMALL COMPANY-small organization;companies normally on variable or less establish position-10%

Market strategies
-for the Leader Company,the main purpose of the strategy is to protect their position strategies are called Defensive strategies,inspired from the military action (the model is Napoleon). EXAMPLE:-strategy of protection,strategy of Direct protection,the situation when the leader identifies exactly the source of danger (about price,consumer),then they consolidate the company. -the strategy of moving less which means that the leader realizes that the company is vulnerable and they simply move one step back,but for a temporary period,they realize that they cant consolidate things. EXAMPLE OF THE CHALLENGER:-he has to do with strategies that attack the leader,are called offensive strategies like:frontal strategy-the company has the courage to develop similar reaction like the leader strategy of surrounding the leader-the challenger attacks different reactions,different features of the leader more or less on the same time. lateral strategy-the situation when the challenger identifies relatively competitive advantage of the leader and build a strategy to make it vulnerable. avoiding strategy-situation when the challenger company changes different reaction on the short terms. the guerrilla strategy-has to do with the situation when the challenger company


Market strategies
A-one criteria and two strategies B-marketing mix A)Marketing strategy is a hole,represents a set of reactions,connected to consumed needs which help the company to develop towards the objectives and missions. -market strategy can be classified according to the following criteria: 1. Market dynamics:strategy increasing the market share strategy of a maintaining the market share strategy of decreasing the market share 2. Market structure according to the following criteria: strategy of differentiating supply strategy of non-differentiating strategy of an concentrating the supply 3. Level of competitor-2 strategies:offensive strategies

defensive strategies 4. Criteria of changing variables on the market: adopted strategies active strategies passive strategies 5. Criteria of quality issues:strategy of high quality strategy of average quality strategy of low quality

B)Marketing mix=a new concept which takes in consideration the organization as a system being functional by connecting different internal systems. -an organization can be understood in 2 different ways: 1. To consider an organization like a set of organization-the management team connect the following set a result of the following functions which are implemented: Production function,research and development Commercial function (selling buyers) Financial function Human resource 2. To consider an organization as a set of structural units-considers the organization mix of different units called departments structured on different hierarchical levels;specialist in management,symbolize the structure in a triangle system: managerial functions and spiritual functions. -marketing mix takes into consideration the orientation of the: 4 P sproduct price placement (distribution) promotion 3 c scostumes cost competition

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