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Julia Noah
Objective My goal is to work towards becoming a nurse or work in the field of nursing. Experience Babysitting Have babysat and tended to kids of all ages. Special Olympics Volunteered and worked with kids and adults in the 2010 Special Olympics. Nursing homes Visited and played games with the elderly at the Urbandale Nursing Home. Church My church has volunteered and gave presents to people with disabilities. Also brought gifts to many children in the hospital over the holidays.


Urbandale High School


Nam ut est. In vehicula venenatis dui. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent venenatis gravida justo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse dui.


Babysitting: Developed the skills of having patience with kids of all ages. Being able to tend to the children when they get hurt or are in pain. Special Olympics Acquired different communication skills with people of all ages. Gained the ability to quickly find out how to adjust attitude according to the situation. Nursing Homes Acquired the ability to communicate with elders and to help them in time of need. Church Developed the ability to have pleasure when giving to others when they are in a time of need. Learned to easily take my time and give it to others.

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