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Lesson Planning Sheet Title: Long Multiplication Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson: All students should be able to calculate the product of any two integers. Most students should be able to calculate the product of two integers given a real life context. Some students should be able to calculate the product of two decimals. Key words: Multiplication, Decimal, Chinese Method, Product Learning Activities Starter/Introduction Students practise calculating the product and sum of single digit integers by posing the problems on slide one. Work through the first example then set the remainder for the students to do on mini-whiteboards. Encourage students to record their trials in order to promote a logical trial and improvement approach. Development Demonstrate for the students how to use the grid with the integers given. Each cell is a product of the row and column. The upper triangle is the tens value of the product with the lower triangle being the units. The sum of each diagonal is the value of the digits. Diagonals with a sum greater than 9 have the tens value carried over to the next diagonal. Students may need quite a bit of practise using this layout. Work through several examples with the solutions than have them attempt a couple on their own using mini whiteboards. Pose the problems on the third slide for students to work from independently. Share solutions with the class through peer assessment. Plenary The question on the final slide applies the skill of long multiplication to a real life context. Students may need a little guidance in comprehending the problem but it is important for them to derive the sum for themselves. Have the students work through the problem on miniwhiteboards for assessment of progress at the end. Differentiation More able: To extend this skill products involving decimal numbers could be introduced. More products given in words could be set to consolidate the application. Less Able Students may need to have the grid drawn for them when working independently. Students may need to have a times-table grid to help with the multiplications. Resources: Times-table grid Mini-Whiteboards.

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