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A Comparative study of two popular brands Pepsi & coke was done for that purpose a survey was brand preference, packaging & quality, affect of ad and mountain dew VS sprite (a comparison) in north Luckow market. The different parameters were:-

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Brand preferences Preference of packaging Scheme and facilities available Create Consumption Preference of quality Methodology

After taking Para meter into account , it is important to make an exploratory study of the project and for that an enthusiastic survey was of retailers was done.


First questionnaire was prepared to conduct a survey to consumer. The questionnaire was prepared in a systematic manner consisting of closed as well as open-ended questions.


After conducting a survey it was found that the as far as it part is concern coke is leading over Pepsi. The area covered shows following indications for it.

1. Thumps Up was found to have more consumer than the Pepsi & Coke. 2. More schemes are offered by coke as compared with Pepsi. 3. The percentage of M.dew and sprite in north deli.

Mountain dew 60% Sprite 40%

The History of soft drinks began with the end of the last century. Its history dates back to the civil war in USE in 1860.At that time people were suffering from many diseased.

Problem at that time was to cure all these diseased since no remedy was present at that time. It was a big question for American people .So in 1885 Mr. Jinn Palmerton, who lived in Antonia , made a drink and registered is as FRENCH WINE COLA. In the beginning the drink was made with mixture of cocaine and alcohol but later on it was converted and changed into a soft drink. Now it is named as coca-cola .A new brand named Pepsi Cola came in the year 1887.

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