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Brandien Skating in Space

Levi Tinkler

One day there was a boy named Brandien, he loved to skate. Once Brandien went to NASA for a field trip. Brandien went for lunch and found a secret passage. He went into the secret passage and the door closed behind him. Then he was trapped.

He heard 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF! Then he started to get goose bumps. He looked out a window then he started to float. Then 2 robots came out of no where then a meteor came and a missile came and destroyed it a bag of potato chips burst out of it then they got to the moon. And started to dig for diamonds.

Then after a year digging for diamonds he found a bag of diamonds. Then a big foot appeared and he started to run with a crystal. The robot started change into his battle mode. Then he started to wrestle with the big foot. THE END.

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