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• Chapter 1 – Expedition To The Hidden Island

• Mark The Explorer - The Main Explorer Who Finds About The
Hidden Island And Decides To Explore The Island

• Oliver The Explorer - His Nickname Is Cobra and is Interested

In Shooting Things And Hunting.

• Emma The Explorer - Expert In Treating People In Emergency

And Carries 10 First Aid Kits.

• Beelzebub The Spider -The King Of All Spiders , Its One Touch
Can Make A Human’s Breath Stop , A Secret Is Hidden In His

• Arachna - Henchman Of The King Beelzebub The Spider,

Very Close To The King.
Chapter 1 - Expedition To
The Hidden Island

Mark one day had an assignment to

find one mysterious Place and do a
research on it and submit it in 2
month’s time. He goes to his house,
after the school is over and then tells
his mom and dad about the
assignment. His father was an
Explorer and had a secret laboratory
which he rented to his son Mark for 2
Months, for the project. His Father took
him to a secret room where their was a
small tunnel in the corner about which
Mark never knew about.
He Climbed down the tunnel and he
saw a very bright and big laboratory.
His father told him he could use the
laboratory for 2 months for his

He started to investigate about

that mystery island,He found
some fragments in the Pacific
Ocean,he took the fragments to
his father’s laboratory,The
fragments were spider’s skin and
it was very unusual and Mark
started research about spider
skin and how do spiders shed
skin,when do they shed skin all
of that was researched by Mark,
The biggest spider is Goliath
bird eater

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