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Autor: Samuel Sheehy

Genre: Intrigue and mistery
Erik Carlsson, an eminent scientist, is kidnapped by criminals at an
international conference to solve global warming, just as he is about to reveal
his revolutionary solution to the problem of global warming. Now, the solution
has disappeared. Secret agent Fiona Stone is sent to Siberia to investigate
these strange phenomena. what he felt: one night he woke up to the barking
of his dogs, he went outside to see what was happening, he looked at the sky
and Then Tamal felt her feet cold, which is strange because it's always cold.
Later Tamal took him to the place where he saw the green light, but when they
were about to arrive, it started to rain and Tamal stayed under the mountain.
Fiona entered a cave. At the bottom of the cave he saw a red capsule that
opened like a flower. inside there were some mini capsules with gas inside. He
began to take photos, zoomed in and saw a message recorded on the capsule
that said “help me”, he also saw a series of numbers that he did not
understand why they were useful but he took a photo of them. The next day I
stayed with Dr. Nilsson , in Switzerland, they were in a bar and I showed him
the photos of the capsule, she explained that the gas was used for global
warming to remove pollution from the atmosphere, Fiona showed her the
numbers, and Dr Nilsson put them into the GPS and quickly found a house in
Australia. Fiona knew that he was going to Australia to investigate. The first
day she went surfing to pose as a tourist and that no one would suspect, later
she went to the house where Erik Carlsson supposedly was. He put a camera
on a tree in front of the doorway of the house She went to a hotel where they
did not ask for documentation so as not to be discovered. Later he tried to
enter the house through the garden because it seemed empty, and he entered
through a window making a circle in the window once inside, he investigated
the rooms below and they were all empty, then he went up upstairs and all the
rooms were empty except one, it was a bedroom with a sleeping bag on the
floor and cans of food, fruit skins and no windows, Fiona thought it would be
where they had Erik Carlsson kidnapped but otherwise Suddenly she heard the
door below open, she was trapped!
My opinion is that it is a very interesting book since it deals with topics that are
very real life, what life is really like, so the way it is explained is very good.

I would recommend it since it is very good for education because it deals with
general issues of what life is like outside the institutes and my rating is 4 stars.

1. Lowered - Bajado 20. Wasting - debilitante
2. Powerful - Poderoso 21. Smile – sonrisa
3. Crazy - Loco 22. Impatiently - Impacientemente
4. Unpleasantly - desagradablemente 23. Reveal - revelar
5. Landscape - Paisaje 24. Zoomed - ampliado
6. Landed - Aterrizada 25. Lab - laboratorio
7. Deep - Profundo 26. Ahead - adelante
8. Binoculars - Prismaticos
9. Plenty - Infinidad
10. Increased - Aumento
11. Covered - Cubierta
12. Several - Varias
13. Sweat - Sudor
14. Seems - Parece
15. Both - ambas
16. Stuck - atascada
17. Backwards - hacia atras
18. Sure – seguro
19. Stepped - pisada

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