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Nama : Nur Komariyah

Nim : 20210662036

Prodi : D3 Medical Laboratory Technology


1. Atoms
• An atom is a basic unit of matter, consisting of a nucleus and a
cloud of negatively charged electrons that surrounds it. The
nucleus of an atom consists of positively charged protons and
neutrally charged neutrons. The electrons in an atom are bound to
the atomic nucleus by electromagnetic forces.

• Examples of atomic elements are hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and


• Examples of structures such as protons, neutrons, electrons.

2. Cells
• Cell is a structural and functional unit of living things, which implies as a
constituent of living things and carries out all the functions of life. Based on the
number of constituent cells in living things, they can be classified into unicellular
and multicellular living things.
• Cell Structure and Function - Endoplasmic Reticulum
- Prokaryotic Cell - Ribosomes (Ergastoplasm)
- Eukaryotic Cell - Cytoskeleton
• Cell Component Parts - Plastid
- Cell membrane - Micro Body
- Cytoplasm
- Cell nucleus

3. Molecules
• A molecule is an electrically ordinary group composed of two or more atoms bonded together by
chemical bonds. Molecules are distinguished from ions by the absence of an electric charge.
Types of molecules:
• Molecules are grouped into two, namely elemental molecules and compound molecules.
• An example of an elemental molecule is as follows:
- Oxygen gas O₂.
- O ozone gas.
- H₂ hydrogen gas.
- Nitrogen gas N.
- Chlorine gas Cl₂.

4. Organelles
• Organelles are subcellular structures that have one or more specific jobs to do in the cell, just
like the organs of the body.

• Types of Organelles:
- cell membrane - Vacuole
- cell nucleus (nucleus) - Mitochondria
- Endoplasmic Reticulum - Golgi body
- Ribosomes - Lysosomes

5. Tissues
• A tissue is a collection of similar cells and their extracellular matrix of the same origin that
together perform a specific function. Organs are then formed by the joint functional
grouping of several tissues.

• Types of tissue :
- muscle tissue
- Epithelial tissue
- connective tissue
- Neural network

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