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The Cell Theory

The Cell Theory

All living things are composed of cells Cells are the basic unit of structure and function of living things All cells are produced from other cells

The Cell Theory

All living things are composed of cells
Plants and Animals are alive, therefore they are made up of cells Unicellular organisms are one celled organisms
Ameba (animal) Algae (plant)

Multicellular organisms are organisms with many cells

Cats (animal) Oak Tree (plant)

The Cell Theory

Cells are the basic unit of structure and function of living things Cells are organized into tissues Tissues are organized into organs Organs are organized into organ systems Organ systems are organized into the organism

The Cell Theory

All cells are produced from other cells
One cells grows and divides
Now you have 2 cells

2 cells grow and divide

Now you have 4 cells

4 cells grow and divide

Now you have 8 cells

New cells are needed for an organism to grow and also to replace cells that die

Closure Question
What are the 3 statements made by The Cell Theory?

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