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Choosing a Data Location

The Mitchell1 DVD Utility saves the Repair DVD's in a folder called 'Repair' which is added on to the Shared directory created by OnDemand5. The default Shared path for a single user installation is C:\Mitchell1\OnDemand5\Shared. The Shared path for a multi-user installation varies. The Mitchell1 DVD Utility has the ability to save the Repair Data in a location other than the default. To access this feature, perform the following steps: 1. Run the M1 DVD Utility by double clicking on the M1 DVD Utility icon.

2. Agree to the End User License Agreement by clicking Yes.

3. Once the screen below is displayed, press the "Insert" key on the keyboard.

4. The following dialog box will open where you can choose a custom location for the data.

The location chosen for the data will be remembered by the utility for all subsequent updates. Other Topics: Errors General Information Updating Data
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