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Kelly Collova Professor Rich ELD 307 April 16, 2013

Guided Reading/Writing Grade: 3 Standards: 3.RL.1, 3.RL.4 Objective: Students will be able to read fluently, identify the setting and describe the characters of the story. Materials: The book The Littles Go to School by John Peterson Post-its Procedure: Book introduction: Ok readers your group is going to read the fiction chapter book The Littles Go to School. The book is about Lucy and Tom Little who are six inches tall. They live inside Henry Biggs room. As you read chapter one today, I want you to decipher what the word conflict means on page 5 and what the word shuffling means on page 7. I want you to read this book on your own at your desks and make Post-it notes of the tricky words on page 5 and 7. I also want you to make Post-it notes on the setting of the story and on the main characters in the chapter. I will be around to come listen to you read and see your Post-its. I think that you will really like this book! (I will say this to a guided reading group of 4-5 students.) Independent Reading/Conferencing: I will have individual students read two sentences aloud to me and I will also read their Post-it notes. Possible teaching point: What is the setting of story and who are the main characters? Assessment: Post-it notes on tricky words, settings, and characters. Management/transitions: Class will be called to the rug by table. Teacher will have students get into their guided reading groups and give them the book introduction on the rug. Teacher will then dismiss the guided reading groups to their desks after giving each individual group a book introduction. Differentiation: Students will be split up into leveled reading groups.

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