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Yan Song

ENGL 1102-024

Ms. Caruso

March 26 2013

CAP Project

Memo I construct the paper mainly discuss about the market of the bottled water, the audience of the paper is the consumers of the bottled water. It seems that many people willing to buy bottled water, they might think that the bottled water is more reliable than the tap water. But after researching from the internet, I found that the tap water in US is actually the cleanest. So my suggestion for the consumers of bottled water is to buy those wisely. Because it not only have negative influence to the environment but also cost several times more than just use tap water or boiled water. For the genre of my paper, I used magazine article, because the paper I response objectively discuss the current situation of the bottled water, and if I put my response after that, So that I believe the audience of my text are not only the fan of National Geographic, but also many Environmental enthusiasts. That would make my response more influential. market ming-again-despite-opposition/ Contrary to that many organized anti-bottled-water campaigns are held and debates about environmental impact, the fact is that the bottled water sales are growing twice as fast as economy itself. How did this happen? Did the public realize the truth? Some years ago, a scandal was exposed that Alaska Water, which stated on the label, "Alaska Premium Glacier Drinking Water: Pure Glacier Water From the Last Unpolluted Frontier," and came from one of the municipal water supplies in Juneau. In some way, Alaska Water was honest, since they
Comment [MT1]: Awkward sentence. Comment [MT2]: Insert are

Comment [MT3]: I am confused from this sentence. Comment [MT4]: Grammar Comment [MT5]: You can say Not only does have a negative Comment [MT6]: Using*

Comment [MT7]: Do you mean responded to Comment [MT8]: Dont need this here.

Comment [MT9]: This sentence does not mak sense and confused me.

Comment [MT10]: You can say a few years ag instead of some years.


admitted their misleading propaganda. As a scandal of a kind of business was exposed, the favored people were supposed to be consumers, however, it was not hard to analysis that I might be exposed by other water company not just directly by media. This is an heart-breaking conclusion, is that Should everyone keep silent about the swindle and maintain the absolutely cheating, and make that became the principle of business? Do not let the packaging of water became the packaging of unspoken rules of industry. After seeing this, are you really willing to pay big money on these product? Fortunately, many city like New York, Seattle, San Francisco, and Chicagos Cook County have already prohibited using government funds to buy bottled water, since on the other hand, that plastic bottled is an important unhealthy factor for people or environment. No mater it is spring water or tap water, once it was packaged into a bottled, the price would increase several times than before. Bottle is the value of bottled water, but it is also the soft spot, one reason is from material itself. Most bottles are made by PET plastic. The advantages of this material are obvious, it is light, transparent, and unbroken. However, some scientists found that this exact kind of material can produce a chemical stuff called DEHA (Diethyl hydroxylamine), and when the surrounded temperature increases, DEHA will release cancerogen into water. Especially in summer, the bottled in car becomes a common reason which causes female breast cancer. Another reason is from the progress of production, actually it is more about environmental protection, because the material of bottle is derived from oil. In America, every year the crude oil spent on manufacturing bottle are more than 1.5 million barrels, which also can be usage amount of one hundred thousand cars, these are not including the additional oil expending of package and transportation. Though water
Comment [MT17]: Bottle* Comment [MT15]: The* Comment [MT14]: Cities* Comment [MT13]: Fix sentence structure Comment [MT11]: Analyze? You mean

Comment [MT12]: A: not an

Comment [MT16]: Matter* if its spring*

Comment [MT18]: I would like you to maybe

more in depth with this and maybe give an examp


company did seek high quality on choosing source of water and processing technic, it increasing many steps on drinking water such as purify, transportation, and store. Once one of the step has some negligence, it may lead to new pollution. In some way, this can prove that it is not convenient to drinking bottled water. In the article, it mentioned that The U.S. remains the largest market for bottled water. The next two, in order, are China and Mexico, both countries in which tap water is either unavailable, or typically not considered safe to drink. As a Chinese, I want claim that we used to boil the tap water and then drink it, bottled water is not the only choice we have. In 2008, the author of National Geographic, Elizabeth Royte wrote a book called bottlemania, and the subtitle is How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It. Packing the natural and every people-owned water and selling it, I have to say it is the best example of advertisement in this century. "The biggest enemy is tap water" this quote is by Robert S. Morrison, vice chairman of PepsiCo. On 2005, in order to popularize, the spent twenty millions dollars and tried to tell Americans to drink more water, but later a scandal was exposed that bottled water of Aquafina is from tap water. Nowadays, in America, one aspect is that many advertisements of bottled water overspread, another aspect is that the four city I mentioned above and public figure set themselves against bottled, and encourage people to drink tap water. What is your choice?

Comment [MT19]: Do* Comment [MT20]: Its* Comment [MT21]: Do not need this word

Comment [MT22]: It would be great if you ga your own personal example of this.

Comment [MT23]: I would fix the conclusion and make it a little more powerful


Works Cited Aquafina labels to spell out tap water source CBC News. CBC news, 27 July 2007. Web. 8 April 2013. Charles Fishman U.S. Bottled Water Sales Are Booming (Again) Despite Opposition National Geographic. National Geographic, 17 May 2012. Web. 8 April 2013. Julia Layton How Bottled Water Works HowStuffWorks. HowStuffWorks. Web. 8 April 2013. Tapped. Dir. Stephanie Soechtig, Jason Lindsey. 2009. Film

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