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Safety at a Glance

Lockdown A. Please Lock all doors. B. Bring in students and lock doors. C. Check email for information. D. Remain calm until all clear. Fire A. Alarm=Get out quickly and carefully. B. Report to Volleyball courts. C. Communicate all clear or missing, adults and children to the information board on the way to line-up. (Mrs. Van Der Hayden) D. Once lined up take attendance and submit attendance form to General Assembly (Mrs. Flores). E. Wait for instructions. Earthquake A. Shaking=drop, cover and hold-on. B. Report to Volleyball courts. C. Communicate all clear or missing, adults and children to the information board on the way to line-up. (Mrs. Van Der Hayden) D. Once lined up take attendance and submit attendance form to General Assembly (Mrs. Flores). E. Wait for instructions.
10/15/2012 Page 1

What if?????
1. A lockdown will be announced over the PA as either Please Lock all doors. a. There will NOT be an explanation over the PA. 2. Teachers and staff will proceed to bring all students inside the buildings, lock ALL INTERIOR and EXTERIOR doors on campus, and close window blinds. a. Custodians will check that the C-Center and office are secured. b. Nobody-other than staff will be allowed onto campus. Including parents. c. The office will also contact the district requesting that school security be present at the school entrance to disseminate information to parents and community members, with an explanation that NOBODY will be allowed to enter the campus. 3. Students who are not in their homeroom will remain where they were when the lockdown was announced. 4. Teachers should check to make sure all students are accounted for, including students who may be in the restrooms. Students in another class (i.e. band, speech, rsp, the office, library, etc.) will be accounted for by that teacher and returned to homeroom when they are cleared to do so. 5. After making sure the classroom is secure teachers may check their email for further details about the lockdown sent by the Site Incident Commander, Mrs. Janeway or Mr. Long. Please only share information if told to. 6. Lockdowns can be extremely stressful for students, staff, and parents. Please do your best to reassure them that this is done as a precaution for everyones safety and would not be performed unless absolutely necessary. 7. The Site Incident Commander will be in direct contact with the district office and sheriffs department. 8. Once the Site Incident Commander, Mrs. Janeway or Mr. Long has received the all clear they will make an announcement to the school that it is all clear meaning staff can go on with business as usual. a. If a lockdown should extend pass dismissal, students will be dismissed in the most efficient way possible, as coordinated by the Site Incident Commander, Mrs. Janeway or Mr. Long. REVIEW A. B. C. D. Please Lock all doors. Bring in students and lock doors. Check email for information. Remain calm until all clear.


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Fire Alarm
1. The fire alarm will sound. a. There will never be an announcement; every alarm should be treated as an emergency. 2. Immediately evacuate the buildings, lunch area, playground, etc. checking for missing/down students and staff along the way. Do your best to stress moving quickly, but carefully. a. Teachers/staff need to remember to bring with them the emergency supplies, and personal items from the classrooms, they may not be able to enter the buildings again. 3. Go to the evacuation area located near the Volleyball courts on the upper playground. 4. Report to the information board how many students and adults are present and missing. 5. Wait with your class buddy until the all clear is given by the command center. 6. During an emergency students and staff WILL be frightened, it is critical that teachers/staff do everything they can to calm students down and appear calm. It may be a good idea for teachers to play games with students to take their minds off the situation. 7. Should an evacuation of the school be deemed necessary it will be organized by the command center, in cooperation with local fire and sheriff officials.

A. B. C. D. E. Alarm=Get out quickly and carefully. Report to Volleyball courts. Communicate all clear or missing, adults and children to the information board on the way to line-up. Take attendance Wait for more information.


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1. Should an earthquake occur there may, or may not, be an announcement; depending on whether or not the Site Incident Commander, Mrs. Janeway or Mr. Long feels its necessary. a. Report to the field. b. All clear, remain in your classrooms. 2. Immediately direct students and adults to take cover if inside, or stay clear of building, structures and other potential hazards if outside on the playground. a. Students and Staff in the lunch table area will take cover under the tables and stay clear of building until after the shaking stops. b. Duck-under a table/desk c. Hold-hold onto your cover, because there are good chances that the table/desk will move during the shaking. 3. Once shaking has stopped, immediately evacuate the buildings, lunch area, playground, etc. checking for missing/down students and staff along the way. Do your best to stress moving quickly, but carefully. a. Teachers/staff need to remember to bring with them the emergency supplies, and personal items from the classrooms, they may not be able to enter the buildings again. 4. Go to the evacuation area located near the Volleyball courts on the upper playground. 5. On your way to the field, report to the information board All Clear or how many students and adults are present and missing. (i.e. 2 missing, or 2 still in the room, or C-3 All Clear) 6. Wait with your class buddy until the all clear is given by the command center. 7. During an emergency students and staff WILL be frightened, it is critical that teachers/staff do everything they can to calm students down and appear calm. It may be a good idea for teachers to play games with students to take their minds off the situation. 8. Should an evacuation of the school be deemed necessary it will be organized by the command center, in cooperation with local fire and sheriff officials.

A. B. C. D. E. Shaking=drop, cover and hold-on. Report to Volleyball courts. Communicate all clear or missing, adults and children to the information board on the way to line-up. Take attendance. Wait for more information.


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Site Incident Commander Annette Janeway, Principal Andrew Long, 6th Grade Teacher Immediate Response Team-Information Board Group Supervisor Jane Griffin, 3rd/4th Grade Teacher Members Maureen VanDerHayden, Speech & Language Sarah Wolkow, Paraprofessional Medical Team Group Supervisor Tiffany Moreno, 4th Grade Teacher Members Carmela Calderon, School Nurse Kim Harris, Health Clerk Krystle Kimura, 4th Grade Teacher Andrew Long, 6th Grade Teacher (S&R) Monica Harrison, 2nd Grade Teacher (S&R) Anastasia Lee, 5th Grade Teacher Search and Rescue Team Group Supervisors Andrew Long, 6th Grade Teacher Monica Harrison, 2nd Grade Teacher Members Natasha Joiner, Kindergarten Teacher Julie Lawrence, 6th Grade Teacher Facilities and Safety Team Group Supervisors Michelle Wheeler, 1st Grade Teacher Members Leonardo DeMelo, Day Custodian Nathan Cooper, Night Custodian Nancy Mason, 1st Grade Teacher Student Release Team Group Supervisor Jacalyn Wilson, Secretary Members Esther Gutierrez, Secretary Jane Best, Librarian General Assembly Team Group Supervisor 5 Kerry Flores Members SDC Jessica Boles SDC Valerie Halbardier TK Dulce Barnum k Chilin Chang k Djela Corrales 1 Cindy Romey 1 Judith Smith 2 Karin Rose 3 Kathy Sweeton 3 Wendy Keithley 5 Jessica Ferguson 6 Lorena Ramirez RSP Alyssa Smith


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Class Buddies
Name Cindy Romey Judith Smith Nancy Mason Natasha Joiner Chilin Chang Djela Corrales Dulce Barnum Karin Rose Monica Harrison Wendy Keithley Kathy Sweeton Room B6 B7 B8 B1 B2 B4 B3 B9 B11 B12 C12 Name Lorena Ramirez Andrew Long Julie Lawrence Tiffany Moreno Krystle Kimura Jane Giffin Jessica Boles Anastasia Lee Kerry Flores Jessica Ferguson Michelle Wheeler Room Name C1 Valerie Halbardier C3 C4 C8 C10 C11 B5 C5 C6 C9 B10 Room C2

Where to Line-Up
5 3 2 6/USDC 1 4 K/TK/PSDC


Command Center ***Classes will still line-up by grade level. Classes will check on their buddies classes if the teachers are not present, or need assistance with supervision.


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