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I believe that every lesson should include whole group learning, small group learning, and independent practice. Whole group instruction is generally when a topic is introduced to the class. The teacher takes this opportunity to engage the students before presenting key information. I feel its important for students to have the chance to work in small groups after whole group instruction. Students can exchange ideas that might help clarify any misconceptions about the content. The teacher can move to each group during small group instruction to ask and answer any questions. This is less effort than moving individually from one student to the next. This gives the teacher an opportunity to see which students are struggling and which have grasped the concept. Finally, independent practice is needed regardless of the situation. Assessing small groups is helpful, but does not give the teacher a clear view of what the student knows. The student needs to be given a chance to apply knowledge acquired from a lesson independently. I believe that homework should be given sparingly. Younger students should be given homework on occasion and it should be a review of something learned in class. The assignment should not take longer than 5 minutes to complete. The completed and returned homework should not be graded for content. I believe that students can learn the importance of bringing back an item from home to teach responsibility. Homework should be additional practice based on a lesson that was covered thoroughly in class and should not introduce any new material. Older students, perhaps starting in 3rd grade, still should be given homework sparingly and I believe should not take more than 15-20 minutes to complete. Many students may not have the support at home to complete homework that is difficult. Assigning work that is a review is helpful, but does not guarantee that the student can complete it independently.

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