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Suatu Pengantar Manajemen

DAFTAR KEPUSTAKAAN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. James. A.F. Stoner, dan R. Edward Freeman, Management, Fifth Edition, Prentice - Hall International INC, 1992 David H. Holt, Management, Principles, and Practices, Second Edition, Prentice Hall International INC, 1990 Stephen P. Robbins, Management, Thid Edition, Prentice Hall International INC, 1992 Andrew. J. Dubrin, Essentrials of Management, Second Edition, South Western Publishing CO, 1990 Yoku R. Schermerhom JR, Management For Productivity, John Wiley dan Sons, INC, 1989 Samuel. C. Certo, Principles Of Modern Mangement, Fuctions and Systems, Fourth Edition, Allyn and Bacon, INC, 1989 Harold Koontz dan Heinz Weihrich, Management, Ninth Edition, Mc Graw
Hil Book Campany, 1989 John A Pearce II, dan Richard. b. Robinson, JR, Management, Mc Graw Hill Book Company, 1989

Yudith R. Gordon dkk, Management, and Oranizational Behavior, Allyn and Bacon, 1990 Joseph M. Putti, Management, a Functional Approach, Mc Graw - Hill Book
Company, 1987 Harold Koontz, dan Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of Management, Fifth Edition, Mc. Craw Hill Publishing Co, 1990

R. Wayne Mondy, Arthur Sharplin dan Edwin B. Flippo, management, Concepts and Practices, Fourth Edition, Allyn and Bacon INC, 1988


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