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Written by Zachary Barrett-Quinones

FADE IN: EXT. QUAD - MORNING A BANNER waves at the end of a table. Eighteen to twenty men, ranging from athletic to buff and bulky, stand menacingly on it. Pledge Omega, We Reign Supreme In THE BOUT stamped across. It is nestled on the front of a BOOTH housing three muscular men. DEAN, a senior and alpha of his lackeys, poses under a cabana. MALIK and MARQUIS, Deans right (and left) hand men. The three have wolf symbols tattooed to their neck. Students stroll back and forth in front of the booth. Some have their faces buried in books. Others strut confidently along. Beside the Omega Booth are a row of other fraternity and sorority booths begging for pledges. Some of the sorority girls have bunny, wolf, or monkey symbols tattooed in different places (ankle, foot, tramp stamp, etc.). The fraternity guys have bears, monkeys, or stag symbols (biceps, neck, etc.). BARNEY, an annoyingly energetic freshman, fidgets to the Omega Booth with a CAMPUS MAP held up to his face. BARNEY Hey, can you tell me where the Psychology Building is? Dean snatches the map. DEAN Here it is. Where? BARNEY

Dean crumples the paper and throws it.. DEAN Does this look like a help desk? Get the fuck on. Malik and Marquis laugh as Barney picks up the crumpled piece of paper and retreats. He unfolds the map and flips it frantically trying to work the sketched maze and barely notices the quiet, collected, and underdressed freshman in front of him. SLAM into LEO. Shit. BARNEY Sorry, man.

2. LEO No problem. Leo sidesteps. BARNEY Hey, are you freshman? Ya. LEO

BARNEY Did you go to orientation? I cant figure out where the Psychology Building is. Leo points to the building beside them. plastered to the front. BARNEY (CONTD) O...Thanks. Yep. Leo breaks away-Hey wait. --and turns. BARNEY (CONTD) You staying at the dorms? Im in Georgia Hall. Me too. LEO BARNEY LEO PSYCHOLOGY BUILDING

BARNEY Ill see you at the meeting tonight. Uh...Ok. LEO

Leo continues past the Omega Booth Hey! Ya? Kid! DEAN LEO

3. DEAN Looking for some brothers? LEO Not really. You fight? DEAN

LEO Not anymore. Malik guffaws. Well see. MALIK He

Unaffected, Leo heads to class. Hes approached by JAKE. makes the most of his last year of school. JAKE You look strong. I guess. LEO

JAKE You might be good fraternity material! LEO Not my thing. JAKE Nothing is better than lifelong brotherhood, man. LEO I just..kinda wanna get to class. JAKE Thats cool. But we have epic parties. And cute girls come to the Beta house tonight. We take all kinds of people. LEO this a race thing? JAKE No, I mean people and People-ish. Just check us out. Leo presses onward unable to pry Jake loose.

4. LEO

No thanks.

JAKE Tough nut to crack. If you change your mind, Im Jake. Jake offers his hand. Leo shakes it and enters a building. Jake, pleased with himself, returns to his booth. BETAS. INT. MATH CLASS - MORNING Rows of desks line the classroom. They wear their best outfit and have a twinkle in their eye. Leo makes his way to a desk. but Leo barely notices. People looks at him strange,

Leo takes out a notebook and pen. The PROFESSOR enters class with a leather bag and sets it on the table. PROFESSOR OK, class. Welcome to Calculus and your first official day of college. Im your professor. Prof. Bernard pulls a pile of papers from his bag PROFESSOR (CONTD) Here is your syllabus. INT. LEOS DORM - AFTERNOON Leos side of the room is very minimalist: a fridge, a bed with reserved sheets, and an alarm clock on top of some books. The other half of the room is equally undecorated. Leo scribbles his homework at the desk. A RAP on the door. Hi! Leo answers it. An RA waits.

RA Im your RA! LEO

Hi RA.

RA Im just making sure you and your roommate are coming to the mandatory house meeting in a halfhour. Theres going to be punch!

5. LEO I dont know where my roommate is, but I think so. MINDY O. Well can you make sure hes there? LEO Like I said I dont really know where---Great! MINDY Thanks!

Mindy bounces off to the next door. Leo returns to his textbook. On the alarm clock, 4:30 becomes 4:57. DANTE, a college version of Andre the Giant, enters. He drips sarcasm in lieu of sweat. Sup. DANTE

LEO RA wanted to make sure were going to the town meeting or whatever. What time? Five. DANTE LEO

DANTE This is going to be a regular thing. I can feel it. What is? LEO

DANTE Forced camaraderie. Like blind dates and house parties. LEO And fraternities. DANTE Especially fraternities. Leo puts down the book and leaves the room with Dante on his heels.

6. INT. GEORGIA HALL REC ROOM - DAY Linoleum tiles cover the floor. Soda, juice, and chips decorate the ping pong tables pushed to the side. Fifty or so students sit on the floor and make introductions. Fucking camaraderie... Leo lounges, waiting for anything to happen. Dante, equally impressed, picks dirt out of his nails. Barney enters and immediately spots Leo. He waves but Leo doesnt see. Barney quickly rebounds through the crowd and manages to step on only a few hands. His victims imagine his painful death as he plops next to Leo. Whats up! O, hey. BARNEY LEO

BARNEY We didnt meet, Im Barney. Leo shakes his hand. LEO This is Dante, my roommate. Wow. BARNEY Cool name. Like the inferno.

DANTE Thats...clever. Leo chuckles. BARNEY (to Leo) Whats your name? Leo opens his mouth but is interrupted by a BULLHORN. Eight RAs stand up at the front of the students. Behind the bullhorn is the upbeat HEAD RA. HEAD RA Good evening residents! Im the Head RA here at Georgia Hall. Just gonna explain some rules to you guys and then well have a bit of a mixer. Rule number one: no parties. Number two: No drugs. Number three: Try to keep the music down. Be respectful to your neighbors. And lastly...

7. He adopts a serious tone. HEAD RA (CONTD) ...Any fighting on or off campus will be met with expulsion from the dorms and school. The statement settles onto the confused residents. lifts. RICH OK! There are snacks on the tables so go head and grab anything. Meet your neighbors. Youll be surprised who you become friends with! Also, staying is mandatory. Enjoy! Leo and Dante head to some chairs in the corner attempting to wait out the meeting. Barney mingles. Despite Leo and Dantes aggressively indifferent demeanor is like honey to the bright-eyed freshmen. Sara skips over. SARA Hi, Im Sara! Hi Sara. DANTE His mood

SARA How exciting is this, huh? Finally away from our parents! No more midnight choir practice, am I right? (fist in the air) Anarchy! Leo and Dante are over it. INT. GEORGIA HALL REC ROOM - LATER FREAKISHLY TALL GUY slouches in front of them. monotonous drone, but Leo nods politely. GERALD I guess you can say I was the tallest kid at my school, which was alright. Nod. He is a

8. GERALD (CONTD) But the doors were too small and I had to duck every time I went through. It could get WAH WAH WAHWAH WO WAH. WAH WO. Nod. WAH WOWAH Nod. Really? SNAP. What? LEO GERALD (CONTD) GERALD (CONTD) WAH WAH?

INT. GEORGIA HALL REC ROOM - LATER BUFF FRAT BRO talks just loud enough for everyone in the room can hear. BUFF FRAT BRO Im so fucking amped to join a fraternity. Omega came up to me today and was like Bro, we need you. We got a gym and shit. and I was like fuck ya dude. When and fucking where? DANTE Fraternities are stupid. BUFF FRAT BRO Dont you fucking TALK ABOUT MY FRATERNITY, BRO. Buff Frat Bros eyes glow yellow. Leo stands between him and Dante, who has yet to look up from his nails. BUFF FRAT BRO (CONTD) Whatever, man. Id take both of you. Buff Frat Bro huffs and puffs away. approaching Barney. He bumps into an


9. Barney, mouth full of food, stumbles to the side. My hero. DANTE

LEO Id appreciate if you wouldnt instigate the most aggressive people on campus. DANTE Look at you; you can scrap. Me, I just push buttons until something clicks. Barney lingers. BARNEY Whats that guys problem? Leo and Dante shrug. BARNEY (CONTD) The girls here are SO cute. Way better than the ones back at my old school. Im so excited. Have you guys met anyone cool? They shrug. BARNEY (CONTD) I heard about a party tonight. LEO Its Monday. BARNEY Welcome to college. Its out on greek row. Just a giant rager up and down the street. Down for some party hopping? I guess. Good. Ill pass. LEO BARNEY DANTE

BARNEY Come on, cool guy. a play date!

Think of it as

10. Dante cringes. EST. GREEK ROW - NIGHT STUDENTS litter the streets and lights flicker outside of each fraternity and sorority house, enticing passersby to come in. INT. BETA HOUSE - NIGHT Animal posters decorate the walls. Fairly nice furniture is pushed to the sides in an effort to avoid being ruined by the army of people in the house. Hands bounce up and down to the beat. People slosh beer around. Girls dance on guys. Girls dance on girls. An assortment of drinking games are played. An opening in the wall reveals the kitchen where Jake hands out alcohol to people waiting in line. Leo, Dante, and Barney stand at the door. past. BARNEY I need a drink! Barney makes his way through the crowd to the kitchen window. Yep. DANTE Im done. Barney pushes

Dante heads out the door. Leo goes through the crowd to the kitchen. Heads turn to him and women look on approvingly. They bite lips and open their bodies up to him. Hes indifferent; thats hot, right? Leo gets in line behind MEREDITH, a partially innocent co-ed. She is genuinely stricken by his presence. A rabbit tattoo behind her ear. MEREDITH O, you can go in front of me. LEO Its not that serious, but thank you. She blushes and turns around. Dude! JAKE You came! Jake spots Leo.

A RANDOM GUY in line looks around and points to himself.

11. JAKE (CONTD) No, not you. Guy in the back. Jake steps out. JAKE (CONTD) You decide to pledge Beta? LEO Nah man, just hanging out. JAKE Youre gonna change your mind, I promise! Here, have a drink. Thanks. LEO

JAKE Rather have you here than with those douches down at Omeg-The music scratches off. The lights cut out and an animalistic side is revealed in the crowd. Half of them have pupils that glow in the dark, much like a wild animals. Boos reverberate through the crowd. At the DJ stage stands Dean. Malik and Marquis stand behind him, per usual. In front of the stage are ten of their brothers with glowing eyes. They brandish shirts with the Omega symbol. The lights stutter to life. DEAN Just an announcement: The Omega house is having a party down the street. Whenever you kids decide to grow up, come on over to a real house. JAKE No one cares, Dean. O really? DEAN He stalks towards Jake. Get out.

Dean jumps down with glee. Or what?


CROWD Oooooooooo.

12. MEREDITH Leave it be you guys. home.

Dean, go

DEAN (grabs her arm) Cant you see the men are talking?! MEREDITH Get your hands off me! LEO Let her go. DEAN (to Leo) Ill get to you in a minute. (To Meredith) Whos this tool? A new passenger for the campus hooptie? LEO I said let her go. Dean pushes Meredith and Leo puts her behind his back. DEAN You want some? Dean throws a punch. Leo deflects it with ease. Dean recovers with vigor and attempts to land a punch. No dice. His eyes glow yellow and they take on the qualities of a wolf. Deans fist connects with Leos gut. Leo gasps for air on the floor. His FINGERS claw at the ground. Leo tries to keep control. Dean spreads his arms, welcoming a fight. He growls. DEAN (CONTD) Hey Omegas! Handle this guy. The Omegas crack their knuckles and warm up their shoulders. Leo stands up and gets ready. He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and opens them. His eyes dart from foe to foe. Jake looks between Leo and the band of Omegas going in for the kill. He steps in front. Beta brothers follow Jakes lead and circle around Leo and Meredith, ready to square off with the Omegas. Tattooed on the brothers are bears, stags, wolves, etc. Some dont even have a tattoo. This fraternity isnt exclusive.

13. DEAN (CONTD) Thats adorable. Misfits protecting trash protecting a whore. JAKE Youre outnumbered. Go home. Settle this at The Bout. DEAN We will. (to Leo) Congratulations. enemy. Ya.

Youve made an His

Deans sharp fingers claw at the wall on his way out. lackeys follow. A sigh echoes through the party. JAKE You sure you dont want in now? LEO Thanks, but Im sure. night. Have a good

Leo walks towards the door. Meredith chases after him. motions for the DJ to start up. Wait! MEREDITH


EXT. BETA HOUSE - CONTINUOUS People make out on the porch of the fraternity house. A drunk stumbles and falls into an empty kiddie pool. Leo walks down the steps with Meredith in tow. Hey, wait! Leo stops. MEREDITH (CONTD) I just wanted to say thank you. That was really nice. LEO Dont mention it. Meredith wrestles with her thoughts. MEREDITH Wanna meet my sisters? MEREDITH

14. LEO Honestly, Im a bit over this so Im probably just gonna head home. MEREDITH Cmon, dont be lame. Barney walks outside with a drink in each hand and a cup in his mouth. He tips his head back and spits the cup to the sky. He spots Leo. BARNEY Dude! That was epic! (hic) I LOVE COLLEGE!!! (noticing Meredith) O. Hello there. MEREDITH Your friend can come too. BARNEY Another party? Is she in a sorority? Meredith trails away. BARNEY (CONTD) Why arent we following her?! up! Im Barney! Wait

Leo shakes his head and follows the stumbling Barney. INT. ALPHA HOUSE - LATER A generously spacious mini-mansion with a broad master staircase. Girls strut around. Its a grab bag of short shorts, dresses, flip flops, and heels. Meredith leads Leo and Barney into the house. finishes the last of his cup and crunches it. MEREDITH Dont puke in here. Barney pulls a beer out of his back pocket. BARNEY I wouldnt dream-(hic) --of it. MEREDITH This is the Alpha House. Barney

15. LEO


MEREDITH Ill introduce you guys. Samantha and Carla.

This is

SAMANTHA and CARLA stand gorgeous and fully dressed for a night out. They shake hands with a slack-jawed Barney and move on to Leo, whose eyes are wandering around the giant house still. Samantha has a fox tattooed on her hand. BARNEY Hey, Ive been seeing animal tattoos all over campus. Is this place, like, super into the world wildlife foundation? (hic) The girls smile. BARNEY (CONTD) Is that a yes or...? MEREDITH Come over here, I want you to meet everyone else. Leo continues to look around the house. O! MEREDITH (CONTD) This is my best friend, Becky!

BECKY strides down the stairs in all of her gorgeous, twentyyear-old glory. Shes fairly reserved and hides her baggage well. A tattoo sits on her shoulder blade, obscured by her clothes. Leo eyes her affectionately. Hi. Hi... BECKY LEO They

Barney and Meredith look between the two gazers. realize whats going on. BARNEY Hey, how about you bring me to meet the other people? Good idea. MEREDITH

16. Meredith and Barney skip off and high five each other before turning the corner. Freshman? Ya. BECKY LEO

BECKY You a fighter? LEO You gonna hit me? Dunno yet. BECKY

LEO Ive been here a day and my fighting is all anyone seems to care about. Becky strolls into the-INT. SORORITY HOUSE KITCHEN - NIGHT --kitchen with Leo right behind her. The kitchen matches the rest of the house; elegant yet grand. Stools line a table in the middle. Leo eases onto a stool while Becky makes a roast beef sandwich. LEO Where are you from? BECKY Does it matter? LEO Not really. Leo smiles. BECKY Want a sandwich? Sure. LEO

She cuts her sandwich in half and gives a piece to Leo. She sits down next to him and tears at her food. Leo stares BECKY Do I not eat pretty enough for you?

17. LEO On the contrary; so pretty, I want to see more. He slides his sandwich over. LEO (CONTD) I caught this for you. O really? She scoops his half. LEO The bread was the hardest part. Fast little thing. She chuckles. BECKY You should join Beta. Not many other fraternities would take someone like you. Exclusivity and all. LEO Someone like me? Becky leans in close. BECKY (whisper) You smell different. He rises... LEO I should go find Barney and make sure hes not in trouble ...and heads for the door. BECKY You do that. Leo pauses. LEO Its refreshing to see a girl eat meat. Although, for someone like you, Im not all that surprised. He taps the side of his nose coyly and leaves. She smiles. BECKY

18. INT. SORORITY MAIN ROOM - NIGHT The room holds most of the girls comfortably while they sit around and listen to Barney tell, quite possibly, the funniest story ever. Leo enters and Barney runs over to him. BARNEY Hey man, listen...I might be drunk and Ive heard of people seeing pink elephants but...that girl in the corner. Does she look an awful lot like a rabbit to you? The RABBIT GIRL sitting on the couch takes on a humanoid form of a rabbit. Wererabbit. Her ears perk up and her whiskers flick about. Her body, white as snow, covered mostly by pajamas. She reads a magazine while curled up. BARNEY (CONTD) Is it weird that Im finding that slightly attractive? LEO No man, youre good. go? You ready to

BARNEY Not yet, I think Meredith likes me. Meredith looks over and smiles. Leo pats him on the back.

LEO Well, its a good thing youre into rabbits. Leo goes towards the group of girls and sits down. smiles like a fool, but it quickly fades. Wait. EXT. QUAD - DAY A giant grassy area in the middle of the campus. Students sit in trees, play ultimate frisbee, nap on the grass, or make their way to and from class. Leo scratches his homework at a table. Hes quickly surrounded by Malik, Marquis, and BRIAN, one of many insignificant toolboxes. They crash down at the table but Leo doesnt look up. LEO No, please, sit. BARNEY What? Barney

19. MALIK You wont last long here. MARQUIS With no one to back you up, youre just food...and were hungry. LEO This is getting boring. Say what you have to say and then leave. A few yards away, Becky walks with a FRIEND to class. stops to watch. BRIAN You clearly dont know who we are or you wouldnt be talking so smart. LEO Youre a pack, in the loosest sense of the word. Leg humpers. Bone chewers. Ankle biters. Brian shoots up but Malik restrains his shoulder. LEO (CONTD) Good boy. Im out of dog puns, so what do you want? MARQUIS Just informing you...its open season. LEO Damn...Carcus carriers. there was one more. I knew She

They stand up and Brian attempts to push Leos lunch off the table. Leo grabs his wrist before he succeeds and squeezes. Brian whimpers. Release. LEO (CONTD) Brian

Brian releases his lunch and Leo lets his wrist free. follows Malik and Marquis while nursing his wrist. Becky walks over to Leo. BECKY So, you do fight.

20. LEO

Still no.

BECKY Right, well...theyre gonna keep hassling you. I wouldnt walk home alone if I were you. You might not fight, but they do. You care. They stare. Barely. Barely? BECKY LEO LEO

BECKY A little more than barely. Becky. FRIEND

BECKY I gotta go. OK. LEO

BECKY Ill see you around. She walks away. LEO Hey, you wanna get food some time? BECKY Are we gonna catch it ourselves? Maybe. She smiles. Sure. BECKY LEO

Becky walks away and Leo gets back to work with a slight smile on his face. His smile fades and he ponders for a moment. Leo packs his things.

21. EXT. BETA HOUSE - DAY LEO knocks at the door. JEREMY, small but fit, answers.

JEREMY What's up, man? LEO Is Jake around? Hold on. JEREMY

Jeremy slams the door. Footsteps stamp up and then back down the stairs. Leo lingers. Jake cracks the door and looks at Leo, feigning unimpressed. Yes? JAKE

LEO I want to join. JAKE (sigh) But last nightLEO I know what I said. I havent made the best impression and you guys had my back. Jake swings the door open with a giant smile on his face. JAKE Well, hot damn! Welcome! Of course, youre just a pledge, but whatever. Well pan all that out later. Come in! Jake grabs Leo by the shoulders and drags him into-INT. BETA HOUSE - CONTINUOUS --the house. JAKE WE GOT A NEW ONE! FRATERNITY BROTHERS pour out of every doorway and into the entrance. Some of the guys have shiners, others have scabbed over knuckles. These guys like to fight.

22. JAKE (CONTD) You already met Jeremy but theres John, Frank, Bill, Bob, Billy Bob, Carl, Big Fish, Shorty, Mason, Jason, Carson, Lyel, Blake, Donny, Zeke, and the rest you can meet whenever. Everyone, this is our new recruit. Hes a fighter. LEO I dont fight anymore. The guys laugh. DONNY, built like a tank and a master in the ways of scrambling peoples face, steps up. DONNY You sure picked a good one. JAKE Look at him! He can fight. ZEKE, a slender smart mouth, comes forward. ZEKE Well see about that. LEO No, guys, really I cant JAKE O, dont worry. Now, lets show you around. Where should we take him first? THE CRETE! FRATERNITY BROTHERS

JAKE the crete it is. INT. BETA HOUSE BASEMENT - LATER Jakes arm slung comfortably around Leos shoulder. They follow, and are followed by, the fraternity brothers into the basement. JAKE Were going to the crete. Nothing special; Just concrete floors. This is where we fight. LEO I said I dont--

23. JAKE --Ya ya, we heard you. Well, I think its time you did some personal growing. Every year theres a fighting tournament held between the fraternities: The Bout. Winner is named Big Alpha on campus and that fraternity tends to get the better girls, better pledges, and better treatment. The school acts like theyre not into it, but they are. Tuition gets high from our kind through word of mouth. Know what Im saying? LEO Ya, I caught on to that. The guys circle in the middle of the harshly lit basement. Cheap florescent lights bounce off the concrete. It gives a pleasant glow to the blood stains on the floor. JAKE So, what are you? (off silence) Thats alright! Well find out soon enough. First rule of the crete. (shoves Leo in) Dont come out a fucking mess. The guys cheer and root. Leo tries to get out but they wont let him. Donny stands at the other side garbed only in spandex shorts. DONNY Come on Mr. Passive. LEO Are those spandex? DONNY Time to earn your stripes LEO Im not gonna fight you. OK. DONNY

Donny swings a hammer sized fist. Hes got power but not speed. Leo dodges and puts his hands back up to signal he wants no part. Another haymaker easily dodged.

24. Donny locks his hands together and over his head. Leo rolls to the left. Donnys fists slam into the floor. He lifts his hands and brushes off debris. The circle continues to cheer. DONNY (CONTD) Stand fucking still! Donny arms fuzzy over. He punches the ground with both fists and shifts. His face more robust and round. All of his teeth come to a point and a snout grows from his nose. His skin overflows with fur and muscle. His eyes go black and the spandex stretches appropriately. Donny stands up, a full grown werebear, and roars at Leo. DONNY (CONTD) (growling) Youre gonna have to fight back. He swipes at Leo. Donny smacks Leo. loves it. Leo rolls right, but Donny expects it. Leo skids across the floor. The crowd

Donny isnt finished. Before Leo can recover, Donny snatches him up in his teeth and flings Leo across the other way. Blood pouring down his shoulder, Leo drags himself up. Stop. LEO

Donny isnt detoured. The giant werebear lunges towards Leo and head butts his chest. Leo slides on his back. He comes to a stop and DIGS his fingers into the concrete. Stop. LEO (CONTD)

Donny gives Leo one final smack across the floor. Leo tumbles across and out of the circle. Donny roars at the cheering crowd. Guys beat their chest and Donny continues to gloat. Jeremy looks where Leo is...Was. Hey...HEY! A hush. JEREMY (CONTD) Wheres the pledge? JEREMY

25. DONNY (snarling) Probably went home. A low huff resonates from the darkest corner. The guys squint and try to peer into the darkness. A soft pitter patter echoes through the basement. No one dares to make a sound. Whatever this thing is, its frightening - even to them. Silence. LEO POV Leo towers over the rest of the people and is fixated on Donny. Donny, still a bear, stares at Leo as he emerges from the darkness. He slowly decreases in size as his snout returns to a nose and his fur sheds and becomes skin once more. Donny cant help but stare. Fear. Everyone watches as Leo glides slowly back into the circle. Theyre smart enough to get out of his way. He stops in front of Donny. INT. BETA HOUSE BASEMENT - MOMENTS LATER Donny flies into a wall and grunts to the ground. An indent and giant cracks litter the wall where Donny hit it. Hes out. The guys burst into a thunderous uproar around Leo, whose true form is still unseen. JAKE Well...I guess we found our ringer. Leo, on the floor, sheds bits of black fur. put Leos arms around their shoulders. JAKE (CONTD) Welcome to Beta. Leo blacks out. JAKE (CONTD) And get this man some spandex. Jeremy and Zeke

26. INT. LEOS DORM - NIGHT Leo wakes up in his bed. pain. Dante reads. He holds his head and winces in

DANTE Those Beta guys brought you back. I take it you havent shifted much. Leo shakes his head. DANTE (CONTD) No one ever taught you? To shift? didnt. Leo nods. aspirins. LEO No. Knew I could but

Dante reaches in his drawer and grabs four He puts them on the drawer next to Leo. LEO (CONTD) Isnt four too many? No. DANTE

Leo gets out of bed and feels bite marks on his shoulder are. Massive bruising replaces the puncture wounds. Leo pops the aspirin throws on clean clothes. LEO Shit...I missed Calc. DANTE Twice, actually. Its Friday. The Beta guys said they took care of it. One of them came back and left notes on your bag. PAGES stacked neatly on Leos BAG. and the rest are buried. CALCULUS, HISTORY,

LEO Hm. Guess Im done for the day. Dining center? DANTE Sure. My colon needs a good cleansing.

27. INT. DINING CENTER - LATER A large eating area with round tables spread randomly. There are a few long tables with different hot and cold foods. Today is bitter pizza, half-baked potato, overcooked meat and mixed veggie day. Leo picks up a tray from one end and waits in line behind the people picking their food. JASON pokes his head out of line, locks eyes with Leo and nods. Leo confused, until he-INT. BETA HOUSE BASEMENT - LEO POV (FLASHBACK) --looks down at Jason standing amongst the bewildered and shocked Beta crowd Leo towers over. INT. DINING CENTER - PRESENT Leo turns his head and stares at the food. and Leo piles on a plate of meat. DANTE Get some veggies too. Fuck that. LEO The line moves

DANTE Itll help. Leo complies and stacks the veggies on. Leo balances three cups of water on the tray along with the food. The two find an empty table. Barney weasels his way through the tables and sits down before Leo and Dante can pull out their chairs. Leo chugs a water. Hungover? Leo grunts. BARNEY (CONTD) Where have you been? You missed some awesome parties. Leo slams another water. BARNEY (CONTD) Cant believe you didnt invite me. Grunt. BARNEY

28. LEO Fraternity stuff. BARNEY Ah. I dont have the fortitude for hazing AND partying. LEO Do you ever do homework? BARNEY Twenty minutes before class. So, you guys ready for tonight? Alpha girls are having a party. DANTE Who are they? BARNEY Only the cutest girls in school! And they house my soon to be wife, Meredith. Barney stares off. Sure. Im in. LEO DANTE

BARNEY Are you gonna actually party this time? The first night you bailed. DANTE Partying isnt my thing, but Ive gotta keep an eye on grumpy. BARNEY What? I missed something. going on? Nothing. Whats

LEO Well see you there.

BARNEY Cool, later. Barney jets off. DANTE Where does he go?

29. LEO Certainly not class. DANTE Thats a mighty black kettle youve spotted. Men wearing Omega pledge pins stalk by and snarl at Leo. stares them down and tears at his meat. DANTE (CONTD) Youve been unconscious more than awake. How have you found time to be hated? LEO Must be my can-do personality. CANDACE , TARA, and NORMA, a husky girl, bounce to their table. Candace and Tara are quite sprightly while Norma takes a laid back approach. Dante eyes Norma affectionately. CANDACE Becky, my super awesome big sis, told me to invite you to the Alpha party. Shed do it personally, but said she, quote, wouldnt be caught dead in the dining center ever again, end quote. LEO Hm...Well, woo me. Excuse me? CANDACE Leo

LEO Woo me on behalf of your super awesome big sis. On the side, Dante strikes up conversation with Norma while the others explain what the party is going to be like. Hey. Hi. DANTE NORMA

DANTE Do you...want some food? NORMA You saying I look like I need food?

30. DANTE No I just thought-NORMA --Im fucking with you. She punches Dante in the shoulder. He recoils slightly from the blow. He rubs the spot she hit and laughs a bit. NORMA (CONTD) We should go out some time. Uh, OK. DANTE She writes her

Norma grabs his hand and pulls out a pen. number down. LEO Im convinced. Cool, bye. CANDACE


NORMA (to Dante) Dante winces.

She punches him in the arm again.

DANTE We have to go to that party. What? LEO


DANTE --WE HAVE TO! Alright. you? LEO Jesus whats wrong with

DANTE ...Nothing. Barney jumps out and dances around the table.

31. BARNEY (singing) You gonna geeeet some. You gonna geeeet some. You gonna moootorboat. You gonna moootorboat. Dante swipes at Barney unsuccessfully. runs off through the tables. Barney giggles and

DANTE Honestly, was he here the whole time? Leo laughs. DANTE (CONTD) Was he under the table? EXT. GREEK ROW - NIGHT Leo and Dante stroll down Greek Row. There arent as many parties as the first night, but PEOPLE are still smashed in the street. They pass a GUY passed out on the curb. DANTE I dont understand. Its ten thirty. How can anyone be THAT drunk already? LEO Its college. DANTE Fuck that. College is the worst excuse for binge drinking. Look at them. Leo cant help but be distracted. DANTE (CONTD) Youll control the shifting eventually. What do you remember? LEO Anger mostly. DANTE Thats normal. Itll subside once you learn to-A group of GIRLS fly down the street and bump past Leo and Dante.

32. GIRLS WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DANTE Seriously...ten thirty. (at the girls) YOURE FAKING IT! Leo laughs. EXT. ALPHA HOUSE - LATER Music blares. Leo opens the door and--

INT. ALPHA HOUSE - CONTINUOUS --is met with louder music and a glow party. Neon paint splashes the walls and highlighters are strewn about. People rage in the middle and STUDENTS, in a hormonal frenzy, make out with each other on the wall. Beverage tables dot the party.

DANTE (sigh) Well, lets go. They make their way through the party and into the middle of the dance floor. Norma spots Dante and immediately drags him away to a dark corner. Leo keeps his course. Some BETA GUYS are there, including Jake. Leo approaches. LEO Hey, is Donny alright? Donny comes out from the back of the group and gets in Leos face. His face is swollen and bruised. The Betas hold their breath. His mood brightens. DONNY I havent gotten my ass kicked like that since my dad. Good fucking on you, man! Donny lifts Leo up in a bear hug and shakes him around. The Betas laugh and Leo tries to wiggle free. Donny sets him down.

33. JAKE Any beat down between brothers is considered play. Youre good, man. Lets get this guy some shots and make Donny to talk about his dad! YA! BETA GUYS

Jake pulls out shot glasses and slams them on the table. A beta sets a bottle on the table. Jake pours and hands one to each. He holds the glass up. JAKE To brotherhood! BETAS To brotherhood! They CLINK glasses and shoot. JAKE Lets get stupid! INT. SORORITY MAIN ROOM - LATER The betas are hammered and rage in the middle. dancing with girls, others just dance. EXT. SORORITY BACKYARD - CONTINUOUS Jake and Leo lean back in their chairs with a beer in hand. JAKE See, we heal fast, but not so fast that we cant get drunk. Its amazing. LEO Its expensive. JAKE Better than hospital bills. Or dying. LEO Some are

JAKE Ya, well...Id like to see you survive getting your head yanked off or heart ripped out. LEO Whats the hazing going to be?

34. Jake grins wide. JAKE I dont want to ruin the surprise. But dont get out of control like you did last time. Well teach you how to tame that beast. But Im getting ahead of myself. Becky spots Leo. Hey. BECKY

Leo fixes his posture O, hey. LEO

Jake pours out his beer. JAKE Wow, will you look at that? I need another beer. Ill just...Ya. He gets up, but Leo and Becky cant stop their eye contact. Becky breaks first. BECKY So, you got my message. LEO I did. I think you were a bit harsh on the DC. BECKY The choices get redundant. Pizza and this or potato and that. LEO Complex palette? BECKY O ya. I like sushi, filet mignon, swordfish. Any kind of meat, really. Leo laughs. BECKY (CONTD) Ew, you know what I mean.

35. LEO Right, so when we go out, it has to be a place with sushi, filet mignon, or swordfish. BECKY We can always chase gazelles. LEO You know, I saw a herd not too long ago. Figured it would have been rude to show up with a limp beast under my arm. BECKY Would have been the best gift I ever got. Noted. LEO

Becky smiles. Leo reciprocates. He takes a swig of his beer and they get lost in conversation. INT. ALPHA HOUSE - LATER Slower music lingers for the final couples slow dancing. Others sleep along the walls. The house could not be more trashed. EXT. SORORITY BACKYARD Empty red cups, bottles of alcohol, and lightweights litter the ground. LEO No, youre lying. You cant tie a cherry stem with your tongue. Its impossible. BECKY I can! You just dont have tongue dexterity. LEO I take offense to that. is extremely dextrous. Becky eyes him seductively. LEO (CONTD) You know what I mean. Dante bursts out of the house. My tongue

36. DANTE O, there you are. Ya.

You ready?

LEO Ill meet you at the door. Leo and Becky just stare at each

Dante goes back inside. other. So. So...


BECKY ...You should get going. LEO Right, ya. (heads for the door) I would really like to take you out some time. BECKY (smiling) See you around. Leo smiles and exits. Becky grins.

INT. SORORITY MAIN ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS Leo stumbles over some freshman and rounds the corner. LEO Hey, sorry man. Im here. Are you--

Dante and Norma vigorously try to taste what the other had for lunch. Leo slows down. DANTE Ill see you next time. NORMA Ya you will. DANTE Hey man, you remember Norma. LEO Right, Norma, hi. Hey. NORMA

37. Leo exits and Dante follows. he can leave. DANTE (playful) Grrrr. EXT. GREEK ROW - CONTINUOUS Leo and Dante head for their dorm. LEO So, you and Norma. DANTE Shes amazing. Really hands on. And her hands are like silk wrapped in silk... LEO Wow, I really could have done without that imagery. DANTE Wrapped in my penis. Leo cringes. DANTE (CONTD) Nah man, we just madeout and talked. Shes smart and funny and takes what she wants. Amazing. LEO Thats good. O, I guess the Betas are gonna help me control my...issue. DANTE Thats good. Nothing wrong with some guidance. Ya. LEO Norma slaps Dantes ass before

A HOWL pierces the night followed by several. Uh oh. DANTE

LEO Scared of wolves?

38. DANTE Wolves? No. Drunk frat boys looking for a fight? No. A drunk frat wolf pack looking for a fight? Ya. Vicious little fucks. Come on. They hurry their pace. A HOWL sounds off closer.

DANTE (CONTD) Alright, if need be, we run. No need to get our asses beat like heroes on Greek Row. OK LEO

DANTE Hipster glasses is the signal. LEO Hipster glasses? DEAN (Deep growl) Hey there kids. Dean, in werewolf form, patters towards Dante and Leo. His red fur and yellow eyes look especially intimidating in the moonlight. Four other WEREWOLVES follow his lead. DEAN (CONTD) What are a couple of pretty lambs like you doing out alone in such a dangerous neighborhood? LEO Its greek row, man, not Compton. Relax. Dean turns back into his human form. DANTE (hushed) Is that spandex? Leo nods. Dean approaches the two head on while the other four circle around. LEO Look man, I dont know what I did to you, but lets just let bygones be. Alright? He dons spandex.

39. DEAN So, youre pledging Beta? Im not surprised. They seem to take on any trash that walks onto campus. The werewolves snicker. LEO Once again, Im cool with just dropping all the bullshit and starting fresh. Cool? So, were gonna head home and you guys have a good night roaming through trash cans or sniffing ass or whatever it is you do. Dante and Leo back up. The werewolf behind them, Marquis, stands well over six feet tall. He sniffs Leo. MARQUIS He smells like Becky. Dean scowls. DEAN Youve been talking to Becky? Ya. So? LEO

DEAN Thats my girl! Ex-girl. MALIK He whimpers. Dean

Deans eyes glow as he growls at Malik. shifts, his voice deeper. DEAN Youre done. LEO Hipster glasses!

Dante pushes down Marquis and heads towards the dorm with Leo right behind. Dean lets HOWLS and he races after Dante them. The other four follow. Dean runs on all fours and the others run on hind legs. They arent as fast, but thats not the point. Its Deans prey.

40. The lights of the dorms illuminate the street. Dante, somehow faster than Leo despite his size, makes it through the doors first. Leo sprints towards the last few steps and is tackled by Dean. Dean stands on his chest and snaps in his face. DEAN Shes mine! Dean winds his claws back but a werebear shoulder checks him. Dean whimpers and slides across the ground. Between the group of Omega werewolves and Leo stands Dante, furry as can be. Dean shakes off the giant hit. He roars and Dante returns the favor. Dante holds his ground as Dean and the wolves sprint towards him. A megaphone interrupts the almost brawl. SECURITY GUARD, a scrawny thirty something, stands proudly behind it. SECURITY GUARD Thats enough. Go home. Everyone stops in their tracks and looks at the scrawny man. Malik laughs at him. Hes dropped with a stun gun and writhes on the floor. Malik transforms back to his human form, but still conscious. He jitters on the floor as the electricity jolts through his body. SECURITY GUARD (CONTD) Anyone else? Everyone turns back to their human form. DEAN (to Leo) You just keep getting lucky. Dean and his pack wander away into the darkness. Leo picks himself off the floor and looks at Dante but quickly turns away from Dantes nude form. SECURITY GUARD Go home and put some clothes on for Christ's sake. Yes sir. DANTE

The Security Guard drives away. Dude... LEO

41. DANTE I dont have skin tight spandex, alright? They head for the door. DANTE (CONTD) You owe me new clothes. LEO You about saved my life. can do that. And a hug. DANTE I think I

Dante spreads his arms and tries to give Leo a hug. LEO (laughing)


DANTE Aw, come on. How about you be big spoon when we get back? LEO Im telling Norma about this uncomfortable conversation. We could have died...Youre right, though; being little spoon is the best. DANTE Right?! Not enough women know how much we enjoy it. Norma does. She even did this thing with her fingerLeo shakes his head. --Nope. LEO Nope nope nope.

INT. LEO DORM - EARLY MONDAY MORNING Dante snores. door. CLICK. Three HOODED FIGURES slip into the room. They hover over Leos bed. Leo opens his eyes but is knocked out. They drag Leo out of the room by his ankles. Shadows creep in the light leaking under the

42. EXT. BETA HOUSE BACKYARD - EARLY MORNING A big yard with unkempt grass and slabs of stone. Giant tractor tires litter the yard along with weights, rope, and a punching bag. Jeremy throws a bucket of water onto the Leo. Rudely awakened, Leo arises to find himself and three other pledges locked in a twenty by twenty steel cage. The three pledges, Ron, CAL, and BART are already awake. Jake, Zeke, Donny, and other Betas stand in front of the cage. JAKE Good MORNING, pledges! Today, your journey into brotherhood begins. Im sure youre all expecting embarrassing trials that test your inner man. Nah. We figure, its college; that shit is gonna happen to you every day. Instead, were gonna push you to the limit. Zeke hands a chicken to Jake. the chicken in. Jake opens the door and throws

JAKE (CONTD) Catch it in thirty seconds and you get breakfast. The Betas holler. The pledges work on their own to try to catch the chicken. Uncoordinated. It flutters and escapes their attempts. JAKE (CONTD) Fifteen seconds. Left and right the pledges dash, but the chicken outsmarts them every time. And time. tomorrow. JAKE (CONTD) Sorry, boys. Maybe

BART Wait, were doing that every morning? JAKE Until you can catch the chicken.

43. Zeke opens the cage and lets the pledges out. JAKE (CONTD) The Bout is in three months. you want to win, pledges? Uninspired mumbles. JAKE (CONTD) Betas, do you want to win? YA! BETAS Do

JAKE Are we gonna win? HELL YA! BETAS

The pledges astonished faces. CAL (whispering) So thats brotherhood... JAKE Make em scared! The Betas shift. Werebears, tigers, rhinos, lizards, wolves and stags. They ROAR to the sky. EXT. GREEK ROW - CONTINUOUS Car alarms go off, lights turn on, and people stick their head out of windows. EXT. BETA BACKYARD - CONTINUOUS Jake, a weretiger, encroaches on Cals space. JAKE (growling) Ya...thats brotherhood. INT. BETA HOUSE BASEMENT - LATER JAKE Every day youre going to be here at five AM. If not, you get to go on a fun run with me. Youll chase the chicken and then watch us eat if you fail. (MORE)

44. JAKE (CONT'D) Then, youll be working with a brother who will train you. Youll do exactly what they say. Cal, youre with Donny today. Bart, youre with Zeke. Ron with Jeremy. Go on. Leo looks around confused as the pledges pair up with their respective trainer. LEO Who am I with? JAKE Youre with Zing. LEO Whos Zing? Jake points to a corner where ZING, a werepanda, sits meditating. Leo lingers in front of the bear. LEO (CONTD) So should we---Sh. ZING Donny

Leo closes his mouth and anxiously looks around. pummels Cal, a werewolf.

Jeremy, a weremonkey, plays keep away with Ron, who tries as hard as he can to get an apple flickering between hand, foot, and tail of the monkey man. Zeke, werelizard, has a tight grasp on Barts throat with his tail and has successfully brought the large man to his knees. The other Betas heckle the pledges. Leo drops to the floor and folds his legs. Good. ZING (CONTD) You know how to be patient.

LEO I thought you were supposed to be teaching me stuff. I am. SH. ZING He closes hise eyes and

Leo taps his fingers on his knees. lingers on the edge of sleep.

45. Zing SMACKS him with a bamboo stick. but Zings are still closed. ZING (CONTD) No sleeping! Leo sucks his teeth and closes his eyes again. FLASHES OF BECKY BECKY (V.O.) I want you. Come to me. you now. Another SMACK to the head. ZING No daydreaming! LEO You dont want me to sleep and you dont want me to daydream. What am I supposed to do? ZING Who said do? LEO Who said ANYTHING!? Zing remains. Leo slams his eyes shit. FLASH OF SHARP TEETH. Leo winces. A GROWL. He cringes ZING What do you feel? A-angry LEO I want Leos eyes snap open,

His grasps his chest, his shirt bunching around his fingers. Leo cries out in agony. Hes beginning to shift.

46. ZING (softly) Now you may daydream. Leo balls up on the floor. His skin blackens.

BECKY (V.O.) Come back to me. Calming, but still in pain. BECKY (V.O.) Please come back. Leo rolls onto his back and looks up at the Betas circled around him. Zings eyes still shit. RON Dude, thats fucked up. LEO (groggy)


Leo sits up and takes his hand away from his chest. Four CLAW MARKS go through his shirt and deep into his skin. BLOOD seeps out of the wound. Leo looks at Zing confused and angry. ZING You cage your emotions. This angers the beast within. The Betas drink Zings wisdom. ZING (CONTD) A captive animal hides behind a mask of docility, waiting for the moment to strike down its captor. Let the beast roam. To control its power, you must first allow it freedom to be powerful. Only then will it grant you strength. Leo gives a painful nod. JAKE Alright guys, back to work. him patched up. Get

One of the Betas help Leo up and help him upstairs.

47. INT. CLASSROOM - DAY Leo rests his head in his hand attempting to pay attention to the lesson. BLOOD stains his shirt. EXT. BETA HOUSE BACKYARD - MORNING The pledges chase around the chicken. JAKE TIME! Hope you guys arent hungry. Get to the crete. INT. BETA HOUSE BASEMENT - LATER Leo pairs with Zeke. ZEKE You ever face someone with a tail? No. LEO

ZEKE Well, lets start. Zeke smoothly shifts into a brown lizard. He sprouts a snout and tail. His skin becomes scales and his fingernails come to sharp points. Yellow eyes and black slits for pupils. Zekes tail slides around Leos feet and drags him to the ground. He sends Leo skirting across the floor. Leo stands up only to have a tail wrapped around his throat. Adapt. ZEKE (CONTD) Find a weakness.

The tail constricts around Leos neck and pulls him up off the floor. Jake, leaned up against the wall, looks on. Zeke pulls Leo in with his tail until they are inches apart. Zeke catches Leos punch. ZEKE (CONTD) (hissing) Youre not looking. Zeke whips Leo against the wall. He folds to the ground and gasps for air. Zeke jumps up to the ceiling, sticking to the wall, and coils hist tail around Leos arms and torso and lifts.

48. Zeke looks him in the eye. Leo peers at the ground far below him. Zeke. He shakes his head at

The tail unravels and Leo lands on the floor. THUD. Argh. LEO Fuck.

INT. CLASSROOM - DAY Leo dozes off. His head falls towards the back of the chair revealing a large bruise around his neck. Leo catches himself and stutters back to a regular sitting position. EXT. BETA HOUSE BACKYARD - MORNING Leo collides with Ron in the cage and they both fall to the ground. The chicken flutters around. Time! JAKE

INT. BETA HOUSE BASEMENT Leo meditates across from the panda. Leos meditation is cut short by fits of pain. He lays his hand down for support and claws at the ground. Zing reaches to support, but Leo keeps him at distance. His voice bellows deep. Im fine. Leo sits upright. a breath. LEO Just...give me a second. Leo takes

Zing nods and closes his eyes.

INT. BETA HOUSE BASEMENT - LATER Leo punches towards Jeremys monkey gut. JEREMY No hitting. Its easy. the apple. LEO Then stop moving it! Jeremy cackles. Good one. JEREMY Jeremy dodges.

Just get

49. Leo reaches for the apple in Jeremys left hand. It switches to his right. He goes for it, but it switches back to the left hand. Leo ponders, smiles, and reaches for both hands at the same time. The apple lands softly on the tail. Leo screams in frustration and the onlooking Betas laugh. INT. CLASSROOM - DAY Leo fights to keep his eyes open. He finally lets the sleep take him and his head falls to the desk. EXT. BETA HOUSE BACKYARD - MORNING The chicken struts in the middle of the cage. It pecks the ground, undisturbed. The pledges dont bother. JAKE Wow. Time. That was...painful to watch. INT. BETA HOUSE BASEMENT - LATER Donny outfits Leo with a vest. LEO Whats this? A vest. DONNY

LEO Ya, but why? DONNY Insurance (to a Beta) Lets see if it works. ZAP. Leos body contorts and he falls to the ground. DONNY (CONTD) Good. Itll stop the shifting, but it wont knock you out. Ive never actually seen you fight, so-Donny lets loose a flurry of punches. DONNY (CONTD) Fight back! Leo dodges with ease.

50. LEO Youll zap me! Zap him. ZAP. Stunned, Leo catches a hard haymaker to the jaw. back. He dodges the next few punches. ZAP. Gut. Leo, face down, claws at the floor. His skin turns to black fur. ZAP and his regular skin returns. Leo manages to find his feet as Donny charges. Donny winds up a punch and Leo sidesteps it while simultaneously throwing a hard shin to Donnys stomach. OOOOOOOO! BETAS He struggles to He stumbles DONNY

Donny bends over and clutches his stomach. breathe. LEO O shit, man. Im sorry. got mad. You alright? Ya. Wow. DONNY I-I just

Donny puts his hand out to grab onto Leos shoulder for support. He quickly delivers a punch to Leos gut. Leo crumbles. DONNY (CONTD) Zap him for hitting me. ZAP. Leo groans. INT. CLASSROOM - DAY Leos empty seat. EXT. BETA HOUSE BACKYARD - MORNING The pledges, sans Leo, wait in the cage. Jake storms off.

51. INT. LEO DORM - LATER Leo snores deep. Bruises cover the majority of his body. Jake walks up to the bed, squints in anger, and punches Leo in the face. LEO What the...fuck... SHHHHHHHH! DANTE CmonguysImsleeping

JAKE (whispering) Sorry man. (to Leo) You made me wake up your roommate. Jake punches him in the face. LEO (whisper) Fucking stop! JAKE Why werent you at the house this morning? I...Uh... LEO

Jake picks up a crushed alarm clock from the side of Leos bed. JAKE Be outside in two minutes. Leo rolls his eyes and angrily gets out of bed. for the door. JAKE (CONTD) Dont roll your eyes at me boy. Ill pluck them out. Those shits dont grow back. EXT. DORM BUILDING - LATER Jake stretches out. Leo walks out and stretches. Jake heads

JAKE You dont get to stretch, come on. Jake jogs off.

52. LEO What time are we coming I have class! Bah.

Wait. back? Leo follows Jake. EXT. QUAD - LATER

They run at a quick pace through the campus. EXT. STREET - LATER And on the street. EXT. HIGHWAY - LATER And next to speeding cars. EXT. WATER TOWER - MID DAY They arrive at an unused water tower resting on top of a hill. The two are barely winded. JAKE I gotta tell you, this is a lot more fun with other pledges. LEO Ya, I dont get tired easy. JAKE I see that. You ready for The Bout? I guess. LEO

JAKE Ha, you guess? Its more than just a fight you know. Sure, The Omegas see it as a way to get the girls and a thin veil of respect around campus, but thats not what its about. What then? LEO

JAKE Honor. Pride. Since Ive been in this fraternity, weve never won. And Ill tell you, its not like losing the championship game. (MORE)

53. JAKE (CONT'D) Even worse when you get close to winning. LEO Have you guys gotten close? JAKE A few times. Jakes demeanor quickly becomes one of brooding. on. LEO Have YOU gotten close? JAKE Once. Its hard. Being scraped off of the floor and having to look your brothers in the eye and know its your fault. Jake, realizing hes bringing the mood down, snaps out of it. JAKE (CONTD) Lets get back to the house. Well get some pizza on the way home. They advance down the hill. LEO Were gonna run twenty miles with pizza? JAKE Pfff, fuck no. Im calling a cab. INT. BETA HOUSE - DAY Jake and Leo enter with five large pizzas. They set it down at the table and receive applaud from pledges and Betas alike. Everyone dives in. Leo pulls the pledges away. They protest. Dude, why? RON Just...why? Leo catches

LEO You guys want breakfast? CAL Its two PM - I just want food. No. LEO Do you want breakfast?

54. The pledges start to get it and nod their heads. Good. LEO (CONTD)

As the last few Betas get their pizza, Leo stands on a table and addresses the crowd. DONNY Ha, look at the pledge. LEO Know whatll make this pizza better? The Betas look around confused. stand behind him, confident. Chicken. YAAAA! LEO (CONTD) BETAS Leo smirks as the pledges

EXT. BETA BACKYARD - CONTINUOUS Betas flood to the backyard and circle the cage. The pledges get inside and take their places. Ron, Bart, and Cal on one side and Leo on the other. JAKE Youve got thirty seconds. Jeremy brings the chicken and tosses it in the middle. It runs in circles for a bit but the pledges dont move. The chicken settles. JAKE (CONTD) Fifteen seconds! Leo nods towards the three who shift. Ron into a weremole, Bart into a werestag, and Cal into a werewolf. They take a deep breath and roar simultaneously. The chicken takes flight for a moment just out of Leos reach. He dives and catches it midair. The Betas erupt in cheer! The pledges put their hands on the chicken. BART I never thought a chicken would feel so good. They exit the cage, chicken in hand. The pledges line up and Jake faces them with the Betas behind him.

55. JAKE Pledges, do you want to win? HELL YA! PLEDGES

JAKE Are we gonna win? HELL YA! PLEDGES

JAKE Now make em scared! EXT. GREEK ROW - CONTINUOUS Roars go up and down the block and stop people in their tracks. Some scatter and hide, others stop, listen, and continue. EXT. BETA HOUSE BACKYARD - CONTINUOUS Everyone has reverted back to human form. Ripped clothes are scattered on the ground. Everyone wears spandex except for Cal. He yanks the chicken from the other pledges and raises it over his head. CAL EAT THE CHICKEN! The Betas and other pledges are disgusted. JAKE WHOA WHOA WHOA! with you!? The hell is wrong

Jake snatches the chicken from Cal and everyone breathes a sigh of relief. JAKE (CONTD) Its a chicken, man, not dinner. Theres pizza twenty feet away. CAL But he got us all riled up with the Know whatll go good with...You know what? Im sorry, guys. Thats my bad. I got caught up. The Betas head inside. RANDOM BETA And get some fucking spandex!

56. Cal covers himself. CAL (mumbling) Shit. Im not gonna sweat my balls off all day. All salty and shit. Fuck that. Cal walks inside. INT. TATTOO SHOP - NIGHT Different animal tattoos decorate the walls. JIMMY (50s and heavily tatted) sits waiting. Jake and the pledges are the only ones in the shop. JAKE Tonight, you become Betas. We are, however, still gonna train bright and early. The pledges groan. JAKE (CONTD) Cheer up. You may not be pledges, but we still have work to do. This is Jimmy. Hes gonna give you guys the ink. Ron, youre up first. Ron sits in the chair and Jake hands Jimmy a piece of paper with a mole tribal art. Jimmy gets to work. A few minutes later, Ron gets up from the chair with a piece of gauze taped over his right breast. Cal and Bart follow. They sit, Jake hands over a paper with the animal art, Jimmy does his job, and they get up with gauze. Leo sits in the chair. Jake smiles as he hands over the piece of paper with hidden art. Jimmy double-takes and looks up from his glasses at Jake. JIMMY (surprised) Really? Yep. ...Him? JAKE JIMMY


JAKE (laughing)

57. JIMMY Thats a first. Jimmy goes to work. Leo gets up from the chair with the gauze firmly in place. The now Betas stand proudly around the shop. JAKE Welcome to brotherhood, fellas. The guys smile and shake hands. INT. BETA HOUSE - LATER Ron, Bart, Cal, and Leo proudly strut through the door and are welcomed with applause and cheering from Beta brothers and various sorority girls. They smile and are patted on the back. Jake makes his way to the top of the stairs and gets the crowds attention. JAKE Alright, alright. These guys are officially in. But weve got a rough three weeks ahead of us. Training isnt gonna get easier with The Bout right around the corner. But enough of that. Lets welcome these guys into the fraternity the right way. Drunk. The music pumps and the party starts. The new Brothers hastily make their way to the alcohol table. All except Leo. He smiles and thanks people as they congratulate him. He makes his way towards Jake. LEO Hey man, Im gonna head home and get some sleep. Got an early start tomorrow. JAKE You sure? Ive got a shot here with your name on it. LEO Ya, Im sure. I can party after The Bout. JAKE Fair enough. Leo takes his leave and heads out the front door.

58. EXT. BETA HOUSE - CONTINUOUS On the front steps, Leo sees Becky. BECKY Hey Mr. Beta. Congratulations. LEO (smiling) Thanks. BECKY Havent seen you for a while. I know why. Now

LEO Ya, know how the greek system is. All hush hush. BECKY Im just glad you didnt forget about me. Leos smile fades. LEO I would never. Becky blushes. BECKY Not going back inside? LEO No, Ive got training to do tomorrow. BECKY Well, look at you. I guess Ill see you later then. LEO How about tomorrow? I heard about a place that has pretty great filet mignon. You have to dress fancy though. None of this party attire nonsense. Becky scoffs. BECKY I DO have other clothes.

59. LEO I cant wait to see them. BECKY Ya...Ok, sure. Tomorrow. Great. OK. Cool. Yep. Ok...Bye LEO Ill pick you up at nine. BECKY LEO BECKY LEO


BECKY (laughing)

Becky goes inside and Leo walks off, grinning from ear to ear. INT. LEO DORM - LATER Leo works the lock on the door and walks inside. from the hall pours into the dark room. LEO Dante! I have a date with Becky tomorrow night and-Leo flips on the lights. Dante and Norma shuffle the covers to try to hide their naked bodies. LEO (CONTD) Holy shit! (covering eyes) Im...Im so sorry. DANTE (clearing throat) You remember Norma. Hi. NORMA The light

60. LEO Hi Norma. Yep, still remember you. Ill try to forget the...everything I just saw. DANTE (Motioning towards light switch) Would you mind, uh...? Leo pulls his hand away from his eyes. O...O! LEO Ya! Ya. He blindly stumbles over various

Leo switches off the light. items towards his bed.

LEO (CONTD) Im just gonna get my pillow and blanket and go. He heads to the door. LEO (CONTD) You guys He shuts the door. EXT. LEO DORM - CONTINUOUS Leo prepares a makeshift bed next to the door. and rubs the gauze over his tattoo. EXT. ALPHA HOUSE - NIGHT Leo knocks on the door. Hes casually wearing a white button down with a black tie and jeans. Meredith opens the door. LEO Hey Meredith, Im here for---Becky! MEREDITH He lays down

LEO Ya, is she ready? MEREDITH (giggling) Yep! Hold on! She slams the door. Muffled voices resonate from behind the door. Leo leans in closer to try to hear. Theres a shuffling of feet and the click clack of heels. Shushing.

61. Becky opens the door in a skin tight dress and heels. She looks gorgeous. Behind her stand twenty sorority girls in their pjs. Leo looks around nervously. Uh...Hi. Hi. Hi! Leo smiles. LEO Ill have her back by twelve. The girls giggle. Yep, OK! BECKY Time to go! LEO BECKY GIRLS

INT. ALPHA HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Becky leaves and Leo closes the door for her. Bye girls. Bye! LEO GIRLS

As soon as the door closes, the girls jump up and down and screech. EXT. ALPHA HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Although muffled, the screeching can still be heard. Becky hurries in front of Leo. She closes her eyes, mouthing O my GOD. LEO Do you think they know how embarrassing that was for you? Shut up. BECKY

EXT. MAIN STREET - LATER Shops lit up line the street. Cars progressively pass, but its a small college town and there arent many people out this late.

62. Street lamps designed to look old are strategically placed along the street. Leo and Becky walk side by side. LEO What about your family? BECKY Not much to tell. My dad is a lawyer and my mom works for Scholastic. LEO That kids book company? Ya. BECKY

LEO I LOVE those books. I realize thats not the most masculine trait, but I dont care. Captain Underpants?! Becky laughs. LEO (CONTD) That book was my childhood. Now that I think about it, thats my life now. I just walk around waiting to end up in my spandex shorts. Becky cracks up and Leo laughs with her. BECKY What about you? Any family? LEO Just my mom. BECKY And youre dad? LEO No idea. My mom doesnt talk about him much. Im sorry. BECKY

LEO Thanks, but a blind man doesnt know what hes really missing.

63. BECKY Thats awfully Zen of you. LEO I have my moments...and a panda. They smile. O! LEO (CONTD) Were here. BECKY


LEO Best filet mignon in town. Leo opens the door to the building. Seriously? Seriously. BECKY LEO

INT. TACO SHOP - LATER Leo and Becky sit across from each other, completely overdressed, eating generic street tacos. Each sips from a cup periodically. BECKY OK, youre right. This is pretty delicious. Just for clarification though, its not filet mignon. LEO Whatever, its from a cow and tastes amazing. Becky shrugs in agreement. EXT. MAIN STREET - LATER Leo holds the door open for Becky and lets her exit first. Thanks. Mhm. BECKY LEO

BECKY You sure know how to treat a lady.

64. LEO Street tacos and holding doors is all it takes? Well, Ive been trying too hard with the other ones. Leo smirks and Becky slaps him on the shoulder. down the street and towards a softly lit alley. EXT. ALLEY - CONTINUOUS Trash cans are set out and lined against the brick walls of the buildings. BECKY Hows the tattoo? LEO Good. Took off the bandage and its all healed. BECKY Thats good. They walk side by side and Leo slowly grabs for her hand. She intertwines her fingers with his and leans into his shoulder. Six MISFITS appear out of the dark corners of the alley. MISFIT 1 Aw, its a cute couple out on a date. They surround the two. Leo and Becky arent scared. They shuffle

LEO My lady friend and I are headed home so if you wouldnt mind-Leo, still holding Beckys hand, tries to get past the two in front of him. They push him back. MISFIT 1 Sorry friend, theres a toll to get past here. LEO You picked the wrong guy. Broke college student. Better luck next time. Leo tries to get past again, but Misfit 2 puts his hand on Leos chest and stops him. Leo looks down at the hand.

65. LEO (CONTD) Youre gonna wanna take your hand off me. MISFIT 1 Check the girl. Misfit 3 makes his way towards Becky, receives a kick to the chest from Leo instead. Hes out. Misfit 4 and Misfit 5 attack Leo. He gets some punches in, but their numbers overcome Leo and they manage to subdue his arms. Misfit 6 punches the incapacitated Leo. Becky tries to help, but Misfit 2 intercepts her. Misfit 1 faces Becky. MISFIT 1 (CONTD) Youre pretty. I like you. Whats your name? Becky head butts him. Misfit 1 backhands her.

LEO Let her go. Or what? MISFIT 1

Misfit 1 grabs her face. Leo growls. Confused, Misfit 1 looks back at Leo. Black fur slowly replaces Leos skin. His fingers grow and nails become pointed. What the-MISFIT 4

Leos clothes tear around his growing body. His subduers try desperately to keep him under control. His back becomes muscular, black, and furry. A black and gray mane grows from his head and subsides at the middle of his back. His feet become paws, ankles extend up, and his knees are bent slightly. A thin tail protrudes from his tailbone and ends in a tuft of fur. The Misfits look on in fear. theyre too stricken to run. They take a step back, but

His muscular arms connect to a chiseled chest. Leos eyes glow red and take on a feral quality. His face now has a muzzle connecting to a triangular nose. All of it is backdropped by a black and gray mane. Leo stands over seven feet tall, well over the wimps who cower in front of him. He nonchalantly tears off the tattered button up still clinging to his body. This is Leo, the Werelion.

66. He takes a step forward and lets out a ferocious roar, baring all of his teeth. Misfit 4 punches Leo in the stomach, but his wrist bends awkwardly against the beast. Leo snarls and picks up the Misfit by his throat. He slams the thug into the ground with vicious force. Misfit 5 runs at Leo with knife. Leo grabs his hand and crushes it. Misfit 6 tries to run. Leo zooms past him, turns towards the Misfit, hurls him over his shoulder, and slams the would-be thief into the wall. Bones crunch. Leo lets him drop and prepares to fight the other two still standing Misfits. Instead, they lay on the floor at the feet of Becky, who is now a werelion as well. Her tail flicks back and forth behind her. Spandex covers her chest and crotch. Leo makes his way to her, but notices Misfit 3 sitting up on the floor. Leo approaches him and gets right in his face. In a deep, menacing, jungle growl-Run. LEO

The Misfit immediately makes a dash for the end of the alley. Leo looks at Becky and shifts back. His black fur sheds and his tail recedes. She does the same. Back in human form, they stare at each other. INT. BECKYS ROOM - LATER A typical sorority room with pink walls, white trim, and white furniture. Subtle lion sculptures are spread throughout the room. Pictures of her and Meredith are framed with Best Friends written underneath. A big bed with a pleasant duvet cover draped over the side. Leo and Becky enter the room kissing passionately. Becky closes the door and Leo slams her against it. The door cracks. She moans and he growls. Becky shoves Leo across the room and onto the bed. He watches her spandex drop to her ankles. INT. BECKYS ROOM - LATER The two lay cuddled up. Becky traces his tattoo, a tribal lion head-on displaying the mane. LEO So what happened with you and Dean? Really? BECKY

LEO Ya. I like to know the people that hate me passionately a bit better.

67. BECKY He was abusive, I didnt stand for it. Id rather not talk about it. Ok. LEO I hope Im not abusive. Thats

BECKY No, youre aggressive. good.

Leo smiles and kisses her. The duvet cover is torn to shreds, the pillow has bite marks, and the walls have scratches going down them. INT. BECKYS ROOM - MORNING Leo instinctively wakes up to go to training. He grabs his spandex and sits on the edge of the bed to put them on. Becky wakes up. BECKY Hope you werent gonna leave without saying bye. Leo laughs and kisses her. LEO I would never. BECKY I guess my duvet is wrecked. LEO Ill buy you a new one. BECKY I thought you were a broke college student? Leo laughs again. Becky notices the multiple scratches going down Leos back and bites her lip seductively. Leo notices. What? Nothing. Leo kisses her. LEO I gotta get to training. you later. Ill see LEO BECKY

68. BECKY Ok...O! Meredith, Norma, and I are going to the lake after The Bout. One of them has a boat or something, I dont know. You should come. OK. LEO

He leaves and she lays back in bed, satisfied. EXT. BETA HOUSE BACKYARD - MORNING Leo kicks a punching bag while Jake supports it. LEO It was amazing, I could control everything. All that power. He kicks harder. JAKE Just dont lose control. I didnt. LEO

Jake steps between the bag and Leo. JAKE I said dont. You cant shift until the third round of the fight. It might be an underground tournament, but there are still rules. I wont. LEO

Jake returns to the bag and Leo continues to kick it. JAKE So you went home with Becky? was that? Leo smirks. JAKE (CONTD) Hey, Ive always wanted to ask - Is it, like-(pointing to Leos crotch) --barbed down there? How

69. Leo stops. ...What?! LEO

JAKE Your...junk. Is it barbed like a lions? LEO No dude. Honestly surprised youd even ask. Why? JAKE

LEO Tigers and lions are the same genus. Is YOUR penis barbed? JAKE Hm, good point. Leo continues. INT. BETA HOUSE BASEMENT - LATER Leo trains with Jeremy. Keep away. He quickly grabs for the apple and it seems to be a dance. Left, right, left, right, foot, tail, left, right. Leo doesnt miss a beat but he does miss the apple. In rhythm, he jabs for the monkeys stomach. Jeremy dodges and misses the apple. Leo grabs it. The Betas cheer. EXT. QUAD - DAY Leo and Becky saunter hand in hand to class. Leo playfully bites her neck and she laughs. Behind a tree, Dean leers at the two and makes his exit. INT. BETA HOUSE BASEMENT - DAYS LATER Leo fights with Zeke. Leo gets in close to Zeke, but a tail wraps around his neck. Zeke attempts to throw Leo across the room, but Leo has a hold on his tail. Zeke thrashes his tail; No use. Leo yanks it and Zeke falls to the floor. Leo spins in a circle, causing Zeke to spin with him, and chucks him across the room. INT. COFFEE SHOP - NIGHT Leo and Becky are on a double date with Dante and Norma. The employee holds a bear shaped container of honey over Dantes coffee. Dante motions for the guy to keep going.

70. The guy stops. Dante looks glares. The barista continues to pour and Dantes face becomes that of a child on Christmas. Leo and Becky laugh. INT. BETA HOUSE BASEMENT - DAYS LATER Donny throws punches at Leo, but its like trying to hit fog. Leo dodges and punches an unguarded spot on Donnys body. Stomach, rib, neck. Donny gets mad and charges Leo with a hard right. Leo wraps his arm around Donnys, pivots his foot, and swings the large man face-first into the ground. Leo backs off. Donny shifts into a bear, roars, heads towards the stairs, punches the wall angrily, and huffs and puffs back upstairs. Everyone taunts him. INT. BECKYS ROOM - NIGHT Becky opens the door of her room and Leo jumps out and scares her. She punches him in the face and he falls to the floor. Realizing what shes done, she kneels next to him and rubs his face, but Leo just laughs. They kiss. INT. BETA HOUSE BASEMENT Leo sits across from Zing. He takes a deep breath and opens his eyes. They glow red and Leo grins. Zing nods his approval. INT. BETA HOUSE - DAY Jake stands at the front of the Betas. of paper and a pencil in their hand. Each beta has a piece

JAKE Alright, we can only pick three guys to represent us, so you know how it goes. Write the name of someone that isnt you. Dont be a punk and put your own name. ZEKE Fucking Donny. DONNY That was ONE time and I didnt understand the rules. They all scribble names and Jake collects the paper in a hat. He stands back at the front. JAKE That all of them?

71. BETAS JAKE First up we have...

Yep. Alright.

Jake checks the name and rifles through almost every sheet of paper. He turns to Leo. JAKE (CONTD) Come up here. Leo, confused, stands up. gets very serious. Jake throws his arm around him and

JAKE (CONTD) I dont know what kind of bullshit you pulled-(lightens up) --but every guy here voted for you. And of course he votes for himself. The betas laugh. JEREMY What an asshole! LEO I didnt vote for myself. O ya? JAKE For who then?

Jake looks through the papers and finds one with his name it. Jake looks at Leo, touched. Awwww! The betas laugh. JAKE Alright, relax. We still have to pick one more. (to Leo) Mr. Peoples Champion. How about you pick? LEO Aw man, I dont wanna do that. DONNY Stop being a wuss. RANDOM BETA

72. LEO Fine, Donny. DONNY Damn right. JAKE Alright, The Bout is tomorrow. Donny stands up next to Jake and Leo. JAKE (CONTD) Lets give em hell. The Betas erupt into cheers and hoorahs. INT. OMEGA HOUSE BASEMENT - NIGHT Chains line the gray, cracked walls. Brian, Dean, and Malik stand shirtless on a slab of stone with war paint, or more realistically, blood, decorated on their bodies. Before them are OMEGA BROTHERS kneeling in robes, silent. The three at the front roar and the sound cracks like thunder. INT. THE BOUT - NIGHT A giant warehouse. Its dark save for the white lights flashing. THE BOUT is smeared on the wall in red. A cage, similar to the one at the Beta House, stands in the middle. Rows of seats rise up around it. Its designed similar to the coliseum. Instead of dirt as a floor, its hard cement. The stadium seating has people dressed fancy. The aristocrats. The floor seating, where people cheer just a few feet from the fighters, for the regular people. The students and underpaid faculty. Circled around the first step of the stadium seating stand the competing fraternities. Some take human form, some take Were form. They all wear clothes with their fraternities symbols. Omegas (Wolves), Betas (Mix), Deltas (Stags), Kappas (Lizards), Sigmas (Bears). The three fighters chosen to represent their fraternity wear different color spandex shorts with the fraternity symbol on their right and left thigh. The overly excited COMMENTATOR gets into the ring with a mic. People cheer. COMMENTATOR Are you ready? YA! CROWD


COMMENTATOR Because its BOUT time. Everyone but the three representatives;

The crowd goes nuts. theyre focused.

COMMENTATOR (CONTD) Three from each fraternity. Thats fifteen contestants. Now, for those of you that cant count, weve got one left over after the initial pairing. So! Dean, last years champion, gets a bye. The crowd cheers. smirks. Dean is a fan favorite and knows it. He

COMMENTATOR (CONTD) And remember, kiddies-(malicious smile) --keep the beast in the cage until round 3. INT. THE BOUT - LATER Ryan (Stag) squares off with Malik. A REF gives them the OK to fight. They trade punches until Ryan knocks Malik out. INT. THE BOUT - LATER Jake shifts into a tiger. Across from him, JEFF, shifts into a stag. His chest swells up and large, bulky antlers protrude from his head. His hands become elongated but remain fingers. His feet, however, are hooves connecting to powerful legs. His nose a long snout. The ref gives them the OK to fight. Jeff starts with a few easily dodged jabs. The stag lands a jarring front kick to Jakes chest and sends him propelling back into the gate. Keeping the momentum, Jeff runs head first at Jake. Jake manages to get out of the way but his arm gets punctured and pinned by an antler. Jake lets out a painful howl. Jeff tries to push himself out of the gate but its no use. The charge left the antler stuck in the links of the cage. Still pinned, Jake uses his free arm to drive an elbow down into the stags antlers, effectively snapping it.

74. The stag falls to the ground unconscious as Jake pulls the antler from his arm. He roars in victory. The crowd goes nuts. Some Betas come to help Jake out of the cage and sit him down in their section of the seating. Jake has shifted back. They give him water and Leo looks on, worried. The next fight gets started in the cage between a bear and Brian, an Omega. LEO You gonna be alright? Pff, this? JAKE Its nothing.

Leo looks through the hole and can see the other side of the cement. LEO That doesnt look like nothing. JAKE Just focus on your fight. fine. Ill be

Leo turns back to the cage and Brian has just won. He looks at Leo and makes a throat slitting gesture with his thumb. Leo isnt affected. INT. THE BOUT - LATER Leo stands off against DUKE (lizard). The ref gives them the OK to fight. Leo gets ready. Duke charges and Leo dodges. Left, right, left, right, down, rope-a-dope. Leo finds an opening, grabs Dukes chin, puts his foot behind Dukes foot, and throws him to the ground with ease. Duke falls to the ground and quickly gets up. Leo presses forward. He feigns a high punch left and duke tries to dodge, but ends up getting kicked in the face. Leo leads with one attack and connects with another. Leo swings his leg, drops his head, and connects his shin with Dukes face. Down goes the Lizard in the first round. Leo traipses out of the cage and back to the Beta spot as Duke gets collected by his brothers. Jake has gauze wrapped around his arm by Zeke. LEO Hows he doing? ZEKE Hell be a few days.

75. JAKE

Fuck that.

The next fight starts between a skinny redhead, LANE, and a muscular brown haired guy. LEO Youre gonna have to go southpaw. Ha! What? JAKE LEO

JAKE ...Paw...Ha. Lane has won in the first round. Leo notices.

LEO Fuck, these matches go fast. JAKE Ya it doesnt get really awesome until the last two...last two... Stumped. Fights? Fights! Fights. LEO JAKE Ya, last two rounds... LEO

JAKE Thats what I said. LEO Jesus Christ. Donny heads to the cage. He enters and squares off with an ever bigger guy, TRENT (20 and heavily muscular). The ref starts the fight and they stand a few feet apart, waiting for an opening. Heavyweight fights like these dont last long. They both duck and dodge in anticipation. Donny lets loose a flurry of rights and Trent does the same. Blood flies everywhere and the crowd goes nuts. Trent parries a punch and throws a wild haymaker. Donny hits the mat, cold. Leo and Jeremy drag him out and lay him next to Jake.

76. JAKE Hey Donny, how was your fight? Donny isnt even conscious. ZEKE Hes lost a lot of blood, we cant let him fight. Jake grabs Zeke by the collar. JAKE Im gonna fight. Leo looks around in desperation and sees Becky, Dante, Norma, and Barney. Becky sees Leo, points him out to every, cheers and waves. Leo smiles. He returns to the matter at hand. LEO Theres nothing we can do. Just take care of him until the fight. INT. THE BOUT - LATER The commentator stands in the ring. COMMENTATOR Eight fighters left! Leo stands across from the skinny redhead kid, Lane. fight starts. Leo, distracted The

, glances towards Jake. A kick propels Leo into the gate. Lane stands and waits for Leo to get on his feet. Leo shakes it off and watches Lane give him a respectful nod. Leo prepares and nods back. Lane charges Leo. With an impressive display of acrobatics, Leo wraps his body around the enemy and takes him to the ground. Leo repositions and goes for a submission. Lane tries to fight it, but it is no use. He taps out. The ref calls it and Leo rolls off. Lane stands up and offers his hand to Leo out of respect. Leo shakes it and the redhead pulls him in. LANE Good fight, man. You too. rib. LEO You mightve broken a

77. LANE Thought you were ready, my fault. Were pulling for you to win. Leo looks to the Deltas corner. LANE (CONTD) Kick their teeth in. The two end the embrace and pat shoulders. The crowd cheers at the moment. Leo sits next to the other Betas as a Kappa and Sigma square off. You ready? Peachy. What? LEO JAKE LEO They all nod at Leo.

JAKE Im doing peachy.

Just peachy.

Jakes face is pale and Donny snores obnoxiously. ZEKE He really shouldnt fight. The Sigma (Bear) has won. Next up, Dean and a Sigma. Dean toys with the huge man. Round 3 and the two shift. The bear clearly has Dean in weight. He charges. Dean dropkicks the bear. The bear rockets through the gate and into the stands. The bear quickly turns back into a man and Dean howls in the middle of the ring. The crowd goes nuts. Dean turns to the betas and growls. DEAN Youre all next. COMMENTATOR Next up is Beta Jake and Omega Brian! Huh? Youre up. Hell ya! JAKE LEO You sure youre good? JAKE

78. Leo helps Jake as he stumbles into his arms. Leo helps him stumble up to the ring, lets him go, and exits. Jake stands with moderate stability and an enormous amount of pride. Brian snickers on the other side of the ring. The fights starts and Brian takes no time getting in Jakes face. Jake dodges the first punch, but takes a vicious hit to the stomach. Brian parades the ring as Jake lay on the floor. He struggles to stand. Brian runs and pins Jake against the cage. Brian aims for the gaping wound and wails on it. Jake groans, but stands. He returns some punches. Brian aims for the face and stuns Jake. Brian winds up and delivers a brutal knock-out punch. Jake hits the mat, but Brian isnt finished. He jumps on top of Jakes unconscious body and beats him repeatedly. The Betas cry out in protest. One throws in a towel, but the ref doesnt care. LEO Stop the fight! Brian doesnt stop and the ref lets him continue. Leo and a couple of Betas jump over the cage, into the ring, and shove Brian off of him. Omegas jump over the cage and a brawl ensues. Leo and Zeke drag Jake out of the ring as the brawl continues. Refs finally break up the fights and each side goes to their respective corners. COMMENTATOR Well, that got crazy. By interfering with the match, the Betas forfeit the fight. Although, it really wasnt going Jakes way. Brian wins! Boos flicker through the crowd. ZEKE Hey, ref! How hard is it to see with those dollar signs in your way! The ref ignores him. ZEKE (CONTD) Looks like Omegas arent fighting fair. Leo checks Jake. ZEKE (CONTD) Hes breathing. Hell be out for a day or so, but hell be fine.

79. COMMENTATOR Final four! Dean and Trent! The fight starts and Dean lays out Trent with ease. Leo clenches his fist at the site of Jake, bloodied and battered. COMMENTATOR (CONTD) Uh oh! If Brian wins this next fight, Omegas win! Leo glares across at Brian. Brian smirks and Leo strides to the ring, deafened by rage. Sounds barely make it to him as he makes his way into the ring. Brian jumps around, hyping the crowd and getting himself pumped. Leo just stands. The ref indicates for the fight to start. Leo does nothing. Brian skirts around him. Finally, Brian attacks. Leo ducks and uppercuts Brians gut. Blood flies from Brians mouth and paints the mat. Leo picks him up and slams him to the ground. Winded and hurt, Brian can barely move. Leo casually approaches Brian and sits on top of his chest. He punches and doesnt stop until the ref runs over to stop. Leo grabs Brian by the neck and throws his limp body across the ring. The ref calls the fight. Leo stares at Dean as Omegas drag Brian out. Dean barely notices. COMMENTATOR (CONTD) Jeez. Getting a bit intense. I must remind the final competitors that youre not out to kill the other guy. Relax. Boos erupt from the crowd. COMMENTATOR (CONTD) IM JUST FUCKIN WITH YOU! Cheers. COMMENTATOR (CONTD) Were gonna take a quick break to let the competitor get his breath. To be honest, he didnt waste much on that Omega. Laughter. Leo gets back to the Beta spot. A patch of smeared blood is all that remains of Jakes spot. ZEKE They had to take him home. Hell be fine. Dont lose your head. Leo nods. Becky approaches.

80. BECKY You alright? Ya, why? LEO

BECKY You seem a bit out of it. LEO Somethings wrong. The Omegas arent exactly playing fair. BECKY I wouldnt put it past them. be careful. I will. LEO Just

Becky kisses him on the cheek and Leo leans into it lovingly. Dean sees this and jumps in the middle of the ring. He yanks the microphone from the commentator. DEAN If youre done playing grab ass with your whore, I think everyone would like to see a fight. Oooooooo. CROWD The commentator

Leo glares at Dean and heads for the ring. gets the mic back.

COMMENTATOR OK. I guess were starting now. Its kind of my job to dictate when the fight is happening-Dean glares at the commentator. COMMENTATOR (CONTD) --but thank you, Dean, for keeping this under way. LETS GET THE FINAL BOUT DOWN! Leo and Dean square off. The ref starts the fight and the two go at it. Leo has a clear advantage over Dean. End of round 1. The two go to their corner, but Dean whispers something to the ref first.

81. COMMENTATOR (CONTD) Uh oh! Is this fight gonna make it to round 3? Are we gonna see what the fuss is about with this new Beta?! The crowd cheers. Round 2 starts and Dean attacks hard. Leo dodges his attacks, but Deans eyes glow yellow and Leo cant dodge the sudden quickness. The crowd boos at the foul play, but the ref says nothing. Leo looks at Dean, surprised. Dean grins and reveals his sharp, but subtle, fangs. Leo attacks, but to no avail. Dean is too fast and dodges everything. Leo finally gets a hit in, but Dean barely flinches. His eyes glow brighter and Dean kicks Leo across the mat. Leo, face down on the mat, balls his fists. Dean looks on. Leos shifts and roars. The crowd panics. SPECTATOR What the fuck?! Dean smiles. guns at Leo. out. Leo charges him but security guards shoot stun He falls to the ground, shifts back, and passes COMMENTATOR Uh, Dean wins I guess.


Boos echo across the room. INT. BETA HOUSE - DAY Leo wakes up on the couch and looks over at Jake, in a cast and sufficiently bruised and swollen, Donny, and Zeke. JAKE Morning, tough guy. LEO What happened? ZEKE You got stunned...a lot. Leo lifts his shirt and rubs the multiple burn marks on his torso from the stun guns. LEO Dean cheated. We know. ZEKE

82. LEO He wanted it to end that way. Im...Im sorry guys. O, stop. JAKE

Leo looks on, confused. JAKE (CONTD) Dean cheated and its bullshit. Not your fault at all. DONNY We all know you would whoop him in a fair fight. ZEKE Plus, everyone there agreed that he cheated. Probably paid the ref not to jump in when the fight was going their way. JAKE Thats why I almost, you know, died. LEO You alright? JAKE Nothing too bad. Ill be up and inflicting emotional trauma on you assholes in no time. They laugh. A knock at the door. Zeke goes to get it and Leo falls back on the couch. Becky and Dante rush in. Becky immediately jumps on Leo and hugs him. He winces. She sits up and punches him in the chest, hard. The f-LEO

BECKY --How did you get to college without learning to count? Round three. THREE! Thats when youre supposed to shift. Not two and get tazed. LEO He was cheating!

83. BECKY I dont care! Her mood relaxes and she hugs him again. eyes. LEO Have you been crying? She sits up. BECKY No! You just...smell bad and its making my eyes water. JAKE Well thats just adorable. Everyone laughs. stop. Becky shoots them a dangerous look and they Becky wipes her

DANTE We can move the lake trip if you want, man. LEO Nah, Im good. EXT. BOAT - DUSK A fair sized boat sits in the middle of the lake with two jet skis tethered to the back. Meredith, Norma, Dante, Becky, and Leo all sit around a cooler of beer. Theyre all bundled up. LEO Its the middle of winter. idea was this? DANTE All of us, really. MEREDITH Ya, they heard boat and got a bit of tunnel vision. Norma strips down to her spandex and dives in the water. resurfaces as a white bear. Dante turns to Leo. DANTE I might love that girl. Dante strips down to spandex. whistles. Everyone cat calls and She Whose I could use it.

84. Dante dives in and comes back up as a bear with a fish in his mouth. The two bears growl and roar playfully at each other as they splash around the water. MEREDITH So, what now? LEO Im not going in. Wuss. Becky jumps in. BECKY She splashes the two bears.

MEREDITH Becky really likes you. Becky laughs and swims away from the bears. Ya. LEO

MEREDITH Do you like her too? Of course. LEO

MEREDITH Good. Just be careful with Dean. That guy is nuts. Leo lifts up his shirt to show the burns and bruises. Theyre mostly healed. I noticed. LEO

MEREDITH Be thankful. Hes done a lot worse to guys over a lot less. LEO Ya, well, I just hope he gets over it. MEREDITH (laughing) He wont. LEO (grins) I know.

85. They look at the others splashing around the lake. MEREDITH Dont let anything happen to her. Leo nods. Donny throws his paws over the side of the boat. DONNY You guys getting in or what? Donny shifts back. DANTE Im taking the jet ski and heading back to get the grill and food from the car. Leo and Meredith disrobe and jump in the water. BECKY Ill go too. Youll need some help. LEO No, Ill go. Its fine. Awesome. at all. BECKY

LEO I didnt feel like going

Leo laughs and Becky throws a beach ball at him. Becky and Dante leave on the jet skis towards the shore. Leo, Meredith, and Norma goof off in the lake. EXT. BOAT - NIGHT Leo, Meredith, and Norma sit on the boat fully clothed NORMA Where are they? Im freezing and wouldnt mind a fire or my big grizzly. LEO Well give them a few more minutes. Big grizzly, huh? NORMA Our pet names arent creative, but they get the point across.

86. MEREDITH Whats his name for you? NORMA Cutie. I found a piece of paper in his room. It had a bunch of bear related pet names, but they were all pretty bad. It was really cute. A single light approaches them from the water. MEREDITH There they are. LEO Why is there only one light? Dante arrives on his jet ski, but hes beat up pretty bad. Leo helps him off and Dante falls on the floor. Norma cradles his head. NORMA Dear God, what happened? DANTE Omegas jumped us. Took Becky and slashed the tires. Im sorry, man. I tried to fight them off, but there were too many. LEO Its fine. Can you get the boat back to shore? Ya. DANTE

Leo jumps on the jet ski. Good. LEO Get home.

DANTE And you? Sorry, but theres way too many of them. Plus, were like forty miles away. LEO Ill figure it out. him. Leo rides off. Take care of

87. EXT. SHORE - LATER Two OMEGAS stand at a car and look out at the lake. One talks on the phone and the other swings the keys around his finger. OMEGA 1 No, he hasnt come yet. call if he does. Ya, well

A jet ski rides up to the shore and beaches. The two Omegas run to it but find it empty. The jet ski continues to hum loudly. It masks Leo smoothly sliding out of the water. He attacks from behind and knocks them both out. Leo pulls out their cell phones and crushes them under his heel. He takes the keys and jumps in the car. EXT. CAR - LATER Leo goes one-hundred in a twenty mph zone. He still floors the pedal. A few miles down the road, red and blue lights flash behind Leo. Damn it. LEO

Leo pulls over and an OFFICER takes his time getting out of the car. OFFICER Do you know why I pulled you over? LEO Officer, a girl is in danger and I really need to help her. OFFICER Wish I could say it was the first time Ive heard that excuse. Sit tight. Youll be able to help your friend in a few. The officer heads back to his car and writes up a ticket. He looks up to see a blur jump out of the sunroof and down the highway. The officer sighs and rips up his ticket. OFFICER (CONTD) I fucking hate this town. EXT. HIGHWAY - LATER Leo runs at full sprint and finally gets to the campus. speeds to-He

88. EXT. GREEK ROW - CONTINUOUS --greek row and hides behind a bush in front of the Omega house. Malik peers out of the window and closes the blinds. INT. DEANS ROOM Becky sits in a chair with her hands tied behind her back and a stun vest strapped to her chest. Dean circles her with the remote in his hand. She tries to shift, but he zaps her. DEAN I dont understand what you see in that guy. Becky pants. DEAN (CONTD) I mean, Im stronger and better looking. Im successful. Becky scoffs. Dean zaps her.

DEAN (CONTD) You belong with me. BECKY Youre crazy. DEAN About you! Only about you! And, knowing this, you still run off with that freak. Youre both an endangered breed and I still took pity on you. Dean grabs her face and forces her to look at him. DEAN (CONTD) And pity turned to love. make love turn to hate. Becky head butts him. again. Becky laughs. Dont

Dean stumbles back and shocks her

DEAN (CONTD) Whats so funny? Hes here. BECKY

89. INT. OMEGA HOUSE A knock at the door and Malik motions for someone to get it. An Omega stands up and cautiously approaches the door. He looks through the eyehole. Leo kicks the door in and the Omega crushes beneath the weight. Some attack in wolf form, but it hardly matters. Leo ducks, dodges, and strikes efficiently. After striking down a number of Omegas, they finally pin him against the wall. Leo is pummeled mercilessly. MARQUIS Too bad. Dean was hoping hed get to kill you himself. Leo kicks Marquis in the chest and sends him stumbling to the ground. Marquis coughs up blood. He gets up and punches and kicks the subdued Leo. Leo, bloodied and battered, gasps for air. He slumps against his subduers. Marquis grabs Leo by the back of the hair and leans in close. MARQUIS (CONTD) You should have stayed home. LEO And you should have stayed down. Leos skin turns black. INT. DEANS ROOM - CONTINUOUS Dean looks at the door and listens to the crashing going on downstairs. MARQUIS (O.S.) Please, shes right upstairs. told us to. PLEASE, DONT-He

Footsteps calmly work up the stairs and to the door. Dean gets ready. The doorknob jiggles, but its locked. A moment and the forcefully swings open. Leo stands, covered in blood, in his spandex. LEO (to Becky) You OK? She nods. LEO (CONTD) Let her go.

90. DEAN Ha! Youre making demands? Look at you. Youre barely holding on. Leo looks down and back at Dean. He wipes the blood off of his face and body showing only minor cuts and bruises. His eyes glow red. LEO Its not all my blood. Dean drops the remote and angrily shifts. He kicks Leo through the wall. Leo jumps back through the hole and shifts. The two fight vigorously. Paws, legs, and claws flash back and forth. Leo manages to momentarily stun Dean. He makes a dash for the remote. He leaps to Becky, frees her, and takes off the vest. Dean stands back up and tackles Leo out of the window and onto-EXT. GREEK ROW - CONTINUOUS --greek row. Dean lands on top of Leo and the two hit the ground. Dean stands up and howls. A crowd has gathered. DEAN Youre nothing! Im gonna rip your heart out in front of everyone and not one of them will do a thing. This is my house. MY campus. MY GIRL. Leo crawls away and stops. Beg. DEAN (CONTD) Beg for your life.

Dean leaps for him, but Leo grabs Dean and wraps the vest around the two of them. Dean struggles, but its no use. Leo looks him in the eye and holds up the remote. No. LEO

Deans eyes widen. Leo crushes the remote in his claws and electricity shoots through their body. Still wrapped together, they shift back as smoke rises from their bodies. The two roll off of each other and try to stay conscious. Dean gets on his feet first and lunges. Leo plunges his hand into Leos chest. Deans eyes widen with terror. Leo shifts and pulls his hand, and Deans heart, out of Deans chest. Dean falls. Leo looks around at the crowd. Leo roars. Some of the crowd shifts and roar with him. Becky runs up to Leo and he shifts back. Leo drops the heart and hugs her.

91. INT. BETA HOUSE - DAY Barney stands in front of the Betas as they all look on. mimes his story. BARNEY And, when it seemed all was lost, he THRUST his hand into Deans chest and pulls out his heart. I swear to God, I saw it beat a few times. Shit was crazy. Leo shuffles in the door. JAKE There he is! BARNEY Honestly, I was surprised that people were so OK with a guy getting his still beating heart ripped from his chest. This school is weirdly awesome. LEO Jake, can I talk to you? Ya man. JAKE The Betas cheer. He

Leo and Jake go into the other room and let Barney continue telling the story. LEO Im worried. JAKE Whys that? LEO I killed a guy. several guys. No, I killed

JAKE Is this a grief thing? LEO That and a jail thing. JAKE Dont worry. No one is gonna say anything. As for guilt, Dean and his lot were as bad as they come. (MORE)

92. JAKE (CONT'D) Their intimidation led to frightened supporters. The way everyone sees it, you did them a huge favor. OK. LEO

JAKE Plus, the Omegas, or what you left of them, disbanded. So, with you here, were a shoe in for the next Bout! LEO Ya. Anyway, I just wanted to talk. Im gonna head home. JAKE Alright, man. Dont sweat it, OK? Ya. LEO

Leo heads out the door. EXT. GREEK ROW - CONTINUOUS Leo makes his way down the path. People dart out of his way and make no effort to hide their fear of him. Leo lowers his head. Becky comes up from behind. Hey. Hey... You OK? I guess. Ya. BECKY LEO BECKY LEO Are you? BECKY

They tread in silence. A couple crosses to the other side of the street and immediately look away from Leo. LEO Theyre scared of me.



LEO Youre not, right? BECKY Should I be? No. Then no. LEO BECKY She puts his arm around her

Leo smiles and she returns it. shoulder.

BECKY (CONTD) Hows Dante? LEO Hell be fine. Norma is in the room taking care of him. Had to get out of there. The pet names they have for each other are nauseating. BECKY We should have pet names. O ya? LEO How about...kitten?

She punches him in the chest. LEO (CONTD) OK OK. I dont know. Im not too good at this. BECKY I have one for you. Ya? Grumpy. LEO BECKY

LEO Fine, then Im calling you purrty. They laugh.

94. LEO (CONTD) Or cat-tastrophe. I can go all day with these puns. Ew, dont. Silence. LEO Hey, would you still date me if I had a know... BECKY Absolutely not. Good. LEO Thatd be weird. BECKY

Behind a tree, eyeing the couple suspiciously, looms a well dressed and built MAN with greying hair. He reaches into his jacket pocket and makes a call. MAN I found him. A tribal lion tattoo on the back of his neck. My son. FADE OUT THE END MAN (CONTD)

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