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Biology 30 PWSD Review DayHeredity Classical Genetics

Name: ______________ Date: ______________

Focusing Questions: What regulates the transmission of genetic information from one generation to the next? General Outcomes 1. Students will explain the basic rules and processes associated with the transmission of genetic characteristics Key Concepts: Mendels laws of heredity probability monohybrid, dihybrid and sex-linked inheritance incomplete dominance and codominance polygenic and multiple allelic traits gene linkage Content Summary Diagrams Terms and Vocabulary Punnet Squares Movement of Alleles under Independent Assortment or Linkage Describe evidence for dominance segregation and the independent assortment of genes on different chromosomes Genotype, Phenotype, Allele, Gene, Gene Pool, Autosome, Sex Chromosome, variability, crossing over, gametes, and trait Compare ratios and probabilities of genotypes and phenotypes for Dominant and recessive Multiple alleles Incompletely dominant Codominant alleles Sex linkage vs. autosomal traits Explain the influence of gene linkage and crossing over on variability multiple genes in controlling a trait Genetic counseling Huntingtons Disease Cystic fibrosis Colour Blindess GMO foods Hemophelia

Processes and Mechanisms

STS (Diseases, Technologies, and Issues) Example Diagrams

Sample Diploma Exam Questions or Exemplars 98.Answer: 934 106. Answer: 0.25 99.Answer: A 107. Answer: 246 100. Answer: A 108. Answer: A 101. Answer: D 109. Answer: D 102. Answer: D 110. Answer: D 103. Answer: 1432 111. Answer: B 104. Answer: A 112. Answer: 3142 105. Answer: B 113. Answer: A Technologies

114. 115.

Answer: B Answer: C

Societal Issues


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