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Name: _______________________ Date: __________________ Assignment Pages Lesson Objectives Notes Guided Reading Ch. 14 Sec. 1 Pgs.

433-435 Analyze the social unrest that resulted in revolution. Explain the causes of Russias Civil War and its outcomes. SETTING THE STAGE: Describe the different people and groups found in Russia throughout the 19th and early 20th century and how they acted within Russian society? Czar Army officers Revolutionaries CZARS RESIST CHANGE: What type of government did Alexander III continue? _______________ How much power did this give him as Czar? What gave someone a label of dangerous in Russia? Explain the following measures that Nicholas II took to control all aspects of Russian society: Propaganda: Secret Police: Language: Pogroms (persecution of Jews): RUSSIA INDUSTRIALIZES: Describe the changes that took place in the Russian economy during the industrial period from 1863-1916: *The number of factories doubled, and During the industrial period discontent grew among the people of Russia. Factory workers were unhappy with

Name: _______________________ Date: __________________

working conditions, wages, and child labor. The government outlawed unions but workers organizer and led strikes anyways. As a result of all this turmoil, revolutionary groups emerged. A revolutionary group founded on the ideas of Karl Marx emerged and they believed this: But the group split into two groups because of different ideas about how revolution should come. Describe the Mensheviks Describe the Bolsheviks

Read the section entitled History Makers and describe what you feel are the 3 most important points (life events, his beliefs, plans) made about Lenins life: 1. 2. 3. CRISES AT HOME AND ABROAD: A series of crises show the czars weakness and make revolution possible. Crisis # 1: Russo-Japanese War: Explain what happened and how/why this event upset the people? Crisis # 2: Bloody Sunday: The Revolution of 1905: Explain what happened and how/why this event upset the people? Crisis # 3: World War I: The Final Blow: Explain what happened and how/why this event upset the people? Crisis # 4: Rasputin: Explain what happened and how/why this event (in this case this mans actions) upset the people?

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