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ROLE PLAY VITAL SIGN AND OKSIGENATION THERAPY This actor is: 1. Anggi Dwi Christanti as Nurse 2.

Dita Rahayu as Doctor 3. Ennis Wahyu Kartika as Patient (Ms. X) 4. Rizqi Amelia Pramitasari as Mother 5. Bais Dwi Armanda as Friend's patient

In a hospital in Malang, there is a patient who has been hospitalized more than 1 week that not healthy. The patient suffered of bronchial asthma, means respiratory disorders caused by infection or allergy. Patient was named Ms.X. There are discussion between the patient and his family in treatment room. Ms. X Mother disease." Ms. X Mother Ms. X Mother : "I want to go home, I dont like here, because its scary." : "Be patient, Dear, how do you feel now?" : "Im chest pain, hard to breathe." : "You get treatment here for your healthy." : "Mom ... What is my disease? " : "I dont know, Dear, because the doctor has not given information about the

Suddenly came a nurse in the room to check the patient's vital signs every day for 4 hours. Nurse Ms. X Nurse Ms. X Nurse Ms. X Nurse : "good morning, Ms. X?" : "morning,." : "how do you feel this morning? How about your sleep last night? " : "Im not well,Sus. I cant sleep because Im difficulty breathing." : "Yes, I'll have to say to the doctor, now I want to check your condition such : "what's the purpose, Sus?" : " To monitor the general condition, how your body has been progressing well

as blood pressure, temperature, pulse, respiratory rate."

and to know signs and symptoms of your disease." Are you agree? " Ms. X : "Yes, sus, please."

Finally the nurse checked the vital signs of patients with blood pressure, measure body temperature, pulse counting and calculating the patient's breathing. Suddenly when the examination is finished the patient's vital signs, the patient complained of shortness of breath and severe chest pain. Finally the nurse give the position semifowler and oxygenation. Ms. X Nurse Ms. X : "Sister, ..... please!!! pain!!! " : "Yes, Miss, I will give you oxygen, so that your sirculation is well. : "Yes, sisters,"

After that, the nurse give oxygenation as much as 3 milliliters because the condition is bad. And then the patient was calm. And nurse leave the room. Mother Nurse Mother Nurse Mother : "Thank you so much, Sus." : "Your welcome, please dont leave Ms.X alone, accompanied her and give : "Ok." : "if there is anything, please call me or another nurse in the room. I would : "Yes, Sus."

motivation so that she did not despair."

report the incident to the doctor this morning in order to get treatment."

After the nurse directly to the doctor's office to report on the condition of ms.X Nurse Doctor Nurse : "Good morning, Doctor." : "morning, what happen?" : "The patient Ms.X who have asthma and chest pain. The Vital signs are BP =

150/100 mmHg, temperature = 37.0 degrees Celsius, pulse = 90 x / min, RR = 26x/menit, I give as much as 3 milliliters of oxygen. " Doctor Nurse : "Yes, waited a moment, I'll check after this." : "Ok, doc."

Then after hearing reports from nurses, doctors make a visit to treatment room. Doctor Ms.X Doctor Ms.X : "Good morning Ms. X, how do you feel now?" : "Its better after being given oxygen." : "Ok, let me check your body." (While holding a stethoscope) : "Yes doc."

After the doctor visited the patient, the doctor back to his room and explain the patient's condition to her family. Doctor : "Mrs, after Im check the condition your daughter, the result has not well, the canals breathing contained sputum. Its make shortness of breath. Therefore, we given oxygen theraoy for a while. " Mother Doctor : "How to long?" : "until the conditions well."

And then, Ms. Xs friend came to treatment room. Friend Ms.X Friend Ms.X Friend Ms.X Friend Ms.X Friend Ms.X THE END : "good morning, friend." : "morning," : "How are you today? : "Not too well." : "I wish you get welll soon and we can play again with other friends." : "yes, thank you." : "Dont forget to eat and take medicine on time." : "OK" : "Ok, Im permission to go home and see you nexttime." : "Okay, see you."

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