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Chapter 8 Terms: 1.

Bench Mark performance levels that are associated with specific time points that help to inform whether a student academic development is on track. Pg. 110 2. Curriculum based assessment- Use of assessment materials and procedure that mirror instruction in ordered ascertain specific instructional objective have been accomplish. Pg. 372 3. Curriculum based measurement- a standardized set of procedure measurement that are brief and intended to ascertain student progress. Pg 514 4. Curriculum based allows one link assessment information evaluation to potentially highly effective information useful for determining what instructional sequence. Pg 514 5. General outcome- are generally used to measure progress measure toward long-term goal pg 109 6. Skill based measure- a measure that can be administered on a frequent basis and used to measure progress toward a skill mastered pg379 7. Subskill mastery- typically involve measurement of a sub skill that is link to SBM or G OM. Also, they are used to measure progress toward short term goals. Chapter 9 1 Progress monitoring- the collection of data that is used to determine the impact of instruction and intervention over a short period of time. . Pg 371 Celebration charts- charts based on the principles that change (increase or decrease in the frequency of behavior within a specific time.371 Aimline a line on a graph connecting the point representing the level of performance and date when instruction begins. To the point representing the desired level. Pg370 Trendline- on a progress monitoring chart, line that represent a student actually growth pg380

Goal line- on a progress monitoring chart a line that connects a student baseline performance with goal performance to show expectd rate. Pg374 Decision making rules- commonly applied to progress monitoring result to inform the need for instructional change. Chapter 10- Preview- a preliminary survey of what is available prior to conducting a more extensive

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