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Module 1


Substance Abuse in the Philippines

Section I

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people abuse drugs worldwide The number of drug users nationwide is as of 2008 Among this nationwide total number, have been admitted to government and private rehabilitation centres

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use is reported in 136 countries, of which among this population For every dollar invested in drug treatment, 7 dollars are saved in health and social costs ( ) committed in the Philippines are drug related

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In November 2004, the Department of Health conducted a nationwide random drug test among the graduating 4th year public high school students with these results:
The Philippines

among the worlds after China, US, Thailand and Taiwan based on the number of seizures in the last 10 years, according to a just released report of the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC).

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is the most common illicit substance worldwide, used by at least 77% of drug abusers. WHO data indicates increasing prevalence of marijuana use worldwide especially among .
In the Philippines ,

and account for approximately 95% of the drug abuse in the country.

Profile of Filipino Drug Abuser

: 28 y/o : 20-29 y/o : 9-m : 1-f : Single (55%) : High School Level : PhP 13,706 (ave. family income) : Urban, specifically Metro Manila : More than 6 years : Poly Drug use : Shabu 69.23% Marijuana 38.42%

Top 10 Drugs/Substance of Abuse

1. Methampethamine Hydrochloride (Shabu) 3,256

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9. 10.

cases Cannabis (Marijuana) 1,807 cases Contact Cement (example: Rugby) 536 cases Benzodiazepines 173 cases Cough/Cold Preparations 128 cases Methylenedioxymethampetamine or MDMA (Ecstasy) 71 cases Cocaine 53 cases Nalbuphine Hydrochloride 29 cases Psilocybin (Magic Mushroom) 23 cases Solvents (acetone, thinner) 16 cases

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begin smoking by age . Among Filipino girls, residence in cosmopolitan Metro Manila is associated with high probability of smoking, and those who were raised with both parents present were less likely to smoke than those who grew up with a single parent. Also, for both genders, those who have close relationships with parents were less likely to smoke [Teen Tobacco Epidemic in Asia, 2004] 4 out of 10 students aged 13-15 years old smoke cigarettes. [CDC-MMWR, 2005] Almost of young Filipinos begin smoking before age . [Miguel-Baquilod, M., NEC, 2001]

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of Filipino adolescents are purchase when buying tobacco products in a store. [CDC-MMWR, 2005] More males have tried quitting than females. One woman wondered why she should divorce her favorite Hope (a brand of cigarette), her constant companion, while another refused to quit for fear of weight gain. [Health Promotion Int., 2003] In one investigation, it was found out that among female Filipino smokers, , particularly anger and unhappiness. [Kaufman, N. J. and Nichter, M., 2001]

The most common factors influencing smoking among youths

media advertising peer pressure one or more parents who smoke

CDC-MMWR, 2005

Factors influencing smoking

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Nearly 90 % (88.7% in 2003) of Filipino adolescents supports the ban on smoking in public places, and want to quit (88.2% in

2003). [CDC-MMWR, 2005] In 1983, the popularity of Marlboro among youth exceeded that in the adult population. Marlboro then held a 3540 % share in Metro Manila but "more than 50%" in high schools. [Mason, W., 1983]

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The Philippines is the biggest consumer of cigarettes in the world, and the among the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). [PDI, 2002 and WHO, 2001] Tobacco use will nearly of the household of smokers' families. Every year, there are about in the country. Many vendors of cigarettes are .

Estimate of Total Costs of Tobacco Use in Philippines

Health care Php 27 billion ($0.7 billion)
Productivity loss due to illness (Php 1 billion)

Productivity loss due to premature death (Php 18 bilion)

Annual total costs at least Php 46 billion ($1.2 billion) or 1.07% of GDP

*Loss in productivity and health care costs amount to billions of pesos, which can be put into better use, should smoking be prevented or eliminated among Filipinos.

Tobacco Regulatory Act of 2003 otherwise known as Republic Act 9211, (An ACT regulating the packaging,
use, Sales Distribution, and advertisements of Tobacco products and for other purposes); the Senate of the

Philippines had ratified the Framework Convention in the Philippines in April 2005. These two are envisioned to promulgate enforcement of tobacco control measures towards successful reduction in tobacco prevalence, and eventually tobacco-related illnesses and deaths in the country.

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The 2002 national survey conducted among 20,000 Filipinos aged 15 to 27 years old. The same survey conducted in 1994 (sample size unknown) found that of the total respondents, 60.5% of males and 16% of females were currently drinking alcohol at the time of the survey.
Percentage of Male and Female Drinkers (Youth)



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Unrecorded alcohol consumption
The unrecorded alcohol consumption in the

Philippines is estimated to be 3.0 liters pure alcohol per capita for population older than 15 for the years after 1995 (estimated by a group of key alcohol experts).

Crimes related to alcohol

A number of cases of sexual and drug abuse,

suicide and violence among Filipinos have been caused by habitual drunkenness or alcohol intoxication.

Estimate of Youth Drinkers (1994)

4.2 million MALES

In, 1994, 60% or 5.3 million Filipino youth drink alcoholic beverages

1.1 million FEMALES

Young Drinkers
Drinking alcoholic beverages beyond one's capacity

to the point of intoxication is a risky behaviour in which most young people get involved at some time. The study stated that most of the Filipino teenagers have tried cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs. In fact,
On the average, Filipino youths start drinking

alcohol at the age of . However, there are also many cases when children as young as are already drinking alcoholic beverages.

Young Drinkers
In the Philippines, among girls drinking is more

acceptable than smoking. Nevertheless, it is still the case that drinking is considered more appropriate for men than for women. Parents are more lax with boys, giving them more freedom to drink alcohol than their sisters. The teenagers said their . Underscoring the critical role that the family plays in youth behaviour, young people seem to take their cue from their own parents' attitudes and behaviour. Thus, a boy who grew up with an alcoholic father is more likely to become one himself.

Young Drinkers
The study indicated that those who are more likely to drink are those:
who are not living with parents (for example, college students living in dormitories) whose parents approve of drinking who frequently attend social gatherings who enjoy going out to parties, bars and discos who do not take part in sports activities

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Solvent abuse accounts for a

of over

a year, the vast majority being . The mean age of in the Philippines is . According to the 1998 report, entitled "Situation of the Youth in the Philippines," there are about 1.5 million street children in the Philippines; half of them inhales glue ( Rugby) Street children make up 2 to 3% of the child population, and many sniff solvents or drink cough syrups to escape their suffering. 3.38% of drug addicts in our country use inhalants ( Dangerous drugs board & Poison Control)

Commonly Abused Substances

Section II

When a pharmaceutical preparation or naturally occurring substance is used primarily to bring about a change in some existing process or state (Psychological, Physiological or Biochemical) it can be called a Drug. In simpler terms any chemical that alters the physical or mental functioning of an individual is a Drug.

Cigarettes/ Tobacco
A cigarette (French "small cigar", from cigar + -ette) is a product consumed through smoking and manufactured out of cured and finely cut tobacco leaves and reconstituted tobacco, often combined with other additives, then rolled or stuffed into a paper-wrapped cylinder. The cigarette is ignited at one end and allowed to smoulder for the purpose of inhalation of its smoke from the other (usually filtered) end, which is inserted in the mouth. They are sometimes smoked with a cigarette holder.

Alcoholic Beverages
An alcoholic beverage is a drink that contains ethanol (commonly called alcohol). Alcoholic beverages are divided into three general classes: beers, wines, and spirits. Alcohol is a psychoactive drug that has a depressant effect. A high blood alcohol content is usually considered to be legal drunkenness because it reduces attention and slows reaction speed. Alcoholic beverages can be addictive, and the state of addiction to alcohol is known as alcoholism.

Inhalants are a broad range of drugs in the forms of gases, aerosols, or solvents that are breathed in and absorbed through the lungs. Most inhalant drugs that are used non-medically are ingredients in household or industrial chemical products that are not intended to be concentrated and inhaled, including organic solvents (found in cleaning products, fast-drying glues, and nail polish removers), fuels (gasoline (petrol) and kerosene) and propellant gases such as freon and compressed hydroflourocarbons that are used in aerosol cans such as hairspray, whipped cream and non-stick cooking spray.

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