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the right way

the wrong way

Save energy

Reduce reuse recycle

Do not litter

Use less paper. We only have one earth.

Use trays that you can reuse instead of throwing them away!


Only use 2 paper towels your drying your hands!

Don't leave the faucet running when you are'nt using it!

Trip/,destina tion Date

Your words here...

The hole world andthe hole globe

Do not litter on the ground like do not put trash on the ground like cans and food and rapers

Make the world a better place

Name: Trip: Date:

Make the world a better place


When you throw away it goes to the ocean

By bb Trip: April 22, 2013

We need it please leave the trees alone

You heard what I said reduce reuse recycle

This is outer space no trees no air, no air well where out of luck save the trees

we als h m i an art the the E e v p Sa hel can


There is a ton of garbage in this event I wonder and hope that they put it in recycle bins! I hope they did not cut down trees/air to do this sculpture

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