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Be the Change: Let’s Save the Earth Today

Earth,a place where an estimated 7.8 billion people live here as of 2020.It is a home of our
ancestors for a long time and the mankind of today. This planet helps sustain life by giving exact amount
of sunlight, produce fresh and breathable air, clean water to drink, and for vegetation of our crops, fruits ,
and vegetables . That was before when our planet is still healthy.

Have you ever observed nowadays that our climate is constantly changing? It became hotter as
year’s pass by. Ice started melting in the cold regions and it causes the rising of water levels. Woodsmen
continuously cut trees in the forest; investors flatten mountains to build skyscrapers for their businesses.
In effect, we experience landslides and floods Then factories don’t have any proper disposal of their solid
waste that also causes clogs on the rivers and other parts of the water gets polluted as well as the air
because of the thick black smoke produced by their establishments. Imagining these things happening
now, what kind of life does our next generation will have?

We are the youth of today and we will be the change in saving our Earth!

As a student, let me share you three important things on how can we help in saving and taking
care of our planet. I have these 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. How can we apply these 3Rs in our
own way? Here are the following:

First R is Reduce. From its word, it only states on how we will lessen the materials that we are
using in producing pollution. It’s simple! We can reduce waste by using an eco-friendly bag when buying
in the market, we can also buy bulk things with reusable bag or containers, simplest way, choose or buy
products with less packaging. In this way, we can help to reduce the trashes that pollute our environment
knowing that plastic materials are not easy to decay.

Next R is Reuse. This means to use it again. Just like inside our home, it’s funny to think but our
mothers usually reuse things such as the empty containers of ice cream. They usually reuse it in other
purposes such as putting fish in the container; other container such as the biscuit tin can, they put threads
and needles there. We can also share our outgrown clothes to other needy so they can reuse it and wear it
again. Instead of throwing it away, you reuse it at the same time help other people too.

Last R, Recycle. These means collecting and processing materials that would be otherwise
thrown away but they turned them into new products. You can start recycling in your own way. Those
biodegradable materials in your house can be turned into organic fertilizer when you decompose it in your
compose pit. We can also recycle our plastic bottles in making new vases. Just widen your imagination ,
we can make great things.

These are some of the few things you can do to help in saving our planet.

We are the youth of today and we will be the change in saving our Earth!

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