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aDiscuss the role of an individual in conservation of natural resources.

Natural resources are the resources that occur naturally on Earth. It is an indispensable
part of our lives. Natural resources consist of air, water, sunlight, coal, petroleum, natural
gas, fossil fuels, oil, etc. However, humans have exploited these resources for their
economic gains. Over usage of natural resources has caused depletion resulting in a huge
impending threat to the existence of the human race. Conservation of nature means taking
care and protecting these resources like forests, water bodies, natural gases, minerals, and
fuels so that they continue to be available in abundance.

Conservation of nature means taking care and protecting these resources like forests,
water bodies, natural gases, minerals, and fuels so that they continue to be available in
abundance. Conservation refers to saving the resources for the use of the upcoming
generation. There are enough natural resources which nature has provided to us. It is our
duty to save them for our successors. For saving these natural resources we have to gain
enough knowledge about that and should work in that direction.

role of an individual in conservation of natural resources.

he conservation of natural resources is every individual’s responsibility. The environment

belongs to every one of us and so all of us have the responsibility to conserve it. Each
individual’s efforts for conservation go a long way in conservation measures, though
there are efforts at national and international levels too. Light, fans and water heaters
must be switched off when not needed.

ery individual has responsibility to use natural resources judiciously. This will give equal
opportunity to all to use the resources for the benefit of mankind. One should not be
selfish to spend the available resources without thinking of other fellow beings. There is
no limit to spend natural resources if available plenty but at the same time one should
realize that natural resources are non-renewable sources. The future also depends on such
resources. Every individual should think himself or herself as a world think himself or
himself as a world citizen. The whole world is a family and all are inter-dependant for a
better life. The mother earth has given enough for all to satisfy minimum wants but not
enough to utilize. Every individual has a role in the conservation of natural resource like
in using water electricity woods, foods etc. water is life and every drop is precious
similarly every chemical power saved is like it is produced. Woods should be used so has
not to destroy the forest procurement of more food than needed is like putting other
starving. Equitable use of resources for sustainable life styles.

Everyone has the right to live in this world. All living creatures belong to mother earth
and they all have their shine of resources available. All these resources like land, energy,
food, mineral, water, forest etc. have to be distributed in an equitable way for sustainable
lifestyles of all creatures. The responsibility lies more on the human population because
they have got the thinking power and the wisdom to judge good and had man should
realize that he is not alone in this world. There are others to use the available resources.
Hence responsibility should be for all human being for an equitable use of natural
resources for sustainable use of natural resources for sustainable life styles of all in this
mother earth.

Individuals as citizens or members of business enterprises who live or operate in

watersheds have a responsibility to the area and its natural resources. Ideally, individuals
should know their watershed, be aware of its condition, and understand the essential links
between the health of the watershed and the long-term interest for future generations of
the community. They should respect the views of others on the uses of the watershed and
participate actively in the planning, care, and monitoring of the watershed in a civil

Items such as plastic bottles into new items. Reusing involves cutting down on waste by
reusing items such as grocery bags. Composting involving using food waste to help
create nutrient-rich soil rather than landfill waste. Every individual creates pounds of
waste every day. Much of that waste ends up in landfills, where it produces greenhouse
gases that make climate change worse. Some of it ends up in the ocean, where it kills
marine life. And, creating new products uses up a lot of energy. Yet, almost all of our
waste can be recycled, reused, or composted.

Transport conservation is another thing we can do since one of the biggest sources of
greenhouses gases is transportation. Make better transport choices by choosing the least

damaging option. Generally speaking, driving is more efficient than flying. Riding a bike
is always better than driving. Take a train, tram, or bus whenever one is available.
Choose housing near to where you go to school or work, and choose an efficient car. All
of these things can reduce your impact on the environment.

By conserving water there will be enough water for everyone to use – whether you are a
farmer using water to irrigate crops or a homeowner watering a lawn or a kid washing a

Another way you can help the environment is to conserve energy. Switch things off when
you're not using them, use less air conditioning (or use fans), dry clothes on a clothesline,
switch to energy saving light bulbs (LED bulbs are the best!), turn your refrigerator
down, close air conditioning vents when you're not in the room, wear more layers instead
of setting the heating too high, and turn everything off when not at home. You can make
the biggest difference by turning off your a/c and turning down your heat. All these
things help protect the environment though, and they save you money!

You can also choose to buy local. Local food is better for the environment because of
transportation pollution. The fewer miles the food has to travel, the smaller the pollution
toll. You can buy local food at specialty stores, go to a local farmer's market, or even
grow your own food in a garden! Also, it helps to make as much as possible from scratch,
instead of buying packaged goods. You can also cut down on meat: vegetables take far
less energy to produce than meat.

e can participate in biodiversity conservation by increasing our knowledge of

environmental issues, increasing our awareness of the impacts of biodiversity loss, and
increasing support for government policies and actions that conserve our valuable
ecosystems. We can become educators and role models as stewards of the environment
by aiding in the recovery of species at risk and preventing other species from becoming at
risk. Habitat stewardship consists of activities that range from enhancing the quality of
soil, water, air and other natural resources to monitoring and conserving wildlife species
and their habitat by donating the property to a land trust.

Conservation of natural resources is the need of the future generation. It is our duty to
conserve them for the future. Conservation of biodiversity is the most essential for the
upcoming generations. It is important to conserve natural resources to maintain the
ecosystem and sustainability of these resources for our future generation.

By making choices in the products individuals buy and reducing the amount they
consume, can reduce our environmental impact. For example, by borrowing from friends
and neighbors, renting, or sharing, instead of buying or harvesting something we will
only use infrequently, we can reduce the physical amount we consume. By powering
down our electronics when not in use, we can reduce the amount of energy we consume.
By walking or riding a bike or skateboard, we can reduce the amount of fuel we need. By
choosing not to have a bag, or bringing our own bag to the store, we can reduce the
amount of plastic that ends up in our landfills.

Many times, people choose to dispose of items that could be reused, or up-cycled (made
into something else). Coffee tins, shoe boxes, and other plastic food containers can be
repurposed into storage containers for beading supplies, tools, and machine parts. Torn
clothes can be repaired or turned into other items, like pillowcases, bags, and baskets.
Broken machines can be saved, and their parts salvaged for repairing other items.
Recycle Where facilities exist, many things can be recycled: paper bags, soda cans, and
plastic bottles. In remote areas, however, recycling facilities do not exist, and it can be
expensive to export collected items for recycling. In these cases, it is important to make
wise decisions in the purchases we make; choose to purchase items that are made from
recycled materials. Rather than purchasing tissue paper that is made from first generation
trees, for example, purchase tissue that is made from recycled papers. Conserving and
protecting our natural resources is important not only so that the resources will be
available in the future, but also for reasons of cultural value and spiritual importance.
Learn from elders and culture bearers in your community what resources are most
valuable and what you can do to help preserve them.

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