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Recce Form Description of the Location: Brighton pier by the beach/entrance of theme park

Purpose: Shows the character handing out leaflets showing his dead end job

List three points that make this location suitable for the purpose: 1. Good backdrop nice scenery to set our scene 2. Iconic location for young up and coming people 3. Colourful scenery and rides goes with his mood when he is happy

List two points that might make this location unsuitable for your purpose: 1. Waves might splash up and ruin our shot, costumes and equipment 2. Narrow path causing it difficult and hazardous to film

If you use this location what will you have to be aware of at all times? Pier security might take away our footage, so we would have to double check if permission to film is granted. Weather may also be an issue because it could effect our equipment and the pier could be closed.

Will you use this location?

Yes/ No

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