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Very few people know that 13th august is celebrated as world left handers day.

The aims of Left-Handers Day are: To raise awareness of lefthandedness and the challenges caused by living in such a right-handed world. Many left-handed people are discriminated against today's society, and are forced to use right handed tools, drive on the right side of the road, and even get harassed. International Lefthanders Day is made to end this discrimination. But Today leftys are excelling in every field. They seem to make exceptional leaders, inventors, artists, musicians and even murderers!

Starting with the Father of the nation, MAHATMA GANDHI, whom we all know was a left hander, then, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin and Marie curie are the famous renown scientists who were left Handers. Bill gates, the riches industrialist and the founder of Microsoft is a lefty, and the first man to go in space, adwin eldrin was a lefty too Charlie Chaplin, tom cruise, Sylvester Stallone and amitabh bachan are the few actors and Angelina Jolie is one of the

actresses who is a left hander. The creator of the harry porter series J K Rowling and Lewis carol, the famous writer who wrote Alice in wonderland are the left handed authors Interestingly, all the United States presidents till date including Barack obama are included in the list of left Handers. Artists such as Michelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci have created master pieces with left hand and Our Indian cricket team includes lefties like saurabh ganguly,yuvraj singh,Zaheer khan,Irfhan pathan and the tennis player Raphael nadal is also lefty. Henry ford who invented the first car was a lefty too, From history, we have left handers like Alexander the great, queen Victoria, Prince Charles, Julius Caesar and many more... Justin Bieber, the teen pop star is a lefty too, and the rap star Eminem is also included in the list. Left handers are our pride as they have been amazing in all sectors. This one day is for acknowledging all the left handers around us... Go lefty!!!

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