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History in a nutshell notes

Friday, May 03, 2013 7:51 AM

Abraham Lincoln- ran against Stephan Douglas and John C. Breckinridge Lincoln won without a single southern state voting for him After Lincoln got elected, the South started to split away from the U.S. December 20, 1860- Carolina became the first state to Secede The eleven states that left, formed the Confederate States of America Jefferson Davis was the President of the Confederate States of America Civil war began at Fort Sumter Fort Sumter was in the South There were 23 Union States in the beginning of the was There were 11 Conference States at the beginning of the war

The North some many advantages. They had many more people and also had more factories, which could be used to make weapons The Union also had many more miles of railroad tracks. The Souths main advantage was that they were fighting at home. (closer to their supplies) The Confederacy also had superior generals and better trained soldiers. The South was also being supplied by England at the beginning of the war. England wanted to keep trading for the Souths cotton. One of the first battles of the war was the Battle of Bull Run. The North realized after this battle that the war would not be easy and would not be over soon.

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