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Slavery supporters

John C. Calhoun He though slavery was a domestic institution that states should be able to choose for whether it was allowed in their state Thought that political and social equality was impossible between Whites and African-Americans

Frederick Douglass Was an escape slave from Maryland. He got away from Slave hunters by changing his name from Bailey to Douglass He spoke about the cruelty of slavery and suffered from insults and violent personal attacks, but he keep on giving his speeches.

James Kirke Paulding He thought that slavery would help preserve the Union and would maintain order in the United States. He wrote a book called Slavery in the United States which criticized the abolitionist movement and defended slavery

William Lloyd Garrison Publisher of an anti-slavery newspaper (The Liberator) and helped lead the Successful movement to get rid of slavery Publicly burned the Constitution because it didn't outlaw slavery and called it agreement with Hell

Sarah and Angelina Grimke They were the only Southern women that opposed slavery. Surprised by what they saw slavery as, they moved North and became active in the abolitionist movement. Wrote pamphlets in 1836 trying to encourage Southern women to opposed slavery and that it was morally wrong. The south didnt like their pamphlets, in South Carolina officials burned them and told the sisters they would be arrested If they came back.

George Fitzhugh Wrote pamphlets like Slavery Justified and The Failure of Free Society. He argued that the Northern and British working classes would have been better off than one run by the Cruel business leaders of a free society Wrote a book called Sociology for the South The book urged Southerners to new heights in their Defense of Slavery

Hinton Helper A whiter Southerner who opposed slavery. He wrote a book called The Impending Crisis of the South: How to meet it that outlined his view on slavery. Opposed it not because it was wrong, but because he thought it hurt whites.

Harriet Tubman She escaped slavery in Maryland plantation in 1849 using the Underground Railroad After escaping, she devoted her energy to helping other slaves escape to freedom through the railroad

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