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Health & Safety Thesaurus February 2010 Characteristic normal Demonstrate express determine (v.

) explain, display, operate, instruct, show Practicable workable, doable (adj.) feasible, realistic, possible, (v.) show, reveal, display, exhibit, (v.) prove, validate, establish, reveal, (n.) trait, feature, attribute, quality (adj.) typical, distinguishing, distinctive,

Negligence disregard Provision prerequisite Duty have to do

(n.) neglect, carelessness, inattention, (n.) stipulation, rider, condition, (n.) responsibility, obligation, what you (n.) job, task, function, undertaking

Power command vigour, intensity

(n.) authority, control, influence, rule, (n.) strength, force, energy, weight, (n.) ability, capacity, faculty, potential,

capability (n.) right, authority, prerogative, entitlement Approved official, agreed Remedy deal with (adj.) accepted, standard, permitted, (n.) solution, answer, treatment (v.) resolve, correct, improve, solve, fix,

Punishment castigation Precedence primacy Interpretation explanation, analysis Omission leaving out Breach infringe, fall foul of Co-operate team Supervision command guidance Safety Health strength, vigour Shortcoming limitation Hazard Commit out, perpetrate Obligation requirement

(n.) sentence, penalty, reprimand, (n.) priority, preference, superiority, (n.) understanding, reading, (n.) oversight, lapse, slip, error, blunder (n.) exclusion, exception, absence, (v.) break, violate, contravene, (v.) work together, liaise, work as a (n.) management, direction, control, (n.) care, custody, guardianship, charge, (n.) security, protection, wellbeing (n.) physical condition, fitness, (n.) inadequacy, failing, fault, deficiency, (n.) danger, vulnerability (v.) do, perform, execute, carry (n.) compulsion, duty, responsibility, (n.) commitment, debt, contract

Contributory Monitor examine Review reassess, go over, check

(adj.) causal, causative (v.) check, observe, supervise, scrutinise, (v.) reconsider, re-examine,

(n.) appraisal, evaluation, assessment, analysis Implement instigate Intent objective, purpose Improvement progress, advance Effective useful, valuable Competence proficiency, expertise Performance running Trend development Benefit profit Compliance Consequence upshot, end result Likelihood Severity acuteness Minimise decrease Factor part Measure Investigate scrutinize Example Inform somebody know (v.) put into practice, execute, employ, (n.) intention, aim, goal, target, (n.) development, enhancement, (adj.) effectual, efficient, successful, (n.) capability, skill, aptitude, (n.) functioning, operation, execution, (n.) tendency, inclination, leaning, (n.) advantage, help, assistance, (n.) fulfilment, conformity, observance (n.) result, effect, outcome, (n.) probability, possibility, chance (n.) gravity, seriousness, (v.) reduce, diminish, lessen, curtail, (n.) issue, feature, aspect, reason, cause, (v.) gauge, determine, assess, evaluate (v.) examine, look into, inspect, probe, (n.) instance, case, case in point (v.) tell, notify, update, let

Consult talk to Attitude Motivation impetus, spur Control

(v.) ask, discuss with, confer with, (n.) approach, mind-set, way of thinking (n.) incentive, drive, enthusiasm, (v.) manage, direct (v.) restrain, contain (v.) monitor, check, regulate, inspect,

limit, restrict (n.) influence, command, say, sway Recruit enrol, take on Address adopt (v.) employ, enlist, engage, hire, (v.) tackle, deal with, attend to, focus on, (v.) direct, deliver, dispatch, refer Programme (n.) agenda, plan, list (n.) curriculum, course, series, syllabus Development advancement, promotion Support sponsor, aid Manage (n.) training, education, (v.) back, encourage, assist, (v.) run, direct, administer, supervise (v.) handle, deal with, control Establish confirm Action Influence authority, control on Undertake accept (v.) take on, assume, start, commence, (v.) ascertain, determine, find out, prove, (n.) act, deed, exploit, achievement, feat (v.) manipulate, persuade, sway, (v.) affect, change, shape, have an effect

Criterion condition Maintain keep up Consider account

(n.) decisive factor, principle, measure, (v.) uphold, preserve, retain, sustain, (v.) think about, weigh up, take into (v.) bear in mind, be concerned about

Documented accepted,acknowledged Maximise exploit Appointed prearranged Immediate Category grouping Similar like, akin Disable halt, stop Include take in

(adj.) recognised, standard, (v.) make the most of, capitalise on, (adj.) chosen, selected, agreed, fixed, (adj.) instant, direct (n.) group, type, kind, class, sort, (adj.) comparable, related, alike, (v.) immobilse, render inoperative, (v.) comprise, contain, consist of, (v.) incorporate, involve, bring in

Component element Engage Reactive Reason explanation, grounds intention

(n.) part, constituent, section, factor, (v.) appoint, take on, employ (adj.) kneejerk, spontaneous, reflex (n.) cause, basis, rationale, (n.) aim, end, goal, purpose, object, (n.) good sense, logic, sense,


Underlying principal, basic Function serve Circumstance incident Hierarchy ladder Afford Necessitate for, demand Dilemma problem

(adj.) fundamental, primary, core, (n.) purpose, meaning, role, task (v.) work, perform, operate, run, act, (n.) condition, situation, fact, (n.) pecking order, chain of command, (v.) give, offer, present, allow, provide (v.) require, need, dictate, impose, call (n.) quandary, predicament, impasse,

Inspection assessment Culture Positive encouraging decisive, certain Negative harmful

(n.) examination, check, scrutiny, (n.) ethos, philosophy (adj.) optimistic, constructive, (adj.) definite, explicit, conclusive, (adj.) unenthusiastic, unconstructive,

Choose wish, opt point out Liable answerable

(v.) decide, want, prefer, desire, (v.) select, pick, take, indicate, elect, (adj.) legally responsible, accountable, (adj.) likely, apt, predisposed, prone

Ensure warrant, certify

(v.) make sure, guarantee,

Activity endeavour

(n.) action, movement, motion. (n.) pursuit, interest, occupation,

Utilise develop Commitment loyalty, allegiance responsibility, liability Relevant appropriate Foster encourage Involvement contribution commitment Proximity Systematic orderly Peripheral secondary, marginal

(v.) use, exploit, employ, operate, (n.) dedication, steadfastness, (n.) obligation, duty, (adj.) pertinent, applicable, related, (v.) promote, further, advance, cultivate, (v.) look after, nurture (n.) participation, association, (n.) attachment, interest, enthusiasm, (n.) nearness, closeness, immediacy (adj.) methodical, organised, logical, (adj.) tangential, nonessential,

Option (n.) alternative,choice,selection,decision,preference Deficient short flawed Impartial (adj.) neutral, fair, unbiased, independent, objective detached, unprejudiced, open-minded, balanced Ambiguous confusing, indistinct (adj.) vague, unclear, indefinite, (adj.) lacking, poor, incomplete, wanting, (adj.) faulty, defective, inadequate,

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