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Draw and name the instrument used for the following process. a) b) c) d) e) To measure the accurate volume of solution. To measure the unknown volume of solution in titration. To determine the color change during titration. To measure temperature. To observed the precipitation in the cation test.

2. 3.

Clarify some actions should be taken before doing an experimental. In an acid-base titration, 20 ml 0.1 M H2SO4 is titrated with 18,50 ml sodium carbonate. a) b) Write the balance equation for the above reaction. By using formula, MaVa / MbVb = a / b Calculate the molarity of base used in the reaction. c) State the color change at the end point if methyl orange solution is used as an indicator.

4. 5.

Why does KMnO4 solution has to be stored in an amber aspirator bottle ? Describe step by step on how to conduct a thermochemistry experiment using Na2CO3, NaHCO3 and HCl ?

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