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The Demon Runners

By: Devin Ridgeway She appeared out of the trees like a horse starting a race. She was running from something. Maybe the monsters that inhabit the island found her. I figured she might have been a tourist or vacationer because everyone that lives here knows that they shouldnt go out during the morning. I saw the monsters coming out of the trees next. They werent very far behind her. I quickly took out my camera and snapped a picture. I guess the lens I was using didnt work either. I took about five pictures next, and each lens did not work. I felt my anger rising. I was trying for weeks to get a picture of the little demons, but nothing has worked. I decided to go lethal. I took my pistol out of my closet. I ran down the stairs of my house. I opened the door and called her over. She ducked into my house as I started shooting. I killed about ten or thirteen before they started invading the house. I told her that there was a sniper rifle in my closet, upstairs. She ran up to get it. I kept shooting. I eventually ran out of bullets and started using my knife. I heard a crack and saw the girl on the steps with the rifle. She had taken off the scope and started shooting with the crosshairs. We ran upstairs and into my room. We jumped out the window onto the roof and started running. Apparently the little demons learned how to climb through a window. They started chasing us across the rooftops. Ive had experience in free-running, and apparently, she had too. We ran as fast as we could,

hearing the loud-pitched cries behind us. We ducked into another house that had left the roof hatch open. We tried to close the hatch, but it was to rusty. We finally closed the hatch and relaxed for a few seconds, trying to catch our breathe. She said her name was Claudia. We heard the scratching at the doors. Suddenly we simultaneously looked over and saw a balcony with the door wide open. We rushed to close the doors, but the demons were just a little faster than we were. Four or five demons dropped from the roof and we stopped, abruptly. We turned and ran. We ran downstairs and through the front door; through the streets and into a bakery. There was a backroom that we assumed was a safe room. We looked inside and our eyes opened wide. Inside the room were swords, machine guns, bow staffs, and anything you could need for a war. I took a machine gun and Claudia took a sword. I slowly walked to the door and shot out the glass. The demons came swarming in and I started shooting. There was so many I thought I could have built a wall out of bullets and demons. As soon as enough were killed, we ran outside. We ran through the streets, getting blocked by the little, black-eyed demons at corners. We knew that there was a cave up ahead. We set a course for the cave. Every night at 10:00, everyone on the island goes to the cave and it acts as a refugee center. We reached it safely, but this isnt over.

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