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A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen 1. What is the miracle Nora waits for?

Her husband is willing to give up his credibility for her. What are the implications of its not happening? He complains that he must give in to Krogstad. 2. How does Nora change from the beginning of the play to the end? In the beginning she is a cheerful acting person, in the end she is serious and wants to be herself not how someone else wants her to be. 3. Why does Ibsen have Krogstad and Kristine marry? To show two people marry because they both want it, not one that is a fake. 4. Discuss the ironies in the play. The ones well off in the beginning are the ones with problems later on, the ones that were bad off are now off better. 5. Examine the imagery used to help portray characters, especially Nora. The characters are described as realist as possible, they are not exaggerated. 6. What are the differences between Torvald's and Nora's philosophies? Torvald believes he is better than his wife, where Nora believes they should be equal and give up anything for the other one. 7. How exaggerated is Ibsen's view that the successful middle class marriage creates roles which turn people away from their true selves? It is exaggerated, but the idea that he is presenting is ture. 8. Does Nora have the right to walk out on her marriage? She has the right to walk out. Children? She does not have the right to abandon the children, even if she believes that she is not suitable to help them grow. 9. Why is Dr. Rank in the play? To help show the growing tension between Torvald and Nora. 10. Discuss the themes of the play. The theme of the play is true love. Torvald and Nora do not have true love, but Krogstad and Kristine do.

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