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Urban Lyrics Slam Team

What year was the team created?

2010 2003

How long has the team been competing?

Since the 2013 Wade-Lewis Poetry Slam No 6 poets- 5 competing and 1 alternate Since its creation 10 years ago Yes- Jared Singer 17 poets- there have been as few as 5 and as many as 20

Does the team have a coach? How many current members? How many hours of practice each week?
2.5 hours 4 hours. Every semester there are a few weekend workshops at Singers Brooklyn apartment
One day Id like to see the New Paltz poets on the final stage of the National College Unions Poetry Slam Invitational...I just want the team to write well, perform well, and like each other. Everything else comes second.

I would love to see them do more urban competitions, maybe go to high schools in the city and perform and inspire kids to write. My biggest goal is that the team doesnt lose the spark that started the fire. -Co-President Danit Ianovici

What are the teams goals?

-President Bre Metcalf-Oshinsky

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