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1. Assessment is the use of varying techniques in order to get an idea of student learning, motivators, weaknesses, and strengths.

Assessment is most often used by educators to get a clear picture of student learning and to find pieces that may need a little more work in order to reach the expected learning standards and benchmarks. 2. Testing is more in-depth and often broader than assessment in most cases. Testing often is used to tell educators of the quality and level of knowledge that a student has reached. Testing is often used to provide information about both areas of high performance and of low performance. 3. Testing and assessment are similar because they both measure knowledge and understanding but in different ways. As well, they both give educators a much better idea when it comes to the many different needs of the students.

4. Tests are used to measure student progress and to the extent that knowledge that was retained. Testing is used to ensure children are on level and are reaching the recommended benchmarks. Testing and assessment are used to evaluate the teacher and the students abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Testing is also done to solely benefit the student!

5. I know about standardized testing, diagnostic testing, benchmark testing, and other types of testing that arent as formal such as quizzes. 6. Testing is a positive experience because of how much information it provides to the educator of student learning. This information allows educators to better instruct on future lessons and allows us to help students reach the levels that they need to be. 7. I believe that sometimes testing sometimes causes teachers to neglect other important topics. I also believe that some of the tests are written in a way that only those of certain backgrounds can understand and this creates an unfair testing environment. Standardized testing also has a bad reputation for not taking disabilities into account often times.

8. I feel that testing causes teachers to neglect other important topics many times because I have seen it happen in my own educational journey. Too often the teacher will brush an interesting topic but the students wont hear of it anymore because it isnt a testing concept. They will review and review concepts and topics that will be on that big test, and other important things are put to the side.

I feel that testing doesnt take those that are diverse into account because too often it is being reported that tests today are much Americanized. A student that may not have been in the country long may not understand the same kind of ideas and wording, this creates unfairness in testing. You can also see all of these different types of diversity gaps in the testing simply by looking at the results afterwards. I have heard cases since No Child Left Behind where students have needed that extra assistance and have not been able to complete a test because they arent on that level. Since everyone is expected to perform on the same level, this goes to show that those with disabilities arent being treated fairly.

9. I know that as a future educator it is important for me to understand the testing/assessment procedures and learn how to fairly apply them to all different walks of life. A one size fits all test just doesnt work, and therefore there are times when there needs to be accommodations.

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