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God made us for a reason. When you think about what Jesus did when he came.

Jesus healed people, he touched even the lepers, he received them, he cared for them, he fed the hungry, he ministered courage to the disheartened, the despondent, the fearful and he said I and my Father are one. That means the Father is like Jesus. God always wants me to be the best of me. God wants all my potential to come to the full he wants me to be the best I could be. He wants me to be vibrant, healthy and sound. God doesnt want you broken, God doesnt want you broken and discouraged and despondent. God wants me well. And he has made it possible, for the Bible says whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord, shall be saved. Whosoever = Anybody. It is not difficult to believe, because you dont believe with your mind but with your spirit because the mind would be tempted to reason out. The mind is a rational area of man. The mind doesnt believe, its like a film; it only receives the information and processes the information. Its like the computer, the computer for example receives the information, it doesnt believe or not believe, it just works on the information. So the user of the computer decides, controls what happens with the computer. Thats what your spirit is like; your spirit controls what happens with your mind. You chose to believe and when you chose to believe, your mind has nothing to say against it. Luke 9:29 As he prayed the appearance of his countenance was altered, it means the glory of God was revealed through Him; but in Moses day, it was outward (Exodus 34:28). If you receive the Holy Spirit, that glory of God that was manifested on Moses face, comes to live in you. So you may be filled with the Holy Spirit and yet the house is filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts2:2). And this what the Bible talks about when he says the power of the Lord was present to heal (Luke 5:17) No matter what you go through, what you need is what you already have: the Holy Spirit. If you would stir up the gift of God that is inside you, the power will be made available to effect the change that you need. A Christian who has received the Holy Spirit is anointed, if you have the Holy Spirit, you are not ordinary.

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