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Harvest House International School of Ministry Braamfontein HIGHER DIPLOMA IN APOSTOLIC STUDIES

Lecturer: Date: Instructions

1. The questions below are based on the lesson on The Anointing of the Apostolic House Module. It is very important to back all your answers with scriptures. You are also expected to have studied these topics beyond the details in the module as the module is only a guideline and not an exhaustive study tool. 2. Your typed assignment must be handed over to the Admin team by the time of the next lecture. Handwritten assignments will not be marked. Q# 1. Question The anointing of the house is an apostolic anointing that authenticates an apostolic calling. It is an anointing that emanates from the leader of an apostolic house. Why do you think it is critical for believers to understand the anointing of the house? 2. With reference to relevant scriptures, explain why the house of Aaron is considered to be a shadow of an apostolic house. One of the signs of an apostolic house is that they dig wells. a) Using relevant scriptural examples, explain what you understand by the term spiritual wells? b) What is the relevance or importance of wells in an apostolic house? Not all churches follow an apostolic model. State and explain 5 key reasons why a church should follow an apostolic model and/or why churches should be built in form of apostolic houses. 5. Some bible scholars have argued that Apostles only existed in Bible times and that they dont exist anymore in this day and age. Using relevant scriptural reference discuss why you agree or disagree with the statement above. In terms of the roles of a Senior Pastor in an apostolic house; identify the top three priority roles and justify why you think the roles should be prioritised that way. Your answer must be supported by scriptural references. Total marks 10 5 10 Marks

Elder L. Manhivi 13 April 2013




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