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Why People Make Noise during an Eclipse

A long time ago, the Sun and the Moon were best friends. But, they never have the chance to meet because they move around in different time. One day the Sun and The Moon met and had a conversation. The Sun was curious how the Moon could look so beautiful and could attract people on the earth. The Moon told the Sun how to attract people on the earth, the Moon suggested the Sun to swallow all her children. The Sun was confused whether or not believe what the Moon had said. But then The Sun swallowed all her children. The Sun waited to see what was going to happen after she ate her children. But three nights later, the Sun was shocked by what she saw. There were many sparkling stars around her. She knew that they were the Moons children. She became very angry. She realized that she had been tricked by the Moon. The Sun was chasing the Moon everywhere. All she wanted to do was to take revenge. After a long search, she found the Moon. Knowing that the Sun was angry with her, the Moon tried to run away, It wasnt my fault. It was because you were so stupid! The Sun became angry. The Sun attacked the Moon. They had a very big fight. During the fight, the earth suddenly got very dark. Everyone on earth was scared. People tried many different ways to stop the fight. Finally they found the best way. Everyone had to make a noise. They beat pans, cans or anything which produced noise while running to and fro in front of their house. Why did they do that? They tried to scare the Sun and the Moon so they would stop fighting. The Sun and Moon thought the noise came from a giants foot-step and they were scared too and stopped fighting. Finally the darkness which covered the Earth disappeared and everyone lived happily again.

Vidya Aparajita, Ni Wayan XI IPA 8 / 23

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Inquisitively = The baby looked around inquisitively. Tempted = I am always tempted to read something before I go to sleep. Adore = People adore him because of his beautiful voice. Curiously = Kaitlyn opened the box curiously. Chasing = My neighbors dog is always chasing cars. Tricked = I watched a TV show where men had been tricked by his friends Scared = She has been really scared of bees since she got stung Curiosity = A good teacher uses a childs natural curiosity to make learning an exciting experience

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