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N. 1 9 . 2 0 0 4 1:58PM 9 - 1 1 COMMISSION N0, 1 6 6 1 ?. ?


Notifications to Military

8:26am ATSCC informally notifies military representative there about AAL 11.

8:34am Boston Center asks Cape TRACON to notify Otis Air Force Base about
AAL 11.
Cape TRACON notifies Otis Air Force Base.
Otis says needs authorization from North East Air Defense Sector

8:38am Traffic Management Specialist at Boston Center calls NEADS_and__

———•—— - Airspace Procedures Specialist^ Boston Center calls NORAj>_ New
York Center notification record indicates they notified the military
regarding AAL 11.
\m NEADS logs indicate Boston Center notified them rega

8:43 am New York Center asks the military liaison specialist at NY Center to get
military assistance. (We believe this is still related to AAL 11 but it may
be the source of NQRAD press release showing 8:43 am notification
regarding UAL 175. NY Center was working UAL 175 at that time but
everything was still normal.)

8:49-9:05am NY Center military liaison specialist contacts Huntress (military facility).

9:05am The NEADS logs show FAA notifying them regarding UAL 175.
(NoterThl? may b~e"tne~caIT tforri the military n"ais^nTpecialisratTrY~"

9:15am FAA Security Intelligence office contacts FBI, CIA, S-60, and state
regarding AAL 11.

9:16-9:25am NOIWON^ I NOIWONnormally includes

the military:

9:20a.rn \Vashington Ops. Center activates the primary net, which includes NMCC
.and Secret Service.

9:24am NEADS logs show FAA notifying them regarding AAL 77.

9:26am FAA net logs show discussion of two airplanes hitting WTC (both
possibly AAL flights - one out of Boston; 1 out of Dulles). (Note: This
may be the source of 9:24 NEADS entry). NMCC and Secret Service on
the net,

9/11 Closed by Statute

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