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The Reverend Evan D.

Howard: Giving Up in Order to Break Through

Living beyond our difficulties, sorrows, and challenges is more about praying with our questions than about receiving clear or immediate answers. We often have to give up a stifling attitude in order to make a spiritual breakthrough. Changes in our circumstances are temporary; changes in our hearts, forever. Jesus was an extraordinary spiritual teacher because he challenged people to make breakthroughs in their lives and he showed them how to do it. The problem was, they didn't always listen. And yet their stories are recorded in the Bible so that we can learn fro m them. He invited a rich young man to give up everything in order to have "treasure in heaven," but the man went away sad because he didnt have the faith to do it. If your life is anything like mine, you need a spiritual breakthrough. You need insight, strength, peace, joy, and hope greater than your own. Once we find these treasures, we are not only able to cope but also to thrive, no matter what life throws at us. It all begins with giving up whatever keeps us from doing Gods will. As we work on doing that, we can make the spiritual breakthroughs that transform our lives.

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