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Open MyEclipse IDE, Expand Choose Run/Stop Restart MyEclipse Servers icon

Now there is only MyEclipse provided Tomcat available. Now select Cofigure Server.

Now Expand Servers

Now Choose Tomcat 6.X and Double click on it.

Now There are two radio buttons those are enable or disable. Choose Enable, Now Click on Browse as show below

Now Traceout Tomcat installation Directory in your computer

Now Click OK

Now again expand Tomcat 6.X and choose JDK

Now Click on Add buttom

Give JRE home location that means Javahome>jdk1.6 and then Click ok afterwards Click Finish.

Now expand the Run/Stop MyEclipse Servers.

Now select Tomcat 6.X Start

Now observer Server console Tomcat might have started.

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