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IFTM University Moradabad

Subject code: MEC-301 Roll NO.-


Time: 03 hours Note: Attempt any five questions 1. 2. 3.

Total Marks: 70 (14*5=70)

4. 5. 6.



Explain intermodal dispersion. What is the cause of material dispersion and waveguide Dispersion? What do you mean by attenuation of an optical fiber? What are its units? What are different causes of attenuation in an optical fiber? The material dispersion parameter for a glass fiber is 20 ps nm at a wavelength of 1.5m. Estimate the pulse broadening due to material dispersion within the fibre when light is launched from an injection laser source with a peak wavelength of 1.5 m and an rms spectral width of 2 nm into a 30 km length of the fibre. (i) List the advantages of optical fiber communication. (ii) Draw the elements of an optical fiber transmission link and explain a) What is meant by indirect band gap semi conductor material? (b)Give example for direct and indirect semiconductor materials. Calculate the ratio of stimulated emission rate to the spontaneous emission rate for a lamp operating at a temperature of 100 K. Assume average operating wavelength is 0.5 micro meter. a) Discuss the principle of operation of APD with neat circuit diagram. Also discuss the requirements of photo detector. (b) Discuss the fundamentals of receiver operations with neat block diagram. What do you mean by preamplifier? What are its various types? What are advantages and disadvantages of each type of preamplifier?


What do you mean by Bit Error Rate (BER)? What are its typical values? Derive expression for BER for typical optical receiver. 10. (i) Discuss the operational principles of WDM (ii) Describe the key features of WDM

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