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SSB Screening Test Model - Page 2 Test - I 1.

In each of the following questions an attribute situation is described in the form of statement that is followed by two options. Tick Mark your choice. There is no right or wrong answers but the suitability maters. 2. You have opted Defence Services as your carrier because. a. b. a. b. a. Defence Officers' are paid well. It carries adventurous activities. It is faithful It guards the house Beauty

3. We keep dog because.

4. I prefer the following in a woman



5. Government service is better because. a. b. a. b. a. b. a. b. a. There is good salary There is job security. He sacrifices for the country He fights against external aggressions. It reduces government expenditure. It gives better understanding between boys and girls. Beautifying the area For regular morning walk. For the act of bravery and heroism.

6. A soldier serves the nation more because.

7. Co-education is useful because-

8. We maintain garden for-

9. Brave who laid their life on the battle field are endorsed in the books of History for

b. a. b. a. b.

To give lesson to new generation. He is paid for that He feels responsibility. They need help. They approach for help.

10. Police does his duties because-

11. We extend help to old persons because-

Test - II: Fill in the missing words:1. As Long is to Short, so is Up is to _________. 2. As forest is to Tress so is Pond is to _________. 3. As teacher is to Chalk so is wood cutter is to_________. 4. As night is to Day so is Darkness is to _________. 5. As Good is to Bad so is Joys to _________. 6. As Stop is to Go, so is Smooth is to _________. 7. As Admiral is to sailor so is General is to _________. 8. As Food is to Eat so is Newspaper is to _________. 9. As Brave is to Coward so is Sharp is to _________. 10. As Scientist is to New Search so is Soldier to _________.

SSB Screening Test Model

Story Writing Tips Thematic writing is given to judge your imagination and positive thoughts. When you start writing the story remeber the following: The story should have a Past the present (i.e what is happening in the scene) The Future. In the story the hero/heroien may be seen/or imagined the hero should bring out his good quality. ie that any one of the 15 OLQ already told to you in this SSB Handbbok The story should be about 12 to 15 sentences 3 for Past 6 for Present 3 for future In the picture no 1. Mr. Ram was an hard working and intelligent young man. His aim was to become a collector, he started his preparation from his final year at the college. In the picture we see him preparing for the forth coming prelim. Being a maticulas and a student of forsight, he had collected thematerials for the test. His hard workl and didication had paid him. He passed the exam with flying colours He continued his hard work in the academy too, and he passed out as the best IAS officer in his course.

Individual Task


Click Here to View the tasks assigned to the previous candidates at SSB. 1. >>Individual 2. >>


By carefully following the suggestions you will be able to Project your OLQ (Officer Like Qualities) to the selectors at the Services Selection Board. Remember to be natural and calm, be your self, do your best, put the interest of the group before your own, and always be alert. By being yourself your qualities are easily seen by the selectors. All the selectors are well trained, so please do not use any unfair means are bluff. What do they judge at SSB in Group Tasks ? A) Assessment of Candidate's Participation within the formulated Rules B) Planning and Intelligent Assessment of the situation C) Inidividual Quality in context to the Group D) Assuming control of a Group to execute a task E) Assess the problem from different angles F) Assign responsibility to Team mates G) Ability to realise the Potential of Group Members H) Capacity to motivate others I) Alertness J) Creative Thinking K) Putting the Group before the Self L) Helping Tendency M) Originality of Thought N) Quick Decision Making O) Cooperation with Others P) Group Integration Q) Planning and Execution R) Leadership Initiative Group Planning You are a group of Nine college students, all of you went to River Kasi for enjoying a boat ride. While you were going for boating, you saw a school bus carrying children for picnic spot near the River. When you started boating down the river, you you saw an Helicopter flying very low and crashed near Fort, which was 2 kms away from your location. You also noticed that there was a lot of hue and cry of small children, who got stuck in the cable car just near to your boating site. Two of your friends who went to investigate the Helicopter crash reported to you stating, that the Pilot was injured and a box, which he was carrying was to be delivered to ATC by 1500 hours, if not it would explode. The cable operator rushed towards you, and requested you to help him

out to repair the cable car and rescue the children. One of your friends told you that he had left his wallet containing money and important address in the near by teashop. You were also required to reach the college hostel to attend the function at 1700 hours. The time now is 1430 hours. Write your actions and discuss a suitable solution. Assume resources available are a) a Jeep b) traffic on the road c) Phone at Local Hospital which is 6 Kms away from your location. d) Road head is 2Kms from you e) Fort is 4 kms away from you

Group Task

SELF APPRAISAL Every candidate will be asked to write a self- appraisal during the psychological test. This will be the last part of the Psychological test. The aim of this is to make you commit about your-self regarding your knowledge about your-self. The usual headings under which you will be asked to give out the appraisal is:a) What is you personal opinion about your self? b) What does your parents think of you? c) What does your best friend think about you? d) What does your worst enemy think of you? e) What does your teacher think of you? f) What are your strong points? g) What are your weak points? h) What are the qualities you would like to develop? Tips: Go systematic. Suggested headings: i) About your parents and place of birth and family background ii) Physical Attributes iv) Social Contacts v) Education vi) Extra curricular activities , achievements

vii) Your aims and goals. Both short term and long term viii) Religion WHAT, YOU FOLLOW? Follow the suggestions to get clear the interviews, Your answers come under the Candidates Reaction and the right way of answering comes under Suggestion 1.WAR Candidates reactions: a) Peace overcomes war b) War is destruction c) I hate war d) War means bloodshed Suggestion: Love Peace, but be prepared for war 2.PEACE Candidate: a) Every one loves peace (Acceptable) b) I love peace c) Peace brings Progress ( Very Good) 3.WORK Candidate: a) work is worship b) Hard work pays (Acceptable) c) Hardwork leads to success (Very Good) d) Work while you work play while you play (Avoid using proverbs) 4.DEFEAT Candidate a) Defeat the enemy b) Defeat the defeat c) Defeat -dont get upset d) Dont get depressed by defeats (Acceptable) Suggestion: a) Defeat teaches us lessons. b) Analyse causes of defeat to succeed 5.COUNTRY Candidate: a) I Love my Country (Good) b) Serving our country is Nobel (Acceptable) c) Its our duty to safeguard our country (A) d) Country first self next 6.HOME Suggestion:. Home teaches us Manners 7.LUCK,8.GHOST,9.TRUST,10.COMPANY,11.PLAYGROUND,12.CHARACTER,13.SPORTS,14.SAD, 15.WORRY,16.SUCCESS,17.GARDEN,18.ARMY,19.MUSIC,,20.WAR,21.HEALTH,22.CUSTOM, 23.AFFECTION24.FORTUNE,25.FAULT,26.SNAKE,27.HELP,28.CO-0PERATE,29.RESPONSIBLE, 30.WITHDRAW,31.TIRED,32.RISK,33.BOAT,34.STEP,35.FIGHT,36.PROBLEM,37.MACHINE ,38.LEAD,39.SYSTEM,40.AFRAID,41.SERIOUS,42.SAVE,43.JUMP,44.DIFFER,45.PROTECT, 46.SISTER,47.ATOM,,48.SOCIETY,49.ATTACK,50.ENEMY,51.FRIEND,52.MONEY,53.WEALTH, 54.POOR,55.EXERCISE,56.RUN,57.CONFLICT,58.PRINCIPAL,59.EXPERIENCE,60.AIM 7 . Luck plus hardwork leads to success 8 . Ghost stories are famous in England 9 . Always trust your leader 10 . Enjoy good company of friends 11 . Playground teaches us many lessons 12 . Character is a virtue 13 . A part from studies involve in sports 14 . Happiness overcomes sadness 15 . Dont worry about failures 16 . success is the fruit of hardwork 17 . My garden has many kinds of flowers 18 . Indian army is known for its patriotism 19 .Music can cure diseases 20 . India won the kargil war 21 . Jogging keeps us in good health 22 . Its our custom to respect elders

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

. I have great affection towards my parents . Fortune and hardwork makes one succeed . Engineers are capable of rectifying faults . Snakes poison is used as medicine . ALways help others . Co-operate with your neighbours . I am a responsible person . Yesterday I withdrew my savings to help the poor . When intrested in work one feels seldom tired . Soldiers risk their life for their motherland . Boats are used to cross dangerous rivers . Fail;ure is steeping stone for success . Fight for a noble cause . Every problem has a solution . Machine is backbone of industry. . Leaders always leads .Education system in india is good . Dont be afraid of obstacles . Take things seriously and work . Child was saved when he was drowned in the river . Analyse the situation and jump into action . Opinions always differ . Exercise protects us from diseases

Services Selection Board

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Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (January 2010)

Services Selection Board (SSB) is the Personality and Intelligence Interview spread over 5 days which scientifically analyses each candidate's potential and compatibility for commission into the Armed Forces of India.

[hide] 1 Introduction 2 Procedure 3 Details of the Tests 4 Some General Points

5 Related Photos 6 External links

[edit] Introduction
There are numerous ways of earning Commission as an officer in Indian Armed Forces, both for civilians (after 10+2, graduation, post graduation), as well as for serving personnel. Whatever be the mode, SSB is the step all have to clear, except for the medical corps. There is no limit on the number of attempts that can be made and the SSB Assessors encourage candidates to appear again for SSB. The interview exercise is mainly a psychological assessment of the personality of the candidate, to gauge his/her potential as a future officer in Indian Military. The tests conducted by the SSB aim at selecting individuals with OLQs (Officer Like Qualities). These qualities include effective intelligence, sense of responsibility, initiative, judgment (under stress), ability to reason and organize, communication skills, determination, courage, selfconfidence, speed in decision-making, willingness to set an example, compassion and a feeling of loyalty to the nation. Most of the tests require average intelligence. The SSB attempts to gauge the natural responses of the individuals. The tests are graded into various categories of both individual and group variety and each batch of candidates goes through the subtle testing pattern in the course of a few days. They are under observation not only while they perform in various psychological tests but even as they conduct themselves during the course of their stay at the SSB headquarters, where they are billeted for that duration. The SSB Board is not concerned with the number of vacancies. Its responsibility is to assess and then, recommend. After recommendation, the candidates appear for Medical Examination and after that is the Merit List. Those who finally make the grade join for training and hence become Commissioned Officers. Origin of these type of testing belongs to first world war era. In first world war, large number of casualties on battle fields necessitated recruitment of best fighting talent in armed forces. For this need, psychologists designed some scientific based tests which accesses candidate's Officer Like Qualities (OLQs). Over the years SSB testing has been improved based on feedback and has been proved to be an effective and accurate way of selecting candidates who are capable of being atleast an average officer after training.

[edit] Procedure
The candidates who are declared by UPSC as having cleared the written exam, as well as those shortlisted in Direct Entries are called through Call Letters to appear for SSB (Allahabad/Bangalore/Bhopal/Dehradun/Mysore/Varanasi/) at the Centre allotted to the candidate. There have instances when the call-up letter fails to reach the candidate and the onus lies on the candidate to be alert and contact the office after a reasonable amount of time if the letter is not received when UPSC written has been cleared. Similar is the way for service candidates, except for that their movement is intimated to their seniors via movement orders.
Day 0 (Day of Reporting)

SSB is a two stage process. To qualify for Stage II, a candidate needs to clear Screening Test or Stage I. On the date of reporting, the candidates are picked from the railway station and during the evening, certain Forms and also the Bio Data forms known as Personal Information Questionnaire (PIQ) are filled. PIQ is very important- there must be no cutting and consistency in each of the four or five copies of PIQ you are to fill. Candidates are also briefed on testing schedule and general instructions, which must be followed throughout the duration of stay in selection center.
Day 1 (Screening Tests)

On the next day, is the Stage I, in which candidates are given Intelligence Test (Verbal and NonVerbal), then there is a Picture Perception test, in which a slide (hazy or clear) is shown and then each candidate writes their story and later have a Group Discussion. This sequence is popularly called PPDT- Picture Perception and Discussion Test. After the completion of these tests, results are announced and those who do not make it in this attempt are dropped back to the railway station and the successful ones are retained for 4 days of detailed assessment.
Day 2 (Psychology Tests) 1. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)- Commonly known as Picture Story writing. 2. Word Association Test (WAT) 3. Situation Reaction Test (SRT) 4. Self Description Test (SD), or a variation of this like description from the eyes of parents, teachers, colleagues, neighbours etc. Day 3 and Day 4 (GTO Tasks)

Recommended dress for GTO Tasks

Group Testing Officers (GTO) Test (Third and Fourth day) The following tests are conducted in this category :1. Group discussion 2. Group Planning Exercise (sometimes known as Military Planning Exercise) 3. Progressive Group Tasks 4. Half Group Tasks 5. Individual Obstacles 6. Group Obstacles Race or Snake Race 7. Command Task 8. Lecturette 9. Final Group Task

Note:Interview :- (Held during afternoon/evening hours on 2nd/3rd/4th day)

Day 5 (Conference)

On the final day, every Assessor and the candidate sit together for and have a chat- the fate of the candidate for that SSB is decided by the Assessors collectively there. The candidates are required

to appear before the complete Board of Examiners comprising of President,Deputy President, all the psychologists, all the GTOs and Technical Officer. After the Board Meeting of every candidate is over,the final result is declared within an hour. Selected candidates are required to stay back for their medical examination (takes about 3 to 5 working days) in the Military Hospital near by or at a different place and the remaining candidates are dropped at the Railway Station.

[edit] Details of the Tests

The SSB follows a three-pronged approach consisting of three independent methods, by three different Officers to arrive at the most unbiased and objective conclusion:
Purely psychological testing apparatus Outdoor test or group task officer's test Personal interview.

PIQ Form: On arrival at the SSB headquarters all candidates are given a questionnaire in which they have to fill in personal details regarding family background, educational profile etc. In addition this questionnaire is also a self-appraisal as some of the questions are aimed at gauging the candidate's opinion of him/her self. It forms a base for questions, which may be put to a candidate at the personal, interview stage and has importance for the psychologist on the Board who analyzes the responses. Intelligence Tests comprising both verbal and non-verbal questions are put to each candidate. It is in the form of a written test of the objective type with multiple-choice questions. Approximate time allotted for answering each question is 30 seconds. Candidates have to reason out the answers using common sense and intelligence on the basis of the facts given or pictures shown. It is presumed that a person of average intelligence does not lose the faculty of common sense reasoning even under pressure. Since time is important, candidates should leave the tricky questions for the last few minutes and attempt to answer the maximum number of questions. There are two intelligence tests without breaks. Duration for the First intelligence test is 30 minutes and for second intelligence test is 27 minutes. Word Association Tests (WAT): This part of the psychological testing attempts to gauge the psychological make-up of the candidate on the basis of the responses of each candidate to words in everyday usage. As soon as a word is given a candidate is expected to formulate a sentence immediately. Only about 15 seconds are allowed to formulate each sentence and there are 60 words to be processed. Word Association is a common word game involving an exchange of words that are associated together. The game is based on the noun phrase word association, meaning "stimulation of an associative pattern by a word"[1] or "the connection and production of other words in response to a given word, done spontaneously as a game, creative technique, or in a psychiatric evaluation."[2]
1. Broken, Clear, Eye 2. Playing, Credit, Report 3. Barrel, Root, Belly 4. Rock, Times, Steel 5. Sore, Shoulder, Sweat Glass Card Beer Hard Cold

6. Magic, Plush, Floor


Thematic Apperception Test (TAT): TAT is also called as Picture Story Test. This again is a device to assess the outlook of a candidate through the medium of his/her responses to pictures or slides. About eight to twelve such pictures are shown to the candidates for less than a minute and immediately after they are expected to write a small story based on the picture. Here again the thrust is on portraying positive traits of personality. The technique analyzes the positive factors of the personalities of the candidates since it is felt that leaders of men can be built up from among those who already have inherent potential. The last slide is a blank slide, and it is often said that the psychologist reads the blank slide story first. Situation Reaction Tests (SRT): The reaction of the candidates in response to everyday lifelike situations is analyzed. Certain instances, which may occur in the day-to-day life of ordinary individuals, are put to the candidates and they have to give their immediate reaction from among the multiple choices given. Answers are not rated in absolute terms of right or wrong; they are in fact weighted in the degree of correctness. Time for reaction is very short, approximately 30 seconds and this is so because the Board wishes to analyze the spontaneous and natural responses of the candidates. There are 60 questions and time allotted is 30 minutes. Ship Duty Person School Sports Day Person Snatches Purse Masked Persons Sells Smuggled Goods
44) He was walking on a dark street with his girl friend then suddenly 10 armed people came & started harassing his girl friend the next police station was 10km away 45) His friend was always quarrelling with him and the papers were near. He..... 46) His boss gives a piece of work and orders him to follow his instructions to complete the work, but the work is difficult to finish within time. He............ 47) He see a snake moving near to the bed where his younger brother is sleeping, when he enters his room. 48) If some of your friend cracks a joke on you in presence of your girlfriend, what will you do... 49) You received an urgent order from your commander. But you feel that order passed on to you is wrong. You..

Situation Reaction Test Girl Friend Weak Financial Condition

Group Testing Officer (GTO) tasks: The basic aim is to examine and observe candidates from close quarters in order to study their reactions to different tasks so as to analyze whether their thinking and responses on the individual plane (as revealed in the psychological testing system) tally with their actions in the groups tasks. There are a variety of tasks assigned in this phase.
Group discussion: A certain topic or situation is given to a group of candidates and they are expected to discuss the various aspects of the issue. It may be or may not be required to come to a decision on it, depending upon the instructions of the GTO. During the course of the group discussion the Group Task Officer observes each candidate- in his/her attitude as a member of the group, participation level, interaction with contemporaries, level of communication, reception to new ideas and view points alien to his/her own, ability to influence the group etc.

Lecturette: In this exercise each individual is given a choice of topics. Then each one is expected to speak on the chosen topic for 2-3 minutes during which his/her ability to speak extempore is observed and also the sequence of his thought processes. A logical, systematic sequence of thought, clarity of expression, way of holding oneself is all under review. A confident attitude, balanced views, easy flow and an easy stance are factors for success in this exercise. One should try not to fidget or move too much during the course of the lecture. Group Planning: A model of a real life practical situation is presented to a group of candidates and they are asked to arrive at a plan of action. Initially they are asked to write down their own plan of action and thereafter they are expected to go over the different views and arrive at a consensus or group action plan. This exercise evaluates the analytical ability of the candidates, their ability to function in a group, appreciate the situation and plan accordingly. It gives an opportunity for the group to select a leader or for a leader to emerge in the group. Then it remains to be seen whether the leader can come up with the necessary qualities to carry the group towards a solution to the problem. Apart from leadership qualities this exercise also studies the group interaction level of each candidate. Command Task: The exercise gives candidates an opportunity to assume command and get a task executed with the involvement of group members. The leader has to carefully select his/her team, assess the problem in hand and assign responsibilities to teammates. The exercise reveals the quality of leadership, the ability of a candidate to realize the potential of group members and the capacity to motivate others to accomplish a group activity. It is an exercise in alertness, tactical and administrative ability. It gives each one an opportunity to reveal his/her worth. Individual Obstacles: In this exercise a candidate's level of physical fitness is gauged through a series of obstacles and activities such as rope climbing, climbing walls, jumping, etc. The activities are of varying levels of difficulty and performance as well as attitude of the candidate towards a difficult task is assessed. The SSB does not expect a candidate to accomplish every task or at the first attempt. On the basis of performance and attitude the candidate's level of physical fitness is evaluated. Group Obstacles: Certain outdoor tasks are assigned to a group and they are expected to find a way out of the difficulties on the basis of group participation within the formulated rules. The exercise is an assessment of candidate participation in-group activities, planning and intelligent assessment of the situation put to the group. The Group Testing Apparatus thus reviews individual qualities in the context of a group.

Personal Interview: In this exercise the candidate is in direct conversation with the Interviewing Officer allotted to him/her. To put the candidate at ease, initial questions revolve around personal family background, hobbies, studies, friends, environment in which growing years have been spent.

The PIQ form of the candidate forms an important basis of the Interview. Some questions may relate to current happenings. Views on politics, religion, and nationalism may be sought from the candidate. Through real life situations the candidate's ability for common sense practical reasoning are analyzed. A balanced view with an intelligent assessment of the pros and cons is the best one. Attitude towards family, friends, sports, games, hobbies, etc. are analyzed on the basis of the answers. In the interview a number of factors count apart from the actual verbal responses. The whole process of the interview right from the point of entering the room, manner of greeting, stance, courtesy, power of expression, attitude, manner of speaking, handling of difficult questions, objectivity of answers, manner of listening to a question are all under review and assessment. Finally, One should never try to bluff or be inconsistent in views. A natural confident approach is the best. Ultimately it is the overall analysis of the individual's performance in the written examination in conjunction with the performance in the SSB tests. The list of recommended candidates are forwarded to the Medical Board. After clearing the Medical, and being successful in the Merit List, the candidate joins the training academy. For those who make it through this interesting challenge the future holds a lot of promise and national responsibility.

[edit] Some General Points

Candidates appearing for the first time for a particular type of entry are paid 2nd class to-and-fro journey fare from the place of their residence to the place where they have come for the interview. Accommodation and messing are free for the entire duration of their stay while undergoing SSB Tests. The recommended Air Force candidates are required to go to a different place for medical examination on the specified date. Air Force candidates who had applied for Pilot Entry have to first appear in Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT). Those who are rejected in P.A.B.T cannot re-appear for Air Force Pilot entry again, but are welcome for other services and entries.

[edit] Related Photos

[edit] External links

PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS Your Handwriting is the mirror to judge your quality. Write neatly and legibly.Since these tests are designed to calculate your IQ, try and complete,as many questions as possible; but at the same time, do not do so without thinking sufficiently. Even75% of the questions answered correctly will see you thorough. Since every test is co-related, be positive in what you write.Your pen picture should tally with your thoughts pen down.Since you are being compared with all other candidates your best performance will take you to your ultimate Goal. WAT Word Association Test: Write the first positive thought that comes to your mind.Time given is 15 seconds to write. The sentence need not be grammatically correct or the word used just to write a sentence. Remember this is not a Make a sentence type exam.This is designed to test your inner thoughts. So be careful in what ever you write. SRT (Situational Reaction Test) the tests contain day-to-day practical incidents that you will be facing in your real life.Write what actions you, Will be taking incase you are in those situations.There are no right or wrong answers; best approach is to write a positive yet a good citizen will do. Here your qualities such as Courage, helping attitude, empathy, responsibility, social interaction, boldness, honesty etc are tested. Write down the answers on a sheet of paper so thatyou can compare the same with some suggestions. (Never copy the suggestions for it might lead you to wrong conclusions) Please take the Practice test.



INDIVIDUAL & GROUP TASKS Story Writing Tips SSB Interview

Thematic Appreciation test The Thematic Story writing will be 12 in all. 11 of them are having some picture and one does not have any. You will get about 3 minutes for each story. Do not write stereotype stories. Try different theme for different stories. Remember you are the Hero; the aim should be to bring out leadership qualities of the hero through these stories. The Qualities that you are to project through your stories are:ALTERTNESS, AVAILABLITY FOR TASKS GOOD BEHAVIOUR CONSIDERATION COURGE DETERMIANTION DICISION MAKING ENDURANCE AND ENTHUSIASM FAIRNESS, FLEXIBILITY HONSETY, HARD WORK

INTEGRITY LOYALTY, LEADERSHIP. MANNERS PERSEVERANCE, PATRIOTISM RESOURCEFULNESS STRAIGHTFORWARDNESS SMARTNESS SUPPORTIVENESS TACT, TRUTHFULLNESS ZEAL Only during the perception test you are required to give The age, sex, mood, and number of group of the persons you see in the picture. Your story should such that it suits the picture yet tells The past is that what led to this situation What is happening in the picture? What will happen in the future?

Get rid of your belly fat!

TNN, Aug 17, 2010, 12.00am IST


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Tags:work out|flat abdominals|diet|belly fat

Get rid of you rbelly fat now (Getty Images)

Whether you have a major paunch or a tiny roundness and want to slim down, we have just the answers for you .

Looking for the simplest way to get rid of fat around your tummy? Go for this creative 20-minute fat-blasting workout and youll begin to see a toned tummy in just three weeks. Do them four times a week, with a day of rest in between. Work out Your legs are your scissors: Lie on your back with arms by your sides, legs raised, and toes pointing toward the sky. Flatten your lower back, engaging lower tummy muscles. Inhale while lowering your right leg, so your toes are in line with your nose. Exhale, switching your legs scissor-like, so your right leg lifts back up and your left comes down. (Dont touch the ground with your foot.) Do 3 sets of 810 reps.

Lie flat in front: Get on your knees and forearms with your elbows directly under your shoulders, fingers interlaced. Stretch your legs long, and come up on your toes into plank position. Exhale while twisting slightly to the left from your waist only. Inhale, returning to the starting position, then repeat on the opposite side. Do three sets of 10-12 reps. A ball-game: Look up at the ceiling, lie down on a stability ball, and drape your abs and hips over it. Place your hands on the ground in front of you, and walk them out until the ball rolls beneath your shins; contract your lower abs and lift your hips slightly, then slowly lower them down. Do three sets of 10-12 reps. Sleeping Buddha-pose: Lie on your left side with your legs straight and stacked on top of one another and your feet flexed. Rest your head on your straight left arm. Inhale while lifting both legs off the ground, then exhale while slowly lowering them until theyre about 1 inch off the ground. Do 10-12 reps, then switch sides and repeat to complete 1 set; do three sets. Major paunch: Do 3 sets of 15 bicycle crunches 2-3 times a week, plus 30-45 minutes worth of run-walk intervals (2 minutes each) 4-5 times a week. Youll notice a result in 4 weeks. Tiny roundness: Do 3 sets of 12-15 crunches on a stability ball 2-3 times a week to sculpt your tummy in 3 weeks. Eat this Major paunch: Cut or burn 500 calories and drink 2 cups of green tea daily as green tea alone helped exercisers drop ab fat in 12 weeks. Tiny roundness: Eat snacks with belly-busting monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) daily: 23 almonds, 6 olives, or 2 squares dark chocolate. MUFAs can reduce ab fat in a month. Fake it Major paunch: Dress in a way that your belly flat is kept hidden. Go for lacy camisoles to pull in and shape your middle, plus give your chest a lift. Tiny roundness: Get a belt thats at least 3 inches wide and made of a stiff material or leather. A belt that wont bend like a corset helps to hide your tummy.

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name given to the series of conflicts between India and Pakistan since 1947, when the Indian subcontinent was partitioned and the two countries became independent of Great Britain. The most violent outbreaks came in 194748, 1965, and 1971. The roots of the conflicts lie in the hostility between Hindus and Muslims and, initially, in the disposition of self-governing princely states. The 194748 War The first war arose over Kashmir, in NW India, in 1947 when Muslim subjects revolted and were supported by Pakistani troops. The Hindu ruler appealed to India for aid, agreeing to cede the state to India in return. India moved quickly to consolidate its position in Kashmir, pushing Pakistan's "volunteers" back. Conflicts also arose in the Punjab and in Bengal. The undeclared war in Kashmir continued until Jan. 1, 1949, when a truce was arranged through UN mediation; negotiations between India and Pakistan began and lasted until 1954 without resolving the Kashmir problem. Pakistan controlled part of the area, Azad (Free) Kashmir, while India held most of the territory, which it annexed in 1957. The 1965 War The second war began in Apr., 1965, when fighting broke out in the Rann of Kachchh, a sparsely inhabited region along the West PakistanIndia border. In August fighting spread to Kashmir and to the Punjab, and in September Pakistani and Indian troops crossed the partition line between the two countries and launched air assaults on each other's cities. After threats of intervention by China had been successfully opposed by the United States and Britain, Pakistan and India agreed to a UN-sponsored cease-fire and withdrew to the pre-August lines. Prime Minister Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri of India and President Ayub Khan of Pakistan met in Tashkent, USSR (now in Uzbekistan), in Jan., 1966, and signed an agreement pledging continued negotiations and respect for the cease-fire conditions. After the Tashkent Declaration another period of relative peace ensued. The 1971 War Indo-Pakistani relations deteriorated when civil war erupted in Pakistan, pitting the West Pakistan army against East Pakistanis demanding greater autonomy. The fighting forced 10 million East Pakistani Bengalis to flee to India. When Pakistan attacked Indian airfields in Kashmir, India attacked both East and West Pakistan. It occupied the eastern half, which declared its independence as Bangladesh, on Dec. 6, 1971. Under great-power pressure, a UN cease-fire was arranged in mid-December, after Pakistan's defeat. Pakistan lost its eastern half, an army of 100,000 soldiers, and was thrown into political turmoil. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto emerged as leader of Pakistan, and Mujibur Rahman as prime

minister of Bangladesh. Tensions were alleviated by the Shimla accord of 1972, and by Pakistan's recognition of Bangladesh in 1974, but tensions have periodically recurred. Bibliography See A. Lamb, Crisis in Kashmir, 19471966 (1966); W. N. Brown, The United States and India, Pakistan, Bangladesh (1972); S. Ganguly, The Origins of War in South Asia (1986); R. Sisson, War and Secession (1990). ____________________ The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition Copyright 2004, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. All rights reserved.

Sino-Indian War

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Sino-Indian War Part of Cold War

The Sino-Indian War (Hindi: - Bhrat-Chn Yuddh), also known as the Sino-Indian Border Conflict (simplified Chinese: ; traditional Chinese: ; pinyin: Zhng-Yn Binjng Zhnzhng), was a war between China and India that occurred in 1962. A disputed Himalayan border was the main pretext for war, but other issues played a role. There had been a The Sino-Indian War occurred between series of violent border incidents after the 1959 Tibetan India and China. uprising, when India had granted asylum to the Dalai Lama. India initiated a Forward Policy in which it placed Date October 20[1] - 21 outposts along the border, including several north of the November 1962 McMahon Line, the eastern portion of a Line of Actual Location South Xinjiang (Aksai Control proclaimed by Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai in 1959. Chin) and Arunachal The Chinese launched simultaneous offensives in Ladakh and across the McMahon Line on 20 October 1962, coinciding with the Cuban Missile Crisis. Chinese troops advanced over Indian forces in both theaters, capturing Rezang la in Result Chushul in the western theater, as well as Tawang in the eastern theater. The war ended when the Chinese declared a Territori ceasefire on 20 November 1962, and later withdrew from the al disputed area. changes The Sino-Indian War is notable for the harsh conditions under which much of the fighting took place, entailling largescale combat at altitudes of over 4,250 metres (14,000 feet).[7] This presented enormous logistics problems for both sides. The Sino-Indian War was also noted for the non-deployment of the navy or air force by either the Chinese and Indian sides
Pradesh (South Tibet, North-East Frontier Agency) Chinese military victory. No significant territorial change compared with prior to the war. China controls Tibet (excluding Tawang and area south of McMahon Line) and retains Aksai Chin area (de facto) and India controls North-East Frontier (South Tibet, Arunachal) area (de facto). Belligerents
December 4, 1971: The first rays of dawn had just illuminated Vizag harbour when Lieutenant Sridhar More steered

the INS Akshay out towards the open sea. War had broken out between India and Pakistan the previous day, but all was quiet on the eastern coast. At least until a few hours earlier when some fishermen had visited the Eastern Naval Command with pieces of wreckage and reported an oil slick. As the Akshay made its way to the spot, More saw an oil slick stretching out as far as the eye could see. The first of the divers who went down to investigate surfaced after a few minutes and gasped. "Sir, it's a submarine." A second diver was sent in. He surfaced half an hour later, excited. "I've felt the length of the submarine and its fin. The mouth is blown open." More punched out a signal to the Maritime Operations Room (MOR) in Vizag: "Have located bottomed submarine in position Dolphin light 110 4.1." Soon after the divers could make out the Urdu initials on the black shape, More flashed his second signal. "Confirmed submarine is Pakistani." Thumbing through his copy of Jane's Fighting Ships, More sized up Pakistan's fleet of four submarines. Three were the smaller French coastal submarines of the Daphne class, less than 200 ft long, and the fourth and largest one was the Ghazi. The divers estimated its length to be over 300 ft. More's third and last signal sent a ripple through the base: "It is the Ghazi.'' December 10, 2003:Exactly 32 years and a week later, Petty Officer Rajaram Dinkar Patil rappelled down a rope into the sea off Visakhapatnam. He was part of a team of 10 divers from the Eastern Naval Command, sent down for another look at an old enemy that had come so close and failed. As Patil switched on his underwater camera, the crew onboard the Gemini crowded around the monitor to see what he was seeing. The Ghazi, in death, was teeming with life. Its hull was covered with thousands of fishing nets. Patil relayed what would be the first publicly released footage of the last submarine to sink in a war. Footage that experts from submarine museums in the US, USS Cod in Cleveland and USS Torsk in Baltimore, helped India Today understand. Ghazi was still sitting on an even keel, but its thin outer hull had all but chipped away, exposing the steel skeleton which covered its internal pressure hull and its grid of pipes and fittings. The aft escape hatch was blown open and lay exposed to the sea. An 18-inch high bronze capstan, used for docking and torpedo loading, sat fastened to the deck, chalk white and coral-encrusted. "The fishing nets made it look like a trapped marine beast," says Commander Ajay Chauhan, command diving and special operations officer. The Ghazi had indeed fallen into and died in a net, a wartime ruse that killed it. November 14, 1971: Millions of refugees were fleeing into India from the Pakistan Army's rampage in the east. A fullscale war seemed only a matter of time. PNS Ghazi quietly cast its moorings and sailed out of Karachi harbour into the Arabian Sea with its crew of 93 men and crammed with food and ammunition. It had sailed out ostensibly for Chittagong in East Pakistan, but its real mission was known to only a few in the submarine directorate and probably just its captain, Zafar Muhammad Khan. The Ghazi, formerly USS Diablo, was built during World War II. It was leased to Pakistan in 1964 and rechristened Ghazi or "holy warrior" and was South Asia's first submarine. The 26-year-old steel shark's sinews may have been ageing but it still had phenomenal Pacific reach-it could stay out at sea for 75 days at a stretch and travel over 11,000 nautical miles (17,000 km). The pride of the Pakistan Navy now sailed to India's eastern coast to seek the aircraft carrier Vikrant in a gladiatorial contest. By November 23, the Ghazi had travelled over 2,200 nautical miles from Karachi to reach a patrol area codenamed Zone Mike-Madras. Vice-admiral Krishnan, the Flag Officer Commanding, Eastern Naval Command, was a maverick whose colourful language could make a seasoned sailor blush. In November 1971, he looked out to sea and was a worried man. The Eastern Fleet's aircraft carrier Vikrant was tasked with blockading East Pakistan from the sea but the vessel had a crack in its boiler which reduced its speed to just 16 knots and made it vulnerable to submarines. That was not all. Signal intercepts of the Pakistan Navy indicated an imminent deployment of the Ghazi in the Bay.

FITTING IN THE PIECES November 14, 1971: Pakistani submarine Ghazi leaves Karachi for Chittagong in East Pakistan. Its real mission is to target Indian aircraft carrier Vikrant. Fooled by an Indian ruse that Vikrant is in Vizag, Ghazi reaches the port town. December 3, 1971: War breaks out between India and Pakistan. But a mysterious blast sinks Ghazi off Vizag harbour. Three days later, Vikrant launches airstrike against East Pakistan. December 10, 2003: Indian Navy divers go down to examine the Ghazi in a bid to solve the decades-old puzzle. Underwater cameras take images of the vessel but the answer is still unclear. But the maverick admiral was also a master of ruses. In 1946, as the captain of the Royal Indian Navy frigate RINS Shamsher, Krishnan had fabricated an alarm for a downed aircraft off Mumbai, sailed out to hunt for this "aircraft" and ensured his men didn't join the naval mutiny raging in the city. Now, 25 years later, he had to pull off his best one yet. Krishnan did everything to let the enemy believe that the Vikrant was still in Vizag. He summoned Lt-Commander Inder Singh, the captain of INS Rajput, an ageing destroyer which was being sent to Vizag to be decommissioned. The wily Krishnan gave it and Inder Singh one last mission-the Rajput was to pretend to be the Vikrant, sail 160 miles out of Vizag harbour and generate heavy wireless traffic-which would lead the enemy to believe there was a large ship in the vicinity. He then falsely informed naval authorities in Madras that the carrier would be arriving there shortly. In Vizag, he began ordering huge quantities of rations-meat and vegetables-which indicated that the fleet was in harbour. He hoped that spies in the city would pick up and transmit this intelligence. The bait was snapped up. On November 26, 1971, the Ghazi's wireless room crackled with a terse message from the commodore, submarines: "Occupy Zone Victor with all despatch. Intelligence indicates carrier in port." Khan altered course and sped his submarine north. Zone Victor was Vizag. Reaching Vizag on November 27, the mechanical predator prowled perilously close to the Indian coast, looking for its quarry. December 3, 1971: Shortly after midnight on December 3, an explosion tore through the forward section of the Ghazi where torpedoes and mines were stored. The shockwave blew open the knife-shaped bow, crumpling the hull and cracking open watertight compartments. Seawater rushed in, snuffing out all the lights and drowning the crew. The submarine careened out of control and crashed to the seabed. GHAZI'S DOOMED MISSION How the Pakistani submarine came so close to the Indian coast but failed NOVEMBER 14, 1971: Ghazi leaves Karachi with a crew of 93. It sails for Chittagong but her real target is India's Eastern Fleet. NOVEMBER 23, 1971: Ghazi travels over 2,200 nautical miles to reach a patrol area codenamed Zone MikeMadras. NOVEMBER 26, 1971: Emergency declared in Pakistan. Ghazi commander gets signal to arm all torpedoes of the submarine. NOVEMBER 27, 1971: Ghazi reaches Vizag and prowls around unseen in the narrow channel looking for an opportunity to strike. DECEMBER 3, 1971: A massive explosion in the forward section of the Ghazi blows open its hull. Unable to escape, all 93 crew perish inside. DECEMBER 4, 1971: Indian Navy discovers wreckage after fishermen report oil slick off the Vizag port. Divers confirm identity of wreck. "At a depth of 30 m, a hole as small as 0.5 mm would let in 30 tonnes of water per hour, impossible to pump out,''

explains marine medicine specialist Surgeon Commander Sangram Singh Pundir. "The lucky crewmen would have died in the first few seconds, the unlucky ones in the aft section hours later when the air supply ran out.'' A few days later, divers blasted their way into the stricken submarine and brought to the surface six bloated bodies of Pakistani crewmen. One of the dead sailors, a Petty Officer Mechanical Engineer, had a wheel spanner tightly grasped in his fist. Another sailor had in his pocket a poignant letter written in Urdu to his fiancee. "I don't know if you will ever read this, but we are here separated by thousands of miles of sea... " Where was the Vikrant? Days before the Ghazi arrived off Madras, the carrier and her escorts had already sailed into "X Ray" a secret palm-fronded anchorage in the Andaman Islands nearly 1,000 miles away. Here, far from prying eyes, the fleet awaited the signal to strike at East Pakistan and enforce a complete sea blockade. On December 6 morning, three days after the sinking of the Ghazi, the Vikrant launched its first airstrike. How exactly did the Ghazi die? Official accounts of the Pakistan Navy say that it triggered off one of its own mines, but divers who studied the wreckage say the submarine must have suffered an internal explosion which blew up its mines and torpedoes. Another theory suggests an explosion of gases built up inside the submarine while its batteries were being charged. This too has been disputed since the bodies recovered were not charred. In the past three decades, the Indian Navy has made a series of attempts to unravel the puzzle but failed. The latest expedition was another bid to solve the enigma. "We would like to know what exactly happened to the Ghazi," says Vice-admiral (retd) Vinod Pasricha who converted the submarine Kursura and the Vikrant into maritime museums. "It would be of great historical value in the long term and would solve one of the last great mysteries of the 1971 war." Vice-admiral (retd) G.M. Hiranandani, whose book Transition to Triumph gives an exhaustive account of the sinking of the Ghazi, says the submarine almost certainly suffered an internal explosion but its causes are debatable. "The Pakistani account exonerates the poor condition of the submarine by saying it set off one of its mines, while the chauvinistic Indian version says the Rajput dropped depth charges sinking it." The truth about the Ghazi, which remains what the submarine community calls "on eternal patrol", lies somewhere in between. An internal blast finishes off one claim which the Indian Navy use to have that Vikrant taking out Ghazi. Last edited by Muradk; 06-10-2008 at 10:27 AM.

Role of NCC in India

An old Chinese proverb reads : For your country/If you plan for a year sow paddy/If you plan for a decade plant trees/If you plan for the future, nurture youth. This is where the National Cadet Corps (NCC) proves its significance. NCC inculcates in the youth a sense of nationalism and secular outlook that contributes towards the building of the nation. It also provides a platform for individual upliftment through the process of channelising the energy of the youth in constructive pursuits. Besides giving thrill and excitement, NCC promotes camaraderie and resilience and hones cultural skills to preserve the cultural traditions and values of the society. It helps the youth to realise the intimate relationship between man and the community, between community and nature and their inter-dependability. NCC was conceived in 1917 when India Defence Act was promulgated with an object of making up the deficiencies in the Armed Forces by raising the University Corps. In 1920, with the passage of India Territorial Act, University Corps was replaced by University Training Corps. In 1942, this Corps was rechristened University Officers Training Corps. In 1946, a committee under Pandit H N Kunzru was set up at the behest of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru to formulate the establishment of an organisation capable of training and motivating the youth of the country to become better citizens and leaders in all walks of life. Consequently, the National Cadet Corps came into being on July 16, 1948 with the promulgation of the NCC Act XXXI of 1948. NCC was placed under the Ministry of Defence. Overall supervision and policy formation for the functioning of this organisation rests with the Central Advisory Committee. The Minister of State for Defence is the Chairman of this committee. Constitution of the committee is as under : (a) Minister of State for Defence - Chairman. (b) Defence Secretary - Ex officio member. (c) Education Secretary - Ex officio member. (d) Three Service Chiefs - Ex officio members. (e) Financial Adviser Defence Services - Ex officio member. (f) Two members of Lok Sabha - nominated members. (g) One member from Rajya Sabha - nominated member. (h) Five non - official members nominated by the Central Government.

NCC is administered through the Ministry of Defence. The Defence Secretary, Ministry of Defence is responsible to ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of this organisation at the Ministry level. In the year 2000, the Central Advisory Committee modified the aims of NCC which read : - To develop qualities of character, courage, comradeship, discipline, secular outlook, spirit of adventure, sportsmanship and the ideals of selfless service among the youth to make them useful citizens. - To create a human resource of organised, trained and motivated youth, to provide leadership in all walks of life including the Armed Forces and always make them available for the service of the nation. - To create a suitable environment to motivate the youth to take up a career in the Armed Forces. NCC is a voluntary organisation for students of the schools and colleges. School students of the age of above 13 years can join as junior cadets and students from class XI and above, can join this organisation as senior cadets. This organisation from its humble beginning of 32500 senior cadets and 135000 junior cadets, has grown to above eleven lakhs cadets with 4.33 lakh senior cadets and 7.3 lakh junior cadets. While these figures seem big, they cover only a meagre 3.8 per cent student population of the country. The executive network of 745 units spreads from Leh in the Himalayas to the Nicobar Islands in the south and from the Rann of Kutch in the west to Kohima in the east. Presently, NCC coverage is provided to 4560 colleges and 7040 schools. Over 1400 schools and colleges are in the waiting list to join NCC. It was given an inter-service image when the Air Wing and Naval Wing were added to this organisation in 1952 and 1956 respectively. By 1960, demand for NCC had grown substantially. To meet this demand, an auxiliary corps was raised called National Cadet Corps Rifles. In 1963, NCC was made compulsory in all schools and colleges and the National Cadet Corps Rifles was merged with NCC. Considering the suggestions from the Vice-Chancellors of the universities, NCC was again made a voluntary organisation in 1968. As already mentioned, the Ministry of Defence with the Defence Secretary being the overall in charge of the NCC controls this organisation. At the Headquarters level, this organisation is headed by an officer of the rank of Lieutenant General. He is the Director General of the NCC. Two other

officers of the rank of Major General, five Brigadier level officers and other civil officials assist him. The Headquarters is located in Delhi. There are 16 Directorates located in the state capitals headed by an officer of the rank of a Brigadier from the three Services. Depending upon the size of the state and growth of NCC in the states, Directorates have up to 14 Group Headquarters under them through which they exercise their command and control of the organisation in the state. Group Headquarters have battalions and companies under their command through which the organisation functions. There are 91 Group Headquarters, 546 Army Wing Units, 58 Naval Wing Units and 58 Air Wing Units spread over the length and breadth of the country. At the school and college level, there are troops and companies that are headed by the teacher of the institution who is selected and trained to head the sub-unit. This person is called the Associate NCC Officer. There are two training establishments namely Officers Training School, Kamptee and Women Officers Training School, Gwalior. These two institutions train the school and college teachers selected to head the company/troop. Courses in these institutions range from 21 days to 90 days in duration. The Central Government covers the pay and allowances of the central government employees, NCC clothing, centralised camps, 50 per cent of the budget of all states camp and equipment for adventure activities like boats, gliders, horses etc. State governments finance the pay and allowances of the state employees, cadets refreshments and washing allowances, funds to train and pay the Associate NCC Officers and 50 per cent of the camp budget of state NCC camps. Personnel for the conduct of NCC activities include the service personnel, Associate NCC Officers and the civilian staff. Service personnel include officers, JCOs and NCOs. Officers formulate the policies and supervise their implementation. Associate NCC Officers, JCOs and NCOs are the implementing agencies. A cadet can continue in NCC for two years as a junior cadet and three years as a senior cadet. Each year of training consists of 150 periods and 120 periods for junior and senior division cadets respectively. Institutional training consists of service subjects, social subjects and subjects related to adventure activities and subjects promoting national integration. During training years, cadets get opportunity to attend various types of NCC camps. At the end of two years training, the cadets can appear for the certificate examinations. NCC plays a very dominant role in inculcating social ethos in the youth of the country. It undertakes various social service activities like aid to the administration in times of calamities, preservation of environment and ecology, blood donation campaigns, literacy programs and construction and cleanliness drives. To be successful in life, one has to be bold to take

calculated risk even at great discomfort. NCC develops these qualities in the youth by putting them through rigorous training including adventure activities. These activities develop special qualities of leadership, courage, comradeship and self-confidence. Adventure activities in the NCC include : mountaineering and trekking expeditions, rock climbing, para training and jumping camps, gliding, slithering, microlight flying, sailing, surfing, scuba diving, boat pulling etc. The Central Advisory Committee in November 1996 decided to include games and sports in the curriculum of the cadets training to make NCC more attractive. Disciplines included in this activity are athletics, football and volleyball. Youth Exchange Programmes between NCC of India and youth organisations of other countries are undertaken yearly. The Exchange Programme includes mutual visits up to 24 days in which cadets undertake billeting families, community work projects, educational activities etc. These projects develop mutual respect, adaptability, selfdiscipline, cross cultural learning and above all, love for ones country. India has Youth Exchange Programme with Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Canada, Maldives, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom and Vietnam. NCC trains the cadets to become responsive individuals, sensitive to the needs of the community. This active participation teaches dignity of labour and ignites the creative instinct that lies latent in the youth. This is achieved through the scientifically planned NCC curriculum. It aims at developing a new work of ethos characterised by hard work, sincerity of purpose and the ideals of selfless service with a secular outlook.

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