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is copyright? Copyright is having the right to copy. If I write a song, then only I have the right to copy Copy means to multiply in other words it can mean to manufacture How can copyright generate money? Having the right to copy can generate money. So if I have the right to copy my song I have written I then have to assign the write to copy over to someone else. I.e. a record label A record label then pays me for the song, but I get a percentage of royalties for each copy sold. If the label paid me 15,000 for my song, then I would recoup when the sales have hit 15,000. Each single cost is 1.80 and I get 10% for each single sold after it has recouped 15,000 so I get 10p for each single as 8p goes towards the label. Justin Bieber has a hit with my song I have wrote. It has to sell 8,333 copies till I can start making money It sells 1,400,000 copies. 1,400,000 8,333 = 1,391,667 x 10p = 13,916,670 in my pocket Lovely! But that is just an example of how copyright can make you money.


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